League Of Legends


Clamping never made any sense. Introducing an extra layer of complexity that people hated to provide a barrier that's stated purpose is to keep people on streaks from advancing was retarded. If you can once again decay down a full tier from losses and they are expanding challenger and removing clamping than just go back to Elo.
Agree completely. Need to hear more on what it takes to get demoted out of a tier.


2 Minutes Hate
He is a bit better in a solo lane than he used to be. his turrets get stomped still but overall they are so much cheaper to cast now its not nearly as painful as it used to be to recast the things. That and rockets to the face keep people pretty honest. He had such a bad rep for so long its going to take a while before people play him. He also has a really odd playstyle a lot slower and more methodical than a lot of other champs which does not appeal to everybody.
I really like Heimer top lane because I can slowly push the lane up there and sustain with shield/passive. I also really like using RQ instead of RW because that turret really hurts. If someone goes all in against me I can usually either win, or at least trade a K/D. Top lane also has the benefit of getting ganked from only in one direction. I also run 10% CDR from masteries and run shield -> seekers -> Morellos. Then I go full Rabs into DFG if I have enough time in the game.

One thing to note while his burst is huge he still is pretty vulnerable to what he was always vulnerable to which is brusiers/assassins with dashes. Its pretty easy still to pounce and murder heimer. He is squishy and still pretty slow and his spells are on pretty long cool downs. If he does not kill you or nearly kill you with his big burst then he is dead meat as other than turrets there is nothing to follow it up with.
Heimer isn't super squishy if you build him like above (assuming AD). I've survived an all in from a level 2 Riven but they were pretty bad.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I can see that build now. Before heimer was such a mana whore it was hard to start him without going some kinda mana item. Now given the adjusted costs I could see starting shield>seekers which would help his initial squishyness issue.


Molten Core Raider

Didn't expect to win my first promo series for plat, especially after losing the first 2 games. I am now 58% win rate with Amumu (98 games) and 60% win rate with Poppy (16 games). /flex



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Grats man, I bet the other team thought it would be freelo after seeing Poppy+Sion, lol.


2 Minutes Hate
Yeah I lolkinged the guy, and it was AP which should of been obvious since there was a Poppy there and Poppy runs top.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think I've only played Sion like once or twice in my life and both times I'd just go full AP. Pretty sure both times I absolutely dominated. Although I think this was before he got some AP Ratio nerfs? He's so boring to play as AP but damn his burst is sick. (or at least was?) He had 1.0(maybe even higher?) ratios on both his shield and his stun, then add in DFG + Lich bane and it was GG.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah Sion was full AP. Everyone was joking in champ select about our comp so we started the game in a silly mood and decided to just go ham and invade. Naturally I picked E and landed my wall slam on Zyra while she was trying to ward our red and got FB. I also landed a stun on xerath at their wolf camp and made him burn flash so Sion did a lvl 3 all in with flash ignite and got an early kill and snowballed like hell. He rushed a blasting wand, then boots of swiftness with speed upgrade, then proceeded to roam and carry the game REAL hard. I got to lane with a vamp scepter 2 pots and a ward while Jayce started faerie charm and a bunch of hp and mana pots so I won pretty easily (I had basic boots, trinityforce, and gunblade by 14:30). I ended up 7/0 and I think Sion was like 9/1. Good times.

Side note: Thresh has topped Soraka for my favorite support when playing Poppy. There were two teamfights where I initiated with my ult, dove and got a double kill and got yanked to safety via lantern without dying. So much fun.
Before he got nerfed AP sion was an early to mid game one man wrecking crew. Get a couple of dorans or a blasting wand and mobo boots for your first buy. Proceed to two shot everything as you clear a wave with one W, run to another lane and gank. Then get back before the wave pushes back. Loved it. His power fell off a cliff late game though once people got some mr.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah I used to mid Sion a ton as AP. So fun to basically just wander back and forth ganking everything. Had to win before 35 minutes or so though or you eventually become practically useless. So hard to get shields to go off late game.


2 Minutes Hate
His stun is still useful late game because of the cooldown. But late game he's good as a distraction because of his ult. He can stay alive a decent amount of time.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
His ult won't help an AP Sion that much and kiting/cc is more dominant late game which will prevent him from doing much.


Golden Squire
AD Sion is an absolute monster too if he gets farmed up. Luckily with the way top lane is these days it is very hard for AD Sion to get farm.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
AD Sion is best champ in the game if you're smurfing or playing with new friends or whatevs. Hydra + Sion ult is the most lulzy shit the game has to offer.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
From my experience AD Sion>>AP Sion late game, especially when it comes to teamfights. Full build (or near full build) AD Sion is unstoppable and I'd be surprised if there is a single melee champ that could 1vs1 him. MAYBE Jax with ignite.