League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
It seems like that would be kind of silly for 3 bans per team. If each team got 4-5, it would be more significant. It's hugely important in dota but champs over there are less interchangeable than a lot of LoL's champs. Actually, it would probably reduce the variety that League doesn't have much of already, by reducing the capability of a team to build a unique/cheese comp. I'd rather just see 4-5 bans the way they are now in pro matches I guess


Tranny Chaser
I already kinda don't like how bans operate in competitive play either. There is something I find distasteful about mastering a champion and it being benched every single game you play. I understand why there are bans and I think there should be bans but as a player who needs to specialize to get anywhere it is not a system that I personally like. I remember in the long long ago watching hotshotgg's stream and people were asking him why he wasn't playing Nidalee anymore.

"Why bother practicing? I'll never get to play her."

I always thought that sucked. My ghetto fix was to disallow a team to ban the same champions in consecutive games. If you want to do three targeted bans (something I saw happen to scarra over and over) than you can't do it every game. If you don't want Froggen to have Anivia ever than someone on your team is going to have to play her because you can't just sideline her 100% of the time.

But again, I'm that guy who absolutely positively has to focus to not suck shit.


Got something right about marriage
I already kinda don't like how bans operate in competitive play either. There is something I find distasteful about mastering a champion and it being benched every single game you play. I understand why there are bans and I think there should be bans but as a player who needs to specialize to get anywhere it is not a system that I personally like. I remember in the long long ago watching hotshotgg's stream and people were asking him why he wasn't playing Nidalee anymore.

"Why bother practicing? I'll never get to play her."

I always thought that sucked. My ghetto fix was to disallow a team to ban the same champions in consecutive games. If you want to do three targeted bans (something I saw happen to scarra over and over) than you can't do it every game. If you don't want Froggen to have Anivia ever than someone on your team is going to have to play her because you can't just sideline her 100% of the time.

But again, I'm that guy who absolutely positively has to focus to not suck shit.
I agree with you completely. Unfortunately we will never really see many "specialized" champ players in the pro scene (or at least not do well in tournaments) because you can just ban the two or three champs they have mastered and they probably suck shit (comparatively speaking) with other champs. There are a lot of people out there who are simply amazing with a small, very strict set of champs who will probably never see the pro scene. All that needs to happen is for people to realize "His Jax and Renekton are ridiculous" and they either ban or pick that champ first. It would be nice to see those guys get to play something they are amazing with in at least one game in a Bo3 or more series.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If the team is so bad that they can afford to target ban Scarra's 3 best champions then perhaps its time to look at the other 4 players on the team.


2 Minutes Hate
Doesn't DOTA have something where each team bans a few champs then you pick a few champs ban a few champs then pick the rest? I kind of like that idea.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea that's where I got the idea. The drafting in Dota is a bit more exciting because of it. It's kind of like being able to call an audible when you see what kind of lineup is coming.


I'm melting faces in 1v1 with AP teemo. This shit is hilarious. I blue pot start, run to middle and hide, then ignite and pew pew pew with that attack speed buff. 5 wins in a row now.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Ive been banning teemo every match
( i never had to face him but just imagined the horror!)


Lord Nagafen Raider
me and my friend have been cheesing Riven + Garen in that 2v2. Both Red pot. So stupid because it's like a 60sec queue, 3 minute pick/ban phase, ~1:30 game lol. hahahaha, did about 3 or 4 of them then stopped.


Trakanon Raider
Doesn't DOTA have something where each team bans a few champs then you pick a few champs ban a few champs then pick the rest? I kind of like that idea.
Dota has three modes of play for ranked. Keep in mind though that dota doesn't gate its heroes - so some of these modes would be awkward to say the least for league to implement.

All Pick - Zero Bans - All heroes in the pool - Simultaneous choice - no order.
Captains Draft - The game randomizes 24 heroes (8str/8int/8agi) - both teams get 2 bans - Followed by 1-2-2-2-2-1 pick phases.
Captains Mode - Professional game - Alternates 2 bans per team (4 bans) - Followed by a 1-2-1 pick order. Alternates 2 more bans each team (8bans total) - The second pick in first phase goes first and its 1-1-1-1 - followed by 1 more ban per team (10 total) and then the final hero each team second pick goes first.

Dota also has a couple other interesting game modes that while not necessarily ranked worthy they are interesting.

Random Draft - 20 random heroes are chosen there is a pick order, no bans alternates to teams 1-2-2-2-2-1
Single Draft - each player in the game is given 1str / 1agi / 1 int hero and you play out of that pool.


Got something right about marriage
What... lots of pros get to play their comfort champions in many games.
Well of course pros have their comfort champs and champs the other teams are afraid of giving them. But by and large the good pro teams have an entire roster full of players who are pro level with a wide variety of champs. Whereas someone who almost only exclusively plays Riven would never be able to stay on a pro roster because he would probably never get to play Riven. The real difference is it would allow players like Faker to focus on a smaller pool of champs and become even more ridiculous with them since he would know he's going to definitely get to play them at least 1 game. I just think it would be a lot more fun to watch rather than someone being able to ban Orianna from Toyz every. single. game.

Although I guess the reason certain champs get banned from certain players IS because they play them so much and are so good with them. I would just like to get to see them play the champs they are known for in tournament play more often.


2 Minutes Hate
Ive been banning teemo every match
( i never had to face him but just imagined the horror!)
So I was trying all sorts of Yasuo builds last night.

3-4 games I went Vamp scepter first. It was pretty meh.

I tried all AS runes (about 29% AS) and it doesn't do much at all at the start of the game. Your Q is reduced to 4.1s at level 1. The loss of armor/mr/ad was pretty meh.

I tried a few other combinations and I have to say the best builds are full AD/armor/mr or LS/ad/armor/mr. Until Riot changes some things with crit and crit damage runes (they eluded to something where they actually might); a standard ADC rune set is the perfect fit imo.

Builds: Full 21/9/0 builds work just fine but you're a bit more squishy. I have yet to try a 9/21 build. I will tonight.

I feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed last night. I went up against a Teemo that got two kills on me right away. First one was on an invasion where I got smacked by Jax on our Red and I died. Then Jax camped top lane and that was it with Teemo. If I had enough burst I could of killed him, but he was too far ahead and Yasuo sucks at coming from behind unless you have good jungle support.

I tried executioner's calling against Mundo last night. Kind of works and I should of gone 3-0 in lane but I didn't have enough damage.

Conclusion: For me anyway, you have to rush Shiv because you get such a huge power spike with it. Getting anything else is bad as a first item. Second item depends on the game. If you're ahead of even, IE. If you are behind or think you might be behind soon, Banshee's veil is so OP with him. That spell shield synergizes with him so fucking well. Especially mid game.

I also concluded that leveling your E before your Q is most likely a mistake. Getting that cooldown reduced on Q is so essential. Each AS rune reduces it by 1% and each Quint is about 2%. So stacking those is almost useless.

As a third offensive item after SS/IE, I think Bloodthirtster is better than BORK. Need more testing though.

Third conclusion. FUCK TEEMO. Gonna see more of him because The Rain Man has been playing him for a week straight and nothing else top lane.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Draegan;499419S_sl said:
o I was trying all sorts of Yasuo builds last night.
Rain Man has always played Teemo. Singed & Teemo are his mains. Teemo is his most played champion with 600 ranked games in S3 alone.

I'm almost giving up on Yasuo tbh. I screwed with Runes again myself and I also tried stacking Atk Speed, found it ok. Reducing cooldown on Q really is key for him.
Yasuo just suffers from not having 2 of his abilities available most of the time. Whirlwind and Ult are both conditional. Again, I think he really needs to be able to prime up whirlwind without being required to make contact with a creature. The 3rd Q is still a skillshot that can miss which would still negate out his ult. Just too much bullshit to deal with at times. He is a really fun champ to play when he's fed and ahead but super frustrating if he stays even or behind.

The nail in the coffin for me was losing to a yorick top. I was winning laning phase but the fucker roams 1x and picks up 3 kills and I get fucked over hardcore. If Yasuo can't comeback against a Yorick than I think Im done with this. I might just spam Tryndamere the next week to make myself feel better.


2 Minutes Hate
SirhcEz - Twitch

D1 Nasus/Singed/Yasuo player. Playing ranked on his smurf in Silver V. If you're in this range and find yourself raging or getting frustrated you might want to watch this stream because even high elo players can't carry stupid sometimes. Might make you feel better to think it's just not you and boost your confidence in your own games!

He might be going off soon, motherfucker has been streaming for almost 11 hours now.