League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
66 item build is like 500ish armor, so you're losing 30 armor shred. By that time, the armor shred is useful but you're mostly there to soak damage and be a raid boss with a stun and some magic damage. Plus your R helps take down towers like fucking crazy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, he's still going to be a raid boss, just won't be dumpstering everybody early game as hard.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Fiddle fear down to 2.3, rip in peace sweet scarecrow.

But in better news, Garen spin not reduced vs jungle creeps anymore. Time for some DEEEEEMAAAACIIIIIAAAAAA


Lord Nagafen Raider
Nasus still most OP champion in the game. Eventually he can just 1v1 anybody after he grabs his first item and end game there is no way to outscale him. Press R, Wither ADC, AFK, collect LP. If I feel like gaining some LP I just pick him, otherwise I 100% ban him. I've really started to love playing him top (which is weird cuz top use to be my least favorite position but now I've been playing Vlad, Nasus & Trynd a lot). I love rushing Frozen Fist into Randuins/SV. Pretty much after you get those 2 defensive items you can't die. My last game with him after those two items I got a LW and dear lord those Qs would chunk their tanks so hard.

Or it's just fun to play him like Olaf. Press R, Press Ghost, train the ADC hard. Between Wither and Frozen Fist slows it's really tough to kite a Nasus, and basically 2 Qs and they are dead lol.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Guys, guys! Shaco isn't completely gutted! I figured out a way to still get double buff + level 3 by about ~2:55ish all solo too. Could probably get it done by about ~2:50ish if you get some help at red.

I run 21/9/0 with AD reds, Armor Yellows, Atks Blues, MS quints. Start Dorans Blade + 1 pot. At level 1 get W.

0:55 - Place 1 Box at Red
~1:10 - Place 1 box on the mushrooms just outside the stone circle by wraiths.
~1:25 - Place 2nd box on mushrooms
~1:40 - Place 3rd box on mushrooms
~1:55 - Start red, place 2nd box, smite asap.
Level Q, Rush your blue afterwards, smite will come back up.

What this does is your 3 boxes at wraiths will kill all the mini-wraiths. The 3 mini-wraiths + both buff camps = level 3. At that point, since more junglers now a day go Buff > Mini > Buff, you meet the enemy jungle at their 2nd buff. You're a level up, double buff (just like pre-patch) and you laugh as you murder them, steal their 2nd buff, troll around in their jungle a bit, gank top, spam laugh, spam dance in turret range for fun, etc etc etc.


Tranny Chaser
That is rather clever. I was able to be standing looking at my opponent's red buff by 3:01. I've been trying to do a bunch of stuff with +Exp quints for a similar effect (buff, 1 small wolf, buff) but this frees up your quints. People so frequently do one small camp in between their buffs that going back to always invading with a jungler with a dash is going to pay off constantly. People are getting soft and people getting soft is good for Shaco.

Also, check out these recommended items -


Defensive items? Consumables? Fuck all that. If you pick this character you get as little help as possible.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm tempted to try maybe 1 LS quint and 2 AD quints instead of 3 MS quints on him. Since I usually always end up with mobo boots & Shiv you are already pretty fast as it is, plus having the little bit extra LS and AD would help on that early clear so you stay closer to 100% hp.

Been checking out a bunch of Shaco guides and most seem to run some type of AD or LS quints instead of movement so I think I should experiment with it a little more. Also, many seem to run Atks yellows as well instead of armor yellows. It makes sense since your boxes can tank a lot of the early game and by mid game you have tiamat/hydra so you don't have to worry about sustain, but I don't have atks yellows so I'm not really going to bother with it. Hell, I think the only yellows I have are Armor and mp/5 lol.

Also want to experiment with 21/0/9 instead of 21/9/0. I like all the early hp / bladed armor etc you get from defense tree but I'm thinking the 1.5% ms, 10% longer duration on potions/elixirs and 20% longer duration on buffs might be more beneficial.


Potato del Grande
Fiddle fear down to 2.3, rip in peace sweet scarecrow.

But in better news, Garen spin not reduced vs jungle creeps anymore. Time for some DEEEEEMAAAACIIIIIAAAAAA
Yay no more 4 second fear followed by massive crow silences followed by another 4 second fear!


Tranny Chaser
It's three seconds! The silence is 1.2 seconds!

The fear is going down to 2.3 seconds at max rank but 1.3 seconds at rank 1 instead of 1 second. There are also substantial mana cost reductions to Terrify and to his ultimate. He'll be fine.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fiddle was always one of my favorites to play in Dominion just because Dominion is full of bruisers and assassins. I always find that one target and fear/silence them 100% of the time. I usually apologize to them at the end of the game because I feel bad but meh, w/e. I had a katarina rage quit just the other day because she could never get close to do anything because anytime she'd shunpo in she was feared for 3seconds then silenced afterwards. Ahhh good times with fiddle.

ps. Made a picture up of how to start with Shaco. ezpz.


Potato del Grande
It's three seconds! The silence is 1.2 seconds!

The fear is going down to 2.3 seconds at max rank but 1.3 seconds at rank 1 instead of 1 second. There are also substantial mana cost reductions to Terrify and to his ultimate. He'll be fine.
The silence stacks when you get hit by multiple crows tho... (unless they changed that too at some point recently).


Fiddle was always one of my favorites to play in Dominion just because Dominion is full of bruisers and assassins. I always find that one target and fear/silence them 100% of the time. I usually apologize to them at the end of the game because I feel bad but meh, w/e. I had a katarina rage quit just the other day because she could never get close to do anything because anytime she'd shunpo in she was feared for 3seconds then silenced afterwards. Ahhh good times with fiddle.

ps. Made a picture up of how to start with Shaco. ezpz.
This works on purple side starting red and stealing blue. Kinda hilarious tbh


Trakanon Raider