League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
Trinity is so crazily good right now I worry it's on the verge of going full circle and becoming a trap item again. I just envision every bronze and silver tank rushing the thing and exploding in every team fight.


Potato del Grande
What adc would the higher ranked people recommend for solo q in silver (from V to gold V)? I was going to pick up jayce but I have enough top/mid chars that I can play well already so I want one for bot lane (esp. considering my bot lanes have gotten absolutely raped in every game i've played since getting silver 5 (9 out of 10 losses, trolls everywhere, 2 leavers in a row after feeding last 2 games etc).

I'm thinking maybe caitlyn but figured i'd see what opinions are on best overall adc at lower ranks (own most of them already so it doesn't have to be cait).
Yup. Prepare for the onslaught of Hecarim/Shen/Phoenix Udyr's rushing triforce as their first item instead of using it to fill out a build as a third item. I think its once again the strongest dps item in the league from an all around standpoint. The increased damage proc and the move speed is just... wow really. I mean people used to complain about not being able to kite a trinity force user once they hit you because of the slow procs. Now however the rest of your team can't run either because your death gives such a huge movement speed burst to that Jax or Irelia. The phage proc by its lonesome is amazing in lane. Last hit a creep and get the burst of speed to harass and get away with... or getting ganked burst a creep down and run away chuckling. Its a bit absurd.

edit for Wizardhawk: If you out skill your opponents usually then learn Vayne and Ezreal. Those two allow for you to mechanically beat your opponents in lane and a fed vayne can just demolish and enemy team whenever her ult is up because most silver players pre silver 1 don't run oracles on the person diving vayne or drop a pink ward to counter her tumble bullshit. If you don't out skill the opponents then play Cait or Ashe. Both farm well, are pretty safe in lane and come with the utility + damage if you position properly late.


Vyemm Raider
i'd consider trinity if i was more concerned w/ my damage. iceborn is more defense and the effect of aoe slow i like more than buffing my own speed. when chasing, it usually not a problem for me to chase anyone down, more useful for the entire enemy team to be slowed in team fights.

i'd still buy glacial shroud, especially when facing melee. so if i went trinity, i'd go frozen heart. lot more gold and not much more tank stats.

caitlyn is good at all ELO. her range makes her save in lower elo if your 'support' is bad. she's great damange, escapes, etc. she loses hard to trist & vayne late, but so do the rest.


Molten Core Raider
what can he do Morg doesnt do better? Or anivia?

Swains vamp is on his ult. Morgs is on everything.
His aoe root is ok. but the damage vs cooldown and its delay is questionable.
a 1second delay with 2 second root. 240 damage scaling at .7ap. 125 radius. 900 range 18-10s cd.
Brands pof. .75s delay. 255 damage, .6ap scaling. and 250 radius. (+25% damage to blazed targets) 900 range. 10s cd
cho's rupture. .625s delay. 305 damage with 1ap scaling. 175 radius. 1s knockup AND 60% slow for 3s. 925 range. 9s cd (Rupture is kindof op.)

At rank 1, nevermore is complete trash. Rank 5 and with alot of AP its.. ok. But not really comparable to other ap AOE's. Anivia, cass Nami, lux? Nami's wins too. Lux's lucent singularity is about on par for damage/cd. and slow is weaker then root. so there, nevermore is probably better then lucent singularity. iceball wins. and cass's miasma is probably too different to really compare. if they stand it in, its stronger, if they don't weaker. but it also sets up twin fang of course.

His Q and E are both single target. 625 range.
A full duration Q only scales at .9. which is kindof bad considering you can just walk out of it. 255 full duration .9full duration. slow. 625 cast. 900 range for effect.
Morgs Q dark binding is 300 damage, .9AP scaling, and 1300 range. Does require line of sight to hit.

Torment I think is the worst. Mediocre 4s dot. that increases swains damage to a single target by 20% Brand, Leblanc, and xeranth have stuns from chaining spells. This thing on a 10s CD in no way comes close to kill secure those stuns do. it even only has a 625 range. Why? It should chain targets on death, and/or have a huge range imho.

Ravenous flock. sustained aoe damage at point blank. 75% spell vamp. This is.. ok. A karthus, anivia, and cass can all shell out a ton of sustained aoe damage. And with the proliferation of spell vamp in the game, its easier for them to do that as well.
All 4 have been hugely buffed by the +mana items. Chalice was kindof secretly OP, BEFORE athene's was added. Now that it upgrades into an AP/CDR item. wow.
Morg's ult is faily comparable as well. While not sustained. she can run in. ult hit all 5 champs with heavy damage. then if she lives for 3s another huge damage burst, and a 1.5s stun. His is only 3 targets. hers all 5 potentially.
his is 50/70/90 +.2 ap/s.
hers is 175/250/325 +.7ap. and again at the end.
so hers does more damage instantly, then his will do over 3 seconds. 150/210/270 and .6ap so her ult is FAR more powerful in team fights. its more damage, it slows, its all 5 champs, and can stun.
His ult is what, a farming tool? If nevermore wasn't such a pos, he wouldn't need his ult to farm.

He is a damage over time champ with little CC. That really has little place in the League. no burst, no CC, no range. while there are other champs that have those things, AND the same sustain, dot.
I don't find swain all that great when comparing to others.
If I wanted a champ with an aoe sustain ult. I would take anivia. because she also has a stun on call. higher aoe damage. And higher burst.
The entire package is morg.
Cass and xerath have more aoe, and more range. cass can cast forever.
brand, viegar, etc are better bursters.
I play Swain alot and imo he is underrated. I can tell some of what you are saying here is misguided since you compare Swain to Cass, Anivia, Xerath, Karthus, LB, Brand, etc. Swain is incredibly strong in 1 or 2 particular play styles but kinda mediocre in most others and it sounds like you either discount those play styles or just didn't account for them. Also, saying Swain has little CC is just flat-out wrong. The way you succeed with Swain is by building him as a sustain bruiser. In my opinion he is one of the best AP mids at peeling for the adc and killing other bruisers. Diving into the enemy back line to kill their carries can be done but, as you pointed out, mage assassins are better suited to this. Swain should be on the back line or in between the front line and the adc poking with his E + Q combo and CC'ing tanks and anti-carries with Q + W.

Q is a 4 second slow and with 40% cdr it's cool down is 4.8 seconds. The damage is meh until you max your E but a 40% slow on short cooldown is incredibly good cc, especially when you have a Jax, Xin, Udyr,etc. going full bore at your adc. Also, Q makes landing W much easier.

W is Swain's way to clear minion waves and it's kinda inefficient. But even at level 4-5, landing a W usually means an easy kill in lane because it generally means your target is taking full dmg from Q and from your auto attacks. Much like Cho'gath's Q, you can CC an entire enemy team with it for an effective disengage, respectable but not spectacular aoe dmg, or to peel for the adc.

E (along with his ult) is Swain's bread and butter. First, the base damage at rank 5 is 235 (compare to Annie's Q at 245) and it has a .8 ratio (compare to Annie's Q at .7). This spell is just plain good. It hits hard and it increases all your damage by 20% including damage from items and summoner spells which is HUGE. This means that ignite, DFG, Liandry's, and your auto attacks get a 20% increase in damage as well.

R is pretty straight forward: it's an aoe dot that has 75% spell vamp built into it. It also counts as 3 single target spells for items like Rylai's and the red boots upgrade.

Swain's strength is that his strength stays hidden through most of the game. But even so, a 5 item late game swain carries games hard and if needed, Swain's E + Q + W + ignite will 100-0 an adc with a BT/BoTRK just like a full LeBlanc combo. RoA + Athene's or Archangels is his core build. I will often build all 3 but after that, Liandry's provides a huge damage spike (especially late game), and Zonya's lets you tank more since your ult continues to heal you through the duration. Once or twice I've built a wota and a Spirit Visage and it made me effectively invincible. I 1v3'd three level 18s, killed one and disengaged without dying then, without recalling to base (hai2u Athene's passive) I 1v4'd while my team was doing baron and tanked 2 rounds of cooldowns without dying before my team showed up and aced them (iirc my build was boots, RoA, Athenes, Archangels, Wota, Spirit Visage). There is no way Morgana or Anivia could do that.



what can he do Morg doesnt do better? Or anivia?

Swains vamp is on his ult. Morgs is on everything.
His aoe root is ok. but the damage vs cooldown and its delay is questionable.
a 1second delay with 2 second root. 240 damage scaling at .7ap. 125 radius. 900 range 18-10s cd.
Brands pof. .75s delay. 255 damage, .6ap scaling. and 250 radius. (+25% damage to blazed targets) 900 range. 10s cd
cho's rupture. .625s delay. 305 damage with 1ap scaling. 175 radius. 1s knockup AND 60% slow for 3s. 925 range. 9s cd (Rupture is kindof op.)

At rank 1, nevermore is complete trash. Rank 5 and with alot of AP its.. ok. But not really comparable to other ap AOE's. Anivia, cass Nami, lux? Nami's wins too. Lux's lucent singularity is about on par for damage/cd. and slow is weaker then root. so there, nevermore is probably better then lucent singularity. iceball wins. and cass's miasma is probably too different to really compare. if they stand it in, its stronger, if they don't weaker. but it also sets up twin fang of course.

His Q and E are both single target. 625 range.
A full duration Q only scales at .9. which is kindof bad considering you can just walk out of it. 255 full duration .9full duration. slow. 625 cast. 900 range for effect.
Morgs Q dark binding is 300 damage, .9AP scaling, and 1300 range. Does require line of sight to hit.

Torment I think is the worst. Mediocre 4s dot. that increases swains damage to a single target by 20% Brand, Leblanc, and xeranth have stuns from chaining spells. This thing on a 10s CD in no way comes close to kill secure those stuns do. it even only has a 625 range. Why? It should chain targets on death, and/or have a huge range imho.

Ravenous flock. sustained aoe damage at point blank. 75% spell vamp. This is.. ok. A karthus, anivia, and cass can all shell out a ton of sustained aoe damage. And with the proliferation of spell vamp in the game, its easier for them to do that as well.
All 4 have been hugely buffed by the +mana items. Chalice was kindof secretly OP, BEFORE athene's was added. Now that it upgrades into an AP/CDR item. wow.
Morg's ult is faily comparable as well. While not sustained. she can run in. ult hit all 5 champs with heavy damage. then if she lives for 3s another huge damage burst, and a 1.5s stun. His is only 3 targets. hers all 5 potentially.
his is 50/70/90 +.2 ap/s.
hers is 175/250/325 +.7ap. and again at the end.
so hers does more damage instantly, then his will do over 3 seconds. 150/210/270 and .6ap so her ult is FAR more powerful in team fights. its more damage, it slows, its all 5 champs, and can stun.
His ult is what, a farming tool? If nevermore wasn't such a pos, he wouldn't need his ult to farm.

He is a damage over time champ with little CC. That really has little place in the League. no burst, no CC, no range. while there are other champs that have those things, AND the same sustain, dot.
I don't find swain all that great when comparing to others.
If I wanted a champ with an aoe sustain ult. I would take anivia. because she also has a stun on call. higher aoe damage. And higher burst.
The entire package is morg.
Cass and xerath have more aoe, and more range. cass can cast forever.
brand, viegar, etc are better bursters.
Granted, I'm not that up to date with the current meta but what you just did was picking different heroes working different roles and comparing them. That's not how Swain works. As someone said, he's kinda niche but if you give Swain farm (and he's an excellent lane bully against fragile, mana dependant or skillshot based heroes) he'll toggle his ult and waddle in the middle of the teamfight and AoE CC (Rylai and Nevermove, lazerbird for the carry) while dealing respectable damage over time and, most importantly, not giving a single fuck about CC. Cause his ult just keeps on running and that damage stacks up quickly (throw a Liandri's in the mix for sheer pleasure).
I honestly like him for his nicheness, from the top of my head the only other AP bruisers I can think of are Cho and Lyssandra.


Avatar of War Slayer
Granted, I'm not that up to date with the current meta but what you just did was picking different heroes working different roles and comparing them. That's not how Swain works. As someone said, he's kinda niche but if you give Swain farm (and he's an excellent lane bully against fragile, mana dependant or skillshot based heroes) he'll toggle his ult and waddle in the middle of the teamfight and AoE CC (Rylai and Nevermove, lazerbird for the carry) while dealing respectable damage over time and, most importantly, not giving a single fuck about CC. Cause his ult just keeps on running and that damage stacks up quickly (throw a Liandri's in the mix for sheer pleasure).
I honestly like him for his nicheness, from the top of my head the only other AP bruisers I can think of are Cho and Lyssandra.
Morgana. who also "ignores CC", bullies lanes, out farms, deals more damage. Aoe slows without rylais. and an ult that does significantly more damage over a much much shorter period of time. 3seconds in her ult will deal more damage then 10seconds in his.

And abilities can be compared. Yes you need to look at the entire set for the whole picture, but each skill still can be looked at. We can look at the rest of those aoe's I listed, and compare them to each other, and they all fit within a +/-.
Same with mentioning each champ. Swain vs morg. Swain has the advantage of constant casting. while her ult while much much stronger when up, is a long cooldown. And her damage is also largely packed into her Q. So this is where cass and Anivia comparisons can be made. who each have constant aoe damage capability. if that is the niche you want for swain, they both do it better. while swain can melee it up. those two can do it from range. Anivia also does not have to worry about CC, and can build a bit more tanky. while cass is much better if she avoids CC. although has the option of raw damage glass cannon, or tanky+spell vamp as well if she wants.

"E (along with his ult) is Swain's bread and butter. First, the base damage at rank 5 is 235 (compare to Annie's Q at 245) and it has a .8 ratio (compare to Annie's Q at .7). "
Annie's Q has a 4s cooldown with NO CDR. Swains torment is 10s. 2.4s vs 6s with 40% cdr. she can cast it 2.5 times for every 1 of swains E's. That is not a favorable comparison at all.
Swain NEEDS his E just to be on par with everyone else. otherwise hes underpowered. Compared to say Annie's stun. or as I noted Brands/leblanc, etc. Who, when they land their stuns, its probably instant death for you.

(PS Annie's molten shield buff is pretty crazy, and she can be an effective bruiser as well)

Given the choice, I would take morgana for any role swain would be for. if shes banned. Anivia.


Just gonna throw this out there but if anyone is interested in getting boosted to gold for the season 3 rewards, send me a PM. My pricing is very reasonable and I work fast.
Not to sound like a raving Ebay review, but this guy is awesome. He delivered on this pretty quick, and super reasonably priced. He even duo queued with some folks on my friends list. I also ended up getting some nice lessons, since I primarily jungle as well. There was no way I was going to manage to get gold solo/duo queue this season with my work cycle, and I really wanted the Elise skin.


Bronze Squire
I personally feel ya'll are putting too much emphasis on Swain's sustain as if much of the meta today isn't filled with burst champs. I always did like Swain, I just feel as others do that there are just better champs or champs that do his role better.

I was bored and play AP Janna top yesterday messing around wanting to show my friend the skin. Boy was that singed mad when I destroyed him.


Smurf in gold now. anyone who wants duoing in silver lemme know. Can't derank so I don't care how bad we get in the games.


A Man Chooses....
Hit silver 2 today, won the first game there and now on a 4 game losing streak. Bleh. Today every AD I play with when supporting is either an insane person or incredible passive, no in between.


Molten Core Raider
Swain is good for one thing, he absolutely shits on Fizz and the little blue terror is becoming more prevalent lately.
This is also true. It's surprising how many times people have raged at me in champ select when I counterpick Fizz with Swain: "OMG DON'T YOU KNOW HIS W HARD COUNTERS YOUUUUUUUU?!?!?!"

I have literally never lost vs Fizz as Swain.


What adc would the higher ranked people recommend for solo q in silver (from V to gold V)?
I think I had a 75% win rate with Ezreal in silver. When you're playing with people who don't know how to teamfight (basically every game in silver) he can provide his own peel and his elusiveness is second to none. The only problem with Ez is you need to ban Vayne. If she gets a kill early for whatever reason and isn't massively retarded then the lane is over.

If Vayne isn't banned and they've picked her then I'll pick Tristana because late game Trist can attack-move to enemy nexus and win the game. Trist also beats Vayne early.

I'm not going to recommend Caitlyn because fuck that champion.

I've honestly found the best advice is to play what you enjoy. Figure out which ADC suits your playstyle, practice it and then play it to death in ranked. For me, that's Ezreal. I am cautious to a fault and only commit when I know I can win. If you like going ham then maybe try Draven or Corki.

Anyway, hopefully something in this rambling ass post has helped a bit. Good luck.


Golden Squire
Awhile back I posted that I had a PAX Twisted Fate code that I want to sell. I've been doing pricing research on it but there is one thing I don't get. Some eBay auctions say NA only and others say EUWest only. Is this referring to the fact that the code can be used once in NA then once again in EUWest and that these people have already used the code for one of the regions and want to sell it for the other?

I am also very confused by the price variance of the skin on eBay. Sometimes it goes for $400+, then thereis the mmerchants who regularly sell a single region code for $250. Right now I am thinking my never used code is in the $350 range?

Anyone have advice?


Potato del Grande
What runes would you run on Ezrael? 95% of the ones I see just have pure ad runes which does kind of work early making his q hit hard as fuck. Also, masteries? I'm assuming 21-0-9? Blue Ez doesn't really appeal to me too much I usually prefer to get normal ADC items on him (bthirster etc) but don't adc enough to really know what I should go for on him.