League Of Legends


Blackwing Lair Raider

Spell Shield [ E ] - Duration is now 1.5 seconds (down from 3 seconds compared to last PBE patch)
On The Hunt [ R ] - Duration for allies is now 8 seconds (down from 10 seconds compared to last PBE patch)
On The Hunt [ R ] - Initial movement speed duration is now 2/3/4 seconds (changed from 4 seconds compared to last PBE patch)
On The Hunt [ R ] - Cooldown is now 120/100/80 (up from 120/90/60 compared to last PBE patch
The ironic thing on the revamped svir I find her ult to really not feel very ulty at all. I use it mostly for the passive and once in a blue moon there is a good case to use it to run somebody down or break off but its really lame compared to what it used to be.
Positioning is king in team fights. In solo queue where people are disorganized and not always where they are supposed to be Sivir's ult is disgustingly good because it gives her team the positional advantage during the start of the fight. Mitigates your teams mistakes and exacerbates the enemies.


<Gold Donor>
Love Vlad, so much fun. Poke poke poke escape! Want to turret dive or you are being turret dove? No problem.

Just not sure which summoner spells to use, it feels like so many combos could be viable on him.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The ironic thing on the revamped svir I find her ult to really not feel very ulty at all. I use it mostly for the passive and once in a blue moon there is a good case to use it to run somebody down or break off but its really lame compared to what it used to be.
Ive found her Ult to be very OP. I've been on both sides of it. As Sivir it's awesome to make my team run fast to catch out enemies or chase them down. On the other side, I've found myself lose games because there is not much you can do when 5 players are charging your ass at super speed. I lost a game yesterday solely due to my team always getting caught out or chased down from Sivir ult'd enemy team. It's also such a great escape tool. Same game yesterday, so many times we couldn't finish off enemies due to Sivir ult saving them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Love Vlad, so much fun. Poke poke poke escape! Want to turret dive or you are being turret dove? No problem.

Just not sure which summoner spells to use, it feels like so many combos could be viable on him.
I run Ignite/Ghost and I'm fairly sure that's the main setup a lot of others use as well. Although Ghost/Flash is pretty good on him too. (pretty sure Dyrus runs this sometimes)

I actually started playing Vlad a lot more recently, just a really fun champion. First couple levels can be pretty rough but once you get level 9 and some spell vamp you just keep your E maxed at 4 and push all day long.


Potato del Grande
Just played as jungle eve. 20/4/11 (duo with my brother tho). I see why she's banned a lot tho haha. I had 16.5k gold and almost a full build. Highest gold on enemy team was 10.9k.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yup, I'm addicted to Vlad again. I think I could play him every single game and still have tons of fun. It's especially fun to go Vlad bot in Dominion, since you get level 9 faster and thus can own people. I need to get me Blood Lord Vlad. Mystery gifts are coming up again which means I should do a couple of those to try my luck! I mean, 1820rp for blood lord vlad is too much much 5000rp for mystery gifts is worth! hahaha


I'm not great at LoL, but I enjoy it quite a bit and generally do alright in games. However, every time I play for a while it seems like I inevitably get into a streak of games with complete assholes who are so abrasive that they cause me to leave for a few weeks. It's not a conscious decision - I just don't feel a desire to play. I can't even play against bots (bots!) to teach my girlfriend how to play without assholes constantly bitching about everything she does. The bitching happens even though we win every time (it's bots, after all). I dutifully report players when the games are over, but I feel like the tribunal system hasn't had much of an impact on the community. It's as shitty as it ever was.

Are the people the same at all levels of the game, or is this mostly a low-level phenomenon now?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
No, everyone that plays this game is a huge asshole and it will never get better. Just turn off chat and do your thing.


It'd be nice if the game displayed some sort of "asshole rating" next to your name and gave players the option to kick people out during champion select. Over time, your asshole rating would decrease on its own so you wouldn't be permanently branded, but you'd suffer a bit if you were reported enough to get the asshole label. Players wouldn't necessarily have to kick you out if you appeared to be an asshole, but having the choice would be cool.

The game really just needs a way to hold players immediately accountable for their actions.


Potato del Grande
If literally the only thing upsetting you is people saying dumb shits in chats you can do the same thing one of my brothers used to do and just /mute everyone on your team as soon as the game starts (before creeps even spawn)...


Vyemm Raider
Udyr jungle doesn't give a fuck. Run around the map like a retard 1v5 and still end up 20/0. Nerf please.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Contrary to most of the loud people in here, I rarely get assholes or trolls in my games. Normal, Ranked, Bots, or otherwise. I would say ARAM is where the most abrasive people I run into are ironically, but even there it's 1 or 2 people per 10 games. Every step Riot takes towards curbing the assholery does have an impact, but there's so many out there it takes a while. There's also different things that offend different people but I barely use ignore.

Now, when I duo queue with Ronne, I've noticed the player attitude drops significantly, so it could very well be rating based if our ratings are that different (our ranks are the same so I don't know why that would be). It's cliche but the best way to prevent assholes is just to be nice and friendly from champ select on. It's not foolproof but it's better than just being quiet (or egging them on)


Potato del Grande
In the past 15 games i've played, 4 of them resulted in someone on my team trolling from champion select, the best of which was a caitlyn who was 4th pick and we already had a top and mid, she calls adc, then instantly buys items and runs top when the game loads. We kindly ask the other team to report her after the game as well, zed goes bottom to play adc role. All 3 other people on my team (including my fucking brother which pissed me off bigtime) proceed to do nothing but talk shit to her the whole game, ruining any chance we had at actually getting a solid report on her because why would the tribunal care if someone was trolling when they're getting harassed all game long.

A bunch of my other games have had trolls too, although some of them have been on the enemy team like the last game I played where the enemy Lux died once then quit because "I didn't like warwick jungle from the start". It does come around and go around but I wish I could play 10 games and only see one troll. Earlier game today I had 3 people who apparently played together the game before I got stuck with them, all talking trash to each other from lobby. Our last pick goes adc while I go top because he said he couldn't play top (or support which he was in the game before). Then he fed and said "I got stuck with adc" and our sona and lee sin who were the 2 who played with him before gave up and started doing nothing but crying at 7 minutes in when it was 3 to 6 kills with no towers down.


Tranny Chaser
I absolutely cannot play All for One. I've got stuck in a 1v2 lane holding a GP10 item in seven of my last nine games. I can't make it stop.

edit - 8 of my last 10

edit 2 - 9 out of 11

edit 3 - 10 out of 11

This one started out as a 2v2 bot lane, I shop to a Targon's, and my partner goes to jungle leaving me 1v2


Potato del Grande
The only hero I still sort of have any interest in playing All For One to use is Gangplank just because I think it'd be hilarious to have 5 cannon ults going off all the time.


Whatever happened to the pre-made meta queue idea? Sick of assholes autolocking into a lane at the start without looking at what the rest of the team is going.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's hit the PBE a couple times but isn't done yet. Last time it was still missing several features.