League Of Legends


You know know what alot of people equate to being fun? Not losing, and being useful. Poppy doesnt bring either of those to a support role. Fun is obviously completely relative. So why not suggest champs that are both "fun" and not completely terrible in that role? As a support main, any amount of bringing down the possibility of a completely troll/worthless support pick is encouraged. You encouraging KS, simply because you didnt get the role you wanted, sounds pretty terrible in general. Its that exact mentality that leads to such a bad attitude and community in this game. No matter how much you KS on your support for extra items to be a "carry", you arent bringing as much as giving those kills to your ADC, and playing your supporting qualities to the max.


Tranny Chaser
I'd think Poppy could be playable in situations versus other melee supports. Start Doran's Shield, build a Targon's, and when the enemy gets all up in your grill smash them into a wall.


Got something right about marriage
Nightblue's stream is one of the most informative streams you can watch. It's actually helped me quite a bit even when I play top and support. It's good to watch for a "bad" player in any role, not just jungle.


Molten Core Raider
You know know what alot of people equate to being fun? Not losing, and being useful.
Fun is obviously completely relative. So why not suggest champs that are both "fun" and not completely terrible in that role?
I have no idea what you are trying to say if not "WINNING IS FUN AND PLAYING POPPY SUPPORT MAKES YOU LOSE SO WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SUGGEST IT, BAWWWWWWWAWAWAWWW". I just offered a suggestion to help someone enjoy the game more, so please calm the fuck down.

The Ancient_sl

I have no idea what you are trying to say if not "WINNING IS FUN AND PLAYING POPPY SUPPORT MAKES YOU LOSE SO WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SUGGEST IT, BAWWWWWWWAWAWAWWW". I just offered a suggestion to help someone enjoy the game more, so please calm the fuck down.
She's literally one of the worst supports in the game. She's brings a very conditional CC to the table to support her ADC, she requires that she gets super fed to offer any late game value which is not what you should look for in a support, and all your teammates should be rightfully upset when you pick her creating a toxic atmosphere from the get go. I struggle to think of a worse support than her, Shaco maybe?

Your suggestion was bad and you should feel bad.


Got something right about marriage
She has a move buff, armor buff, can use her dash to push out of position players closer to your ADC to secure kills or use it against terrain to CC. She can also dive the shit out of the enemy team after 6. I can see it working the problem is the super high skill cap. The problem is you HAVE to get kills, if you are paired with a passive ADC you've already lost.


Golden Squire
Poppy just doesn't work competitively in any lane, and if Poppy did work, Riot has already said that they would nerf her into the ground. So stop trying.
new Teemo skin


(if only)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Poppy is very strong when she gets items. Which is the opposite of what you want in a support. Also, she's not very fun to play, unless you really just like trolling built into a champion. So yea, I don't know about that.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I would report someone for playing Poppy support. She's one of the (if not THE) hardest carries in the game when fed, and snowballs like mad. She's made this way because her early game stinks and she can't farm for crap, so her late game facemelting is the reward if you manage to do well. So why exactly would you play one of the best carries in the game as a support? Beats the fuck out of me.. Yeah it can technically work, but so does AP Jax-- doesn't mean it's the ideal choice to make.

And yes, I can testify that Poppy is pure beast in Dominion. Since everyone gets a good amount of gold irrespective of farming ability, she carries hard late game no matter what.

EDIT: I'll pay $200/hour for that Teemo skin


Lord Nagafen Raider
AP Jax isn't nearly as limited as that :p He's just much worse vs. bruisers than normal Jax. Which means right now it's hard to get away with. His AP ratios are insane and with LB/Nashor's he is pretty much full assassin mode.


Have you guys tried support sion, he has that hard CC stun and if you get a relic shield you can use it to get health stacks on his enrage skill. And with his passive it has a chance to ignore auto attack damage (good for trading hits with the adc). plus that ult is godly in team fights.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Have you guys tried support sion, he has that hard CC stun and if you get a relic shield you can use it to get health stacks on his enrage skill. And with his passive it has a chance to ignore auto attack damage (good for trading hits with the adc). plus that ult is godly in team fights.
I have not really tried it but I could see him at least as reasonably effective in that role. With his shield and passive he is at least good during trades and he has a pretty decent hard ranged CC on a fast cool down for good poke damage and t'ing somebody up for your ADC to get some free hits on.

Sion is in such an awkward place right now but I could see him pulling off that role reasonably well. The main issue would be leona would do almost all of that and a lot better but if she is banned sion could be something fun to try.


Tranny Chaser
Where I always ran in to trouble was the range on his stun. It's less than Taric's and even less than Pantheon's. Actually getting to use it the way you want to use it is difficult.

Also with supports you want to have some big things you are bringing to the table and one low range single target stun isn't it. I would much, much rather take someone like Malphite or Naut down there. Heck, I'd rather be support Vi probably then support Sion.

edit - in S3 I went undefeated as Sion mid in ranked. Won all four games I picked him. I'd still pick him.


Got something right about marriage
Very nitpicky but Riot really needs to have a better wardrobe team for the announcers/interviewers (if they have one) or at the very least tailor their shit. I know pretty much no gamers cares about it but they just look ridiculous. No wardrobe coordination, flat ugly shirts, sport coats/suit jackets that are way too big. It's just ugly.


Molten Core Raider
Since everyone ignored my post about only playing silly supports for fun and not because Poppy is a super duper effective support, but instead decided to shit out another page of posts of how Poppy is a bad support champ (which she obviously fucking is), Poppy is now my auto-lock support champ in ranked and from here on out I will post a screenshot of every game I support with her.

Ranked Support Poppy stats: 1-0
