League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
I always hoped Sion would get a small buff and they would remove the health per attack cost on auto attacks when Enrage is toggled on. The anti-sustain it provides is a real problem.

In S1 Sion was my most played champion and at the time I thought that he could always be my old standby because he wasn't ever likely to get nerfed. Then he got some small buffs to his mana pool and was given MR per level. Then came the dark times. Shield nerfed multiple times in multiple ways, stun nerfed multiple times in multiple ways, character left almost untouched, then ratio nerfs to shield and stun after Dyrus makes Sion popular again in some tournament game. On the 15th it will be the two year anniversary since those nerfs and the last time Sion has been mentioned in a patch.

It always angers up my blood when a mediocre champion sits completely untouched for a long period of time.


Molten Core Raider
AD Sion is best champ in the game if you're smurfing or playing with new friends or whatevs. Hydra + Sion ult is the most lulzy shit the game has to offer.
Yeah AD Sion's ult with Hydra and Ruined King is LOL. Similarly, 40% spell vamp + spirit visage Swain is pretty funny too.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I always hoped Sion would get a small buff and they would remove the health per attack cost on auto attacks when Enrage is toggled on. The anti-sustain it provides is a real problem.

In S1 Sion was my most played champion and at the time I thought that he could always be my old standby because he wasn't ever likely to get nerfed. Then he got some small buffs to his mana pool and was given MR per level. Then came the dark times. Shield nerfed multiple times in multiple ways, stun nerfed multiple times in multiple ways, character left almost untouched, then ratio nerfs to shield and stun after Dyrus makes Sion popular again in some tournament game. On the 15th it will be the two year anniversary since those nerfs and the last time Sion has been mentioned in a patch.

It always angers up my blood when a mediocre champion sits completely untouched for a long period of time.
I hear you.. It's probably a mixed blessing though as I haven't been a big fan of the reworks so far. Original Karma was by far my favorite champ and imho pure OP with the right comp or in experienced hands. Whatever people may have *thought* about her, I still think she had the most unique kit in the league and was a shitton of fun to play. Her rework butchered her to the point where she doesn't even play anything like the original champ anymore. Morello's response being that she was unfixable and had to be remade, but the real truth is he hated her passive ("free power".. Derp) and couldn't stand her AoE heal (healing=no fun for enemy team!). I swear I would groin punch both Scarizard and Morello if ever given the chance.


Tranny Chaser
Yeah, I had typed a little about Karma in that post and deleted it. That's exactly what is going to happen to Sion. We are going to get a completely new character with new abilities that is named Sion. I like new Karma just fine but I also really, really liked old Karma. Evelyn's remake made sense and Heimerdinger's revamp is excellent but the complete deletion of AP Sion is not something I am for. I also don't believe that Karma was unfixable. There are a zillion little ways to tweak a character and even small buffs have a duo benefit. They put a champion's name in the patch notes and that helps remind players that a character exists. The cast is pretty fucking big right now and if the last change a champion got was a nerf two years ago why would anyone bother playing them now?


A Man Chooses....
Alright, I am 60 points in Silver 1 with 4 days to go after going 1-9 right after losing a promo series. I am going to get gold goddamnit. It's go time.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Yeah, I had typed a little about Karma in that post and deleted it. That's exactly what is going to happen to Sion. We are going to get a completely new character with new abilities that is named Sion. I like new Karma just fine but I also really, really liked old Karma. Evelyn's remake made sense and Heimerdinger's revamp is excellent but the complete deletion of AP Sion is not something I am for. I also don't believe that Karma was unfixable. There are a zillion little ways to tweak a character and even small buffs have a duo benefit. They put a champion's name in the patch notes and that helps remind players that a character exists. The cast is pretty fucking big right now and if the last change a champion got was a nerf two years ago why would anyone bother playing them now?
There's a 1000 page long thread that was moved from GD to Champion Feedback concerning people's distaste over the Karma rework. What started out as a "hey, this champ doesn't look or play anything like her old self, can we have some of that back please?" was responded with by Morello/Scarizard with basically a big "STFU, her kit was toxic. Her passive was free power and led to her relying on baiting, which offers no counterplay. Her tether created a burden of knowledge (lol) on teammates having to understand how it worked". Of course then they released Thresh's lantern mechanic Derp..

Nobody got me as many thank you's and complements as when I played Karma, nor as many curses from the enemy team. Dropping a 700HP shield followed by a 300HP heal on a near dead Xin allowing him to go from certain death to 1vs2'ing felt great. Getting dived with 100 health and getting a double kill because of your passive made me feel giddy.

RIP Karma

GPL - SGS (Singapore Sentinels) vs SAJ (Saigon Jokers) w/ Taiwan Commentators - YouTube


Tranny Chaser
Not taking bait is counterplay. Gah, I hate those terms so fucking much. Toxic needs to die in a fire. I would drown that word in turpentine if it would be so kind as to manifest in physical form.

I've spoken with Morello in person and I don't have a single negative thing to say about him in the flesh but I despise his online behavior/persona.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Not taking bait is counterplay. Gah, I hate those terms so fucking much. Toxic needs to die in a fire. I would drown that word in turpentine if it would be so kind as to manifest in physical form.

I've spoken with Morello in person and I don't have a single negative thing to say about him in the flesh but I despise his online behavior/persona.
Well, if you ever run into Guinsoo there's hundreds of people who would love to get the REAL story of what happened with her rework. He was working on Karma for months, sharing details on his Twitter and was committed to keeping her core kit and playstyle intact. Then he totally dropped off the radar and the next thing we know less than two months later her model is leaked and Scarizard is revealed to be her new designer and he took things in a totally different direction. There are rumors including everything from Morello insisting that her heal/passive be gutted and Guinsoo disagreeing, to Guinsoo having some sort of mental breakdown..


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Blaming Morello is the safe bet. That fuck is the fucking milquetoast of balance and won't be happy until everything in the game is completely homogenized to within 5% of everything else. Lolz there has to be COUNTERPLAY, otherwise it's just a TOXIC ability that players can't use any COUNTERPLAY on. They need to have COUNTERPLAY. COUNTERPLAY, TOXIC TOXIC, COUNTERPLAY.

About sums up everything Morello ever posts.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Morello is dumb. Lost respect for h when he claimed the counterplay for vayne is to send 2 people to kill her. He uses buzzwords much like any useless program manager does in corporate america. They also completely character assasinates nasus.. I hate his rework it just homogenized his chaeracter between renekton and warwick.


Tranny Chaser
Vayne's a good example of just being stubborn. "% of max health true damage isn't the problem!" "Her win rate isn't very good!"

She's not fucking fun to play against. Itemizing against her is very, very difficult. The second she buys BotRK, no matter how shit the rest of her laning phase went, she's a monster.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Vayne is only not fun to play against because of how slippery she is. Especially when you try to duel her in a side lane and she's in and out of bushes, going invis, able to stun you into walls, etc etc etc. I swear the only other champion that is as slippery as her was Blue Ez, which thank god nobody plays that anymore because if they were good you could not catch them ever.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I do fear riot is going to "spreadsheet based design" with league (much like blizzard did with wow). At some point you need to realize you can't just spreadsheet everything and some attributes are impossible to "calculate". A spreadsheet can never replace a true game designer.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The problem with having a cash-cow game is that they dont want to risk killing the cow...

So changes can easily end up bland.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Well, the problem is that the champ design, both with new released and with reworks, is that unique skills are being eliminated in favor of a homogenized skillset. They've realized that things like Blitz's grab, Thresh's lantern, Karma's old tether, Teemo's shrooms (or traps in general), and stealth of any type makes the issue of balancing more difficult. Then throw in the fact that Morello's vision of supports no longer includes healing of any significance, and you now have an entire class that is becoming more "mage" than "support". I mean every melee now has a gap closer of some type, and every ADC has some sort of anti-gap closer/escape.


Tranny Chaser
Riot is totally willing to take big chances and at the same time completely unwilling to take big chances. It's strange. They'll push the envelope with champion design while simultaneously stubbornly refusing to doanythingwith others on the cast. Dominion got this huge push at its release and then just nothing. Twisted Treeline gets a full revamp and its still officially in beta. Meanwhile the S4 changes look like they are going to shake up the whole game.

I don't understand the company at all really.


A Man Chooses....
First game of the evening and I get a guy who disconnects literally 15 times. This is mission impossible.


Molten Core Raider
Here is aseason 4 mastery calculatorto mess around with. Looks to me like the defense tree is a little stronger than the others in the deeper tiers, but overall I don't think going 21 points into any one tree is going to be as necessary as before.


Tranny Chaser
The only things that I'm not liking are the amount of utility talents that involve gold and the 21 point talent. Wanderer is really, really crappy for a 21 point. There must be a reason they are doing away with +3% MS all the time but I would much rather have that over 5% out of combat.