League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
it's also pre-season so a lot of people aren't really giving a shit in ranked it seems. I'd almost suggest waiting for season 4 and then playing a lot, especially if you're just starting off.


Tranny Chaser
I'm starting to see the ass bottom of Diamond (D5, but with more than zero LPs) in my games and the quality of the play is really just not there. The attitudes are shit. The decision making is shit. It really stands out when people aren't 100% retarded. I see someone that isn't me taking down timers for baron and dragon maybe once ever 20 games. Maybe. Everyone still chases kills for no reason, won't come to objectives, and won't group up.

I actually think the players are regressing as the game matures.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
I actually think the players are regressing as the game matures.
Its baffling. People in bronze all the way down to deep bronze seem to have this mythical belief that some day they'll make it past the trolls and into the glory land of plat+ play. Little do they know that everyone is a shithead, straight up into diamond. Diamond players tend to be really good at one thing, and just as awful as bronze players at everything else. This can make them hard to tell apart for anyone, including other players who don't have the capacity to recognize what their teammate is skilled at.


So is there anyway to just not burn out on the fucking toxic community of LoL? I spent a fortune this christmas just gifting shit away to people, but for some reason Riot can't dedicate a team to doling out punishments? Hell, report someone in WoW and a GM will look into it; I've gotten a few people banned that way. Really not sure why someone should get a second chance to be an absolute asshole.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I get a lot of shit from league when I play Shaco and don't throw everybody on my shoulders and carry hard. Even if I go even or above average it's still my fault that we lose. Then I go ahead and play an Elise or Vi jungle and go something completely terrible like 1/5/2 and nobody says a word, yet if I go 4/2/4 on Shaco the only reason why we lost was because "shaco is a terrible jungler"

So many players in league are 100% pro followers and if it isn't one of the """top 3""" champions in that position they will bitch you out.

I've found out the best thing to do is suck mad dick, compliment your teammates constantly to keep their spirits up. I have no clue how many times I'll be supporting, my ADC blows ass, he's 0/5/0, then I make a huge play, flash + lantern + pull, into flay and box, with an exhaust and I do like 95% of the damage then the ADC gets the kill, and I'm all like, fk yeah, gj ADC. You owned that guy. Then all of a sudden, their dick grows 3 feet and they get all confident and start playing a thousand times better.

Nobody is ever going to play better if you tell them they suck. "You died, gg you suck" "gg gj wasting RP on a skin looool" So annoying.


Trakanon Raider
The match making for my dominion games for the last week or so has been simply perfection.
Nearly every game has gone down to the final seconds. Every move and every fight being utterly important and epic fun.

It has been bliss and I'm loving every second.


I spent a fortune this christmas just gifting shit away to people, but for some reason Riot can't dedicate a team to doling out punishments?
They outsourced their report system into the Tribunal. When you report someone, they get a counter on their account, and when the counter reaches some threshold their case is brought to the tribunal. There, you can see the chat log, item builds, and scores for the game along with the message that was left with the reports. You vote guilty or not guilty, and then a punishment is given based on the number of times you've already been punished in the tribunal. That system is inherently broken because few people take it seriously. We had several people here say that they vote punish 100% of the time without reading the case. It also just gave the trolls another tool to troll with ("Reported for <nothing>") But hey, it's something.

I have a sneaking feeling that riot has all but abandoned it, anyway. They used to make updates for it, but I don't remember the last one. Here are the 2 mentions of the tribunal on the front page:


So, you'd have to know it existed if you wanted to use it because Riot has stopped advertising it. My guess is that they've accepted it as normal part of the game and that the resources they'd have to use to improve the situation are not worth it. There is also the very real situation that these trolls spend a lot of money on the game. Riot's said they don't care. But they care.


I've been calling people American Inventors in game and telling them to suck my dick for about a year straight since my last ban. Haven't gotten a warning or anything. Tribunal... LOL


Tranny Chaser
Why would I participate in a system run by autists who use it as a means with which to enforce play styles?

The Tribunal did its job. It kicked out all of the mega trolls. It can be retired now.


Avatar of War Slayer
I can't believe there's been 2 pages of discussion over a troll build.
Sometimes troll builds are surprisingly good, or lead to new builds in general.

Classic AD annie.
Stun on call. long duration ar/mr buff, with damage reflect. really fast/ideal attack animation. and one of the longest base ranges in the game.
all of that also lead to support annie when the meta shifted to favoring kill lane ap scaling supports.
AD janna using her buff, and KU..


I've been calling people American Inventors in game and telling them to suck my dick for about a year straight since my last ban. Haven't gotten a warning or anything. Tribunal... LOL
Pretty lame of you. I'd encourage you to stop. You are potentially ruining others experience. Grow up. These aren't cs 1.6 days.

It is kinda interesting the things people get away with and the ones who don't. I regularly play with two guys. Their names are RectalInsertion and Wakandancher. Each have hundreds of games played and have never been suspended or required to change their names.


"Actually im pretty sexy, and so is my GF you can go jerk off to us in the REAL life pic thread, im sure you wont post a picture of your troll ass LoL is for mouth breathers and aspies"


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm still playing Yasuo whenever I can. He's still being banned often, I guess people realize he can be a bit OP.
Here's a few plays that I was proud of myself for. Nothing crazy good just decent:

I thought I was boned here when the enemy Shen ulted Renekton.
mfplayer - Yasuo Escape - Twitch

Quick Strike:
I normally consider myself slow but managed to pull this off:
Primed Whirlwind --> Dinged 6 --> Used Whirlwind --> Leveled up Ult while Whirlwind was moving toward target --> Used Ult --> Secured Kill
mfplayer - Quick Strike - Twitch

4 Man Ult:
Enemy team was pressuring our Turret, it was a 4v5 because our ADC died beforehand (seen in Video), we manage a nice wombo combo.
mfplayer - 4 Man Ult - Twitch