League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
Don't forget the reverse. Dodging skill shots from someone much better than you can get borderline impossible. Nothing like getting tagged over and over and over again to make you feel like a retard.


Vyemm Raider
Ya absolutely, reverse the role and try and dodge Faker's skill shots and he probably would land at least 99 out of 100 lol.

Both dodging and landing skill shots is truly an art form.


Trakanon Raider
No one other than Pyro is even mentioning Dota 2. I've played league since Beta and even pre-purchased it. So unlike you Lumi I'm not a bandwagon cunt. #hipster

Really though, all I did was search for the word "Dota" in your barf spew and then realized you're wrong, considering I was talking about games in general.

Not all skillshots are the same bros. I might just reinstall so charge into a group of 5 with coral reef Malphite, if thats still a thing even.


2 Minutes Hate
Delly you like to attempt to troll lol players any time you post in this thread but your attempts are child like. LOL fans don't care about DOTA2 or whether or not it's a better game. DOTA2 fans are the people who are insecure for whatever reason.

They feel like they need to justify subjecting themselves to some of the masochistic mechanics of DOTA2 for some reason.


Trakanon Raider
I never mentioned Dota. I played League for quite awhile (over a year) before I stopped and I didn't mention Dota in my post, which was just about skillshots.

I can post in a League thread without it being about Dota, some of you are too dumb to understand that. Its more like butthurt League fans getting mad that I can post in a thread and stay ON TOPIC. You can play more than one game bro.

I don't wave a flag for Dota, I like it more, but the games are both good.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I dont even understand why people compare them. They are different games!

To me, the mechanics in dota2 are boring. The game play is slow and uninteresting. Courier and portal stones make laning safer. But really, I just hate the fact that in dota items make the heroes. BKB is a dumb item. Not having casters scale is dumb. Not having global objectives throughout the game (Dragon) dumb. I can appreciate the skill to micro, but if I want to watch someone doing that at the top level I'll watch Starcraft.

I will say that the laning phase (first 5-10mins) of dota feels more challenging than league (mainly due to a lack of sustain). But afterwards, I agree with others, dota just feels blah. Its more about micro managing than actually battling. To me its like comparing starcraft and a FPS. League is more twitch, more in-combat adjustments. Dota is all about the things you do before fighting.. combat ends up being who positioned and farmed better pre fight.

I'm sure my opinion on dota is outdated, but i cant imagine it has changed too much. The fact that they kept things in the game that were a result of an outdated engine (aka turning speed) and claim "SKILL" is fucking laughable. Is orb stacking fixed or do you still have to cycle ? Another outdated mechanic that was only ever necessary due to a limited engine. Rebalance the items so its not necessary. Its not "fun", its dated.

I don't mind dota, but I just dont find the gameplay "fun". If micro is your true test of "skill", then why not just play RTS? I find the dynamics of combat in league to be much more fun. The fact that team fights last for awhile and can have different phases. The jungler being a true dynamic weapon that can gank every lane. And finally, global objectives to fight over that force the team to not just farm farm farm farm farm. I also like the fact that abilities have a reasonable cooldown that lets you actually use them. Autoattacking is boring - i dont even like playing ADC for this reason.

I can't blame anyone that finds all of the above stuff fun which is why I don't go into the dota thread and try to claim superiority - it's the same reason i stay away from those online competitive chess threads too! These are different games requiring different strengths. Just because you find dota2 more enjoyable doesn't make it a harder game. Micro management is not required in league (at least not to the level of dota), but personally I don't find micro to be the pinnacle of skill and think its laughable when people use it as "THE" reason dota is somehow harder. But in the end, I play league because, to me, its a far more enjoyable game. I wanted a next-gen MOBA that buillt on the foundation that dota set but improved on its limitations. League gave me that. Hon/dota2 did not.

I have my complaints around league, its far from perfect, but in general the gameplay, to me, is the superior one as far as MOBAs go. I do think they have dragged ass with balance lately and afraid to make big changes in fear of ruining their e-sport scene. But that is a different discussion.


Golden Squire
Lenaldo echoes pretty much all the points I would make. Now can we get back to discussing how enjoyable it will be to see Riven nerfed into the ground?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
He countered his own argument. He said he didn't understand how they're easy, but said there is a big difference between varying skill shots.
I didn't counter my argument at all. But the hit rate of a nidalee spear will probably be a lot lower than the hit rate of a Nami Ult. It still depends on your opponents, good opponents will dodge both most of the time but you will still most likely hit a Nami ult more often than a Nami Q or a Nidalee Spear, when using the same sample size. Obviously a nami ult has a much larger cooldown to compensate for the higher hit percent. Of all skillshots Nami ult has to be the easiest in the game imo.


Vyemm Raider
Holy fuck shut up about dota2 please

It's hard not to pick Annie add support but I'll give malf a shot next time she's banned. I liked him in s3 so he should be better now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lenaldo echoes pretty much all the points I would make. Now can we get back to discussing how enjoyable it will be to see Riven nerfed into the ground?
The Riven nerfs on the PBE are pretty damn minor, unless they did more nerfs I missed. They're basically Riot's attempt to break people's fixation with her in pub games. Her shield duration got nerfed (which is fine, seemed too long for what it's designed to be) and her Q damage scaling got reworked. It looks like a nerf but it's supremely minor early game and better late game. If anything her win rate will go up because all the terribad people that pick her just because it's the thing to do will stop playing her.

I was hoping that Kassadin sorta-rework would make it live because it looked awesome, but since they removed it on PBE it's doubtful it'll hit live anytime soon. Supposedly they have a couple more big Season 4 related patches to push out, although they said runes aren't going to make it before S4 starts. Also said that Wriggle's was supposed to upgrade to an endgame item that hasn't made it in yet, which is maybe what the madred's icon in the preseason 4 teaser pics were.

With them nerfing the CDR on Spirit Visage because of all the fatties buying it, I more now than ever want some better CDR options, especially for ADCs. They also need an additional spellvamp option somewhere I would say, maybe a higher-end item. Also, please disable Runann's until it is tweaked, pleasssseeeeee.


2 Minutes Hate
I'm looking forward to some item tweaks and hopefully we'll see some new items for more interesting builds. Spellvamp is a big one though, just some tweaks to some items would make other champs viable again.

I'm interested in hearing about their next champ though, I think it's supposed to be a support character and it's been a month since Yasuo was released and they have a 1-2 month time table between champ launches. Whoever the support will be, I hope it/he/she is as engaging and interesting as Yasuo. Yas is an amazingly fun champ to play.


Trakanon Raider
just tried the malph support and it was excellent. we got first blood lvl 1 on an all in, lost the adc, and I got the 2nd kill. We ended up with like 6/8 first kills of the lane but actually lost late to a super yasou, but cool fun first attempt with him.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm interested in hearing about their next champ though
They have a dragon champion coming out in the future named Ao Shin. He's going to be a storm dragon of sorts. "Ao is the family name of the mythological dragon kings, who rule water and weather." Could possibly be a support maybe similar to how Janna is weather related. Also there hasnt been a new yordle in a while.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Well got my account hacked for the first time in... anything. Not sure how they acquired my stuff. But they did. This shall be a great ordeal. UNGH. Luckily I use paypal and dont have a saved CC on there, and I have little RP and IP at the moment. So I do not believe they can do much damage.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just hit my 100th Yasuo game, and it was a loss to put me at 49W 51L

My KDA really sucks with him as I am averaging 7 kills and 9 deaths per game, absolutely pathetic, I know. I am 16-10 my last 26 games, however, which is a 62% win rate. I had a nice 6 game win streak recently, too. I used him to get from Gold V up to Gold II with 99 LP. I had a win-loss-win-loss- streak going preventing me from entering promo to gold I. Every time I was at 98 and 99 LP I had a top or mid feed that would then afk. I went on a massive LoL binge yesterday and had this happen 3x. I would also be 4th/5th pick every time and could never get the lane I wanted. So frustrating. Eventually I had a 3game loss streak that puts me at ~60 LP in Gold II atm.

Anyway, I find it really funny how I was flamed so bad when Yasuo first came out, people called him trash all the time, now he is picked practically 100% of the time. He is either banned or picked every game, I was only able to play him maybe 50% of the time yesterday due to this. Had other players on my team pick him 3x and the enemy team pick him 2x at least and he gets banned occasionally. Players are so damn fickle. I wish people still thought he was trash.

I created a few more highlights but nothing crazy spectacular, just shit that got my adrenaline flowing a little bit yesterday:

Vs Shyvana: Close fight. I hate fighting Shyvana with Yasuo. She is a really tough match usually.
mfplayer - Yasuo vs Shyvana - Twitch

Vs Renekton: Seems like Renekton is picked vs Yasuo a lot. IMO he's not a counter at all. Renekton can win the early game but a 6 item Yasuo always beats a 6 item Renekton from my experiences. Even times when I fed early game vs Renekton I would always come back late game and could win 1v1 pretty easily. This highlight is simply because I did some shit-talking (which I rarely do, just felt like having some fun this time) and I wanted to make sure I could back it up. I ended up losing this game due to the Volibear carrying really hard.
mfplayer - Croc Farm - Twitch

Another match vs the same Renekton as the above highlight. This was a long drawn out 1v1 which you can rarely get in LoL. We are both evenly matched in terms of items. I missed a lot of whirlwinds which made this drag on longer than it should have. My ult actually refreshed during the fight since it lasted so long lol..
mfplayer - Long Renekton Fight - Twitch

I wonder when the Season 4 patch will be? Tonight? LCS starts tomorrow. I figured they would reset rankings and patch in some more changes before LCS but with LCS tomorrow I guess the current patch will dictate the LCS for the first couple weeks. I feel like there are still a lot of tweaks that have been talked about by Riot which we should have seen by now.