League Of Legends


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Massive incompetence is generally the answer. Also, the PBE is a huge joke and is 99% trolls and kids there for free skins.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They changed the PBE a few weeks ago. It's limited access now, no more everybody having permanent accounts. They only activate a certain amount of accounts when they actually have things to test.


Lord Nagafen Raider
god dammit, been playing nothing but all for one with 3 other RL friends tonight. It's too much fun. Went Ezreal > Alistar > Heimer > Lux so far lol. I love it.

Mr. Clean_sl

Started this up about a week ago. Today I had my first multi-kill fight and it was a blast! LEGENDARY! only died 4 times. I have been playing Miss Fortune. If anyone has some time to chat, I have some questions. Hit me up on Raxilous.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Poke teams pretty much lose to anything that isn't a poke team in All for One it feels like. It just gets to a point where they can go in on you and you lose. Safest pick is definitely ADC.


Tranny Chaser
Ended up on poke oriented teams three games in a row and lost pretty miserably. Heimer lost to Twitch, Nidalee lost to Brand, Ziggs got absolutely and completely dumpstered by Riven.

The Ancient_sl

Corki is strong. Kayle is strong. I got stuck with a Nid team once, total garbage. I don't know how someone would think she does well there.

Anivia seems like she'd be incredible but I couldn't get anyone to pick her.


Potato del Grande
I finally got a ryze game but 2 of the people on my team didn't know how to use him and we were going vs Fiora. Heimer gets stomped by swain lategame, swains get too tanky can't hurt them any more. Poppy is monstrous at least against nidalee (that was fun fun fun being nidalee there).


Lord Nagafen Raider
Soraka is the most OP champ in All for One, imo. Q stacks hard, constant heals, spam mana on each other at level 2 so you can spam Q harder. Push hard, banana hard.


Tranny Chaser
Twitch was a horror during laning. Keg + Keg and one auto from each rat into Expunge is a shitfuck of dmg.

edit - finally won one as Riven, even my being a windowlicker didn't matter vs Malz


We had a full group of 5 doing All for One tonight. But we man moded every game. Everyone just voted random, and we played what we got. 5 Volibears vs Cass? No problem. Lucian vs Jayce? Cake. Twitch vs Zyra? Wasnt even fair. Maoki vs Ashe? Super lulzy. Against the 5 Ashes was probably the hardest match up we had, game took right around 65 mins, but we were in control having fun most of it. Moral of this story, play random and have more fun.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So, did some ranks today and I've got to say that Kassadin is still fun as shit. Was duo queing with a RL friend who is silver so I'm always first pick and he's always last pick. I was like, I'm going to kass if they don't ban it, sure enough they didn't. FP Kass. They end up picking Zed, which I thought might be a little rough but nahhh. I was able to farm well enough early to grab a tear then I could Q spam to last hit / harass him if needed. Ended up killing him at level 6. He ulted me and I'm just like R away (or Q to silence so he can't follow up with anything), he took more dmg then I did. I also ran tp/flash and our support was good and did deep wards bottom so I could TP bot, ended up getting 2 or 3 kills that way.

I just overall forgot how fun he is. But, you want to know what's really fucking stupid. So I'm like 10/2/10 or something and their support annie is of course like 0/2/10 with a targons and she alone could almost 100-0 me. She had Void + Guise + Sorc Shoes. I can't wait for that damn item to get nerfed into the ground.

(inc drunk rant)
Oh, you want to also know what I lost to today? Triple bot lane. Was a smite Leona who did both buffs then sat bot lane with their Nami/Vayne. You know the funny part though, both Leona & Nami bought Targons, then they would take turns last hitting next to the vayne so the vayne was basically getting double targons gold. It actually wouldn't have gone too bad but somehow our Darius lost to a full tank taric top and our malz got outpushed by an AP blitz (yes how does that work?) I can't even tell you how far ahead that Vayne was in gold. Fuck that item. I'm so glad it's getting nerfed to shit and I hope it gets nerfed into trash tier so nobody buys it again.

Basically when that Leona was staying bot the whole time and since Darius was already 0/3 to taric, I ignored that lane. Blitz would do nothing but sit under his tower farming and pulling malz in so I couldn't tower dive him. So instead, I stole 3 out of 4 blue buffs. 2 out of 4 red buffs, got 3 dragons, donated my blue everytime, gave darius 2 of my reds. We were also even on towers, yet that vayne because of double targons was soooo far ahead on gold.

Makes no sense how Riot didn't see how broken as shit that item was. Good Riddance.
All its opened is the possibility for people who can't lane to keep up with their opponents or even exceed their gold totals. Item is dumb and Riot should feel bad for releasing it in its current form. At the very least it should have had a "does not create charges while last hitting" property. Having said that, I'm pooping on Targons zombies with Olaf and Eve jungle because like I said, most of the teams stacking them are just bad players anyway.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Started this up about a week ago. Today I had my first multi-kill fight and it was a blast! LEGENDARY! only died 4 times. I have been playing Miss Fortune. If anyone has some time to chat, I have some questions. Hit me up on Raxilous.
MF is still my main, 590 ranked games and 57% win rate. Ill try to answer some questions.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Soraka is the most OP champ in All for One, imo. Q stacks hard, constant heals, spam mana on each other at level 2 so you can spam Q harder. Push hard, banana hard.
I dunno, we beat her with Lucian by all buying Executioner's Calling, which doesn't proc on ANY of Lucian's abilities, so there's like a half-dozen at least ADCs that would be even stronger against her. She's good, for sure, but any team that has super high burst or all-in will just overpower her.