League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
aaaaaand.... Sivir dumpstered on PBE.
Now, this is the PBE so there is no way of telling what changes are actually going to make it to Live but these are exactly the kind of changes that I hate. There's no reason to apply multiple large nerfs at one time during this preseason environment. The change to her spellshield is by itself going to make her a great deal more vulnerable. Combine that with a little extra cooldown on the later ranks of her ult is a fine starting point. Make those changes and see where things shake out. ADC balance is always razor thin and the proposed changes are going to take her from #1 to sub-50% in win rates.

Never, ever like that kind of hamfisted balancing.
She actually has Q nerf too that has been floating around for a week or two, so even more hamfisted than you thought!


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
those changes wont affect too much. Normally you don't need the full 3 second duration on spellshield, ideally you predict a skillshot and cast it a split second earlier, or you actually see it coming toward you and you use it, both situations only need less than 1 second. Sure, you might get hit with a few more spells over the course of a game but probably not enough to make a big difference.

The R change hurts a tiny bit... that extra 2 seconds can help a lot, but 8 seconds is still plenty of time for your team to run down foes. The extra 2 seconds I see mainly helping when Sivir is alone and uses her ult as an escape tool, otherwise not a big deal.


Vyemm Raider
In any case, I was just coming to post that I just played a game with Sorcs and Wraith and carried harder than any game prior. The damage was noticeable. I also like how Wraith will help you sustain in the jungle better. I think Wraith is the way to go for sure. Sorc shoes will probably be a keeper too.

Oh, another thing: I've normally been picking up a Haunting Guise for the extra Health & Magic Pen. I rarely upgrade it to Liandy's though. Thoughts? This is an item I bought a lot on Akali way back in the day. Maybe with Sorc shoes it isn't as necessary but I still like the Health. And with Sorc shoes it's 30% Magic Pen.
I'll still get mob boots sometimes but only under certain circumstances like if I happen to b and have enough for them and not sorcs or if I get first blood or a really good early start. As for guise, I get it every single game with her, especially vs certain champs, like anytime there's an annie on enemy team I am usually picking up much earlier than normal since between the hp's and ulti it makes a huge difference in surviving the burst.

Now that eve getting banned very heavily I have moved onto Elise whom I think might be the strongest jungler in the game right now. She takes like almost literally no damage in the jungle even from level 1. I start with butcher/3 pots and usually don't even use them all. She is definitely god tier atm and another champ you can easily abuse for much easier elo.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Almost nothing is fun against heimer because he's just about impossible to lane against, gotta bank on jungle ganks.


Potato del Grande
Anyone with decent range can dominate heimer in lane and just milk his turrets for extra gold and tears. Well maybe not dominate but there are certainly plenty of champs that can shut down turret spam.


Lord Nagafen Raider
No, I know there are champions that do well against him, but overall he's just not fun to play against since his goal is pretty much push 24/7 and if he ever lands his stun you get chunked by rockets hard.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Played an Eve game tonight. Not fun against a heimer mid. Fucking turrets.
Did you play her as mid or jungle? I would think Heimer mid would be a nice juicy target for Eve. He has no escape and Eve should be able to blow him up before he has time to react.

My win rate with Eve this preseason has dropped from 67% to 61%. (11-7) I had some really hard games yesterday, but still maintaining a high enough win percentage to keep playing her. I had 3 losses yesterday where my teams threw the game away from sucking and/or not grouping up. My team was ahead pretty far all 3 games too. Pretty frustrating but oh well. I did win 4 others to make up for it. Personally I have not had a bad Eve game in over a week now. If some of my teams didn't fuck around yesterday I'd be 14-4 with her right now, a 78% win rate.


2 Minutes Hate
Did you play her as mid or jungle? I would think Heimer mid would be a nice juicy target for Eve. He has no escape and Eve should be able to blow him up before he has time to react.

My win rate with Eve this preseason has dropped from 67% to 61%. (11-7) I had some really hard games yesterday, but still maintaining a high enough win percentage to keep playing her. I had 3 losses yesterday where my teams threw the game away from sucking and/or not grouping up. My team was ahead pretty far all 3 games too. Pretty frustrating but oh well. I did win 4 others to make up for it. Personally I have not had a bad Eve game in over a week now. If some of my teams didn't fuck around yesterday I'd be 14-4 with her right now, a 78% win rate.
I was jungle, he was mid. When he's sitting inside three turrets in lane, the turrets reveal me and I'm squishy as fuck. You can't dive him until you get your ult.

As far as Heimer being squishy, he's not if you build him pure defense. He can take a beating if you start D.Shield and he sits inside his turrets. I haven't played him with S4 stuff, but I could take on a 2v1 gank top with Heimer and come out with a double kill if I wasn't aggressive and set up shop mid river.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I was jungle, he was mid. When he's sitting inside three turrets in lane, the turrets reveal me and I'm squishy as fuck. You can't dive him until you get your ult.
Turrets reveal Eve? That doesn't sound right. I did play against a Heimer a few days ago and never recalled being revealed by turrets. I do recall being killed by his turrets during fights, that Ult Turret hurts! I can't remember much about the game anymore, but I believe I was able to kill Heimer without too many problems. Just had to dodge a lot of his skillshots and watch out for his ult. It might be true that you need Ult before fighting him, normally if I gank mid I'm trying not to 1v1, I let mid laner engage 1st then I help. It's how I normally gank all lanes, sit nearby in stealth, position to cut off any escape, let your laner engage then join in the fray.