League Of Legends


Golden Squire
Ranked queues are up and ratings reset. Now where are some of you punks who I've been duoing with?


Lord Nagafen Raider
With the new season does everybody have to play their 10 games again before it places you in a division? Thought I remember reading something that if you played a bunch during pre-season you only have to do a Bo3 and it places you but if you haven't played much at all during pre-season you have to do your 10 games again?

Either way, I'm going to get drunk tonight and ranked...watch me bomb out 0-10 hahaha.


Tranny Chaser
I'm pretty sure I want to lose all ten of my placement games on purpose but the last time I tried that I saw that if I didn't just feed I didn't have as much say in the outcome of the game as I thought I would.


Molten Core Raider
New champion named Velkoz I guess?



2 Minutes Hate
So far 2-0 in my provisional games. It's like and day from the preseason. Even if some of my teams were bad, they weren't as bad. Playing a Yasuo game slightly drunk and not having played LOL in a few days. Fed Brand early with 3 kills because I was playing like a pussy and allowing him free harass. Ended up finishing the game 14/8/soemthing. Good game.

Second game was Mundo top. Slow start, couldn't kill the Aatrox but popped his passive a lot. Was just a monster tank late. We had a Hec that troll the whole game and wanted to quit and give up even though we still had all of our Tier 2 towers left and the other team only had one Nexus tower left. Must of been high.

I need some actual mundo runes. Need to buy some Health Regen or straight Health quints.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I'm throwing mine as hard as I can. Want to see if I can land in bronze and find out how bad it really is. Made it to 2-6 last night, 2 more to go!


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So far 2-0 in my provisional games. It's like and day from the preseason. Even if some of my teams were bad, they weren't as bad. Playing a Yasuo game slightly drunk and not having played LOL in a few days. Fed Brand early with 3 kills because I was playing like a pussy and allowing him free harass. Ended up finishing the game 14/8/soemthing. Good game.
Nice man.

I'm 2-4 atm.

My stats look pretty bad but of the 6 games I only fed 1 of the games and consider it 100% my fault for the loss. I was Yasuo vs Morgana and just herp derped the game. It didn't help that no other lanes won, either, and I had a S3 Bronze jungler somehow against enemy team that had an S3 Plat.

The other 3 losses were just meh, I should have played better for sure, but with 0 winning lanes it is extremely difficult.
1st Game I was doing well as Yasuo but a fed enemy Draven carried his team to victory.
My 3rd loss (after the game I fed) I was Diana vs Darius, bad matchup but held my own (I thought I would be against a teemo), my bot lane was Ashe+Annie vs Tristana+Teemo, they fed HARD, they went like 2-10 after about 15minutes. We almost came back in the game but nope.
4th loss I went Jungle Vi and my team were dying like crazy in every lane. I couldn't save anyone. Best part was we had a Fizz in mid that kept saying "dont feed and Ill carry" all while getting rolled by an Akali. Classic shit.

6-4 is the dream, I think I'm going to just play Miss Fortune the next 4 games and hope for the best. I ended my night going 14-7-9 with MF and carried. I had nearly a 70% win rate with her in S3 with 600 games played. Best to stick with what works I suppose!


Bronze Squire
@Draegan, I would say if you are going to pick up anything then to pick up health regen. Straight health is fairly meh.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I went 4-2 last night even though I was pretty drunk. One of my losses was because I had to go top lane, which I'm not the best at because I usually never play it. I did pick Trynd and went against Olaf...I was actually doing very well, was beating him by about ~50cs at the 25min or so, unfortunately my leona/cait bot lane was a combined 1/15 soooooo. :\

Fiddle, Elise & Shaco ftw!


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Blahhh, the MF plan didn't work as I'd hoped. Just accrued my 5th loss to be 2-5 atm. I had the most kills in the game and dominated bot, we were dominating the game, but had a lame top and a Silver1 Jungle Jarvan that thought he was hot shit and went Dmg instead of Tank.. Late game we had their inhib down but couldnt close the deal. Other team was able to catch up and win it. In 2 games with MF I'm sporting over a 3.0 KDA with an average of 13/7/9 for K/D/A. New plan: Spam Tryndamere top and dream for the 5-5.


Best part was we had a Fizz in mid that kept saying "dont feed and Ill carry" all while getting rolled by an Akali. Classic shit.
I had a game with a diamond corki who basically said the same thing, bragging about how hard he was gonna carry us. 10 minutes in and he died about 4 times. He ended up raging and going DC at fountain at the 20 min mark.

Sad part is the game ended up going almost 55 or so minutes and we just barely lost, had he stayed we most likely could have won.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I had a game with a diamond corki who basically said the same thing, bragging about how hard he was gonna carry us. 10 minutes in and he died about 4 times. He ended up raging and going DC at fountain at the 20 min mark.

Sad part is the game ended up going almost 55 or so minutes and we just barely lost, had he stayed we most likely could have won.
Thats terrible, but yea... Mixing in the varying divisions due to the soft reset has brought back many nightmares for me. I seem to get silver scrubs every game that think they are hot shit then act cocky and feed all game.

I pretty much expect to be placed in Silver now, especially after reading on Reddit how players are falling several divisions from where they were in S3... Apparently SaintVicious went from Diamond to Gold lmao. Who knows, maybe Ill fall to Bronze, should be interesting!


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
WTF these picks.

Nunu & Teemo ?!?!

I better not get shit anymore when I jungle Nunu lol.