League Of Legends


Got something right about marriage
I think they are hand warmers. Gamers never go outside or do anything but sit in a computer chair. Their circulation must suck.


<Gold Donor>
Already at 91 LP in Bronze 2. One more win should mean a promo series. I know I am still not great and I know I need to improve, but I do think I am a legit Silver player. Hope to be there soon.


2 Minutes Hate
I can imagine the majority of people here are gold level Atleast given enough time to play through the trolls and leavers.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Well Gold is far more toxic than it appeared to be last season. I played Leona 95% of the time last season, and did well. But every game I'm in lately has one or two absolute fail lanes who die to the stupidest shit. A lot of games are totally bonkers too. People just running around and not really doing anything. I just do not understand. Mid trying to, "make plays" and let the enemy mid down the tower at <12 mins while they try to gank.... or something. This is happening far more than I recall.

Looks like its time to start spamming Udyr/Elise to push for Plat.


Got something right about marriage
Been playing Malph a lot lately both top and support with some jungle. Gonna try some AD Malph out tonight when I get home. Thinking Sword of the Divine and IE would be dope on him with his W steroid.


<Gold Donor>
Jungling is so annoying in Bronze. Whoever said you must be strong in the ways of ignore was right. Every lane was losing in one match and it was my fault. Never mind the fact that top and bot had deaths pre level 3 and our mid flashed into the turret chasing a kill he did not get and that was my fault. Seriously fuck these teenagers, I wish I could go back to high school just to beat them up.


Tranny Chaser
So you think maybe you can grind to diamond? BEHOLD THE DIAMOND DOORMASTER LUMIE


Pretty sure he's on the other side of my current queue as Elise and is going to carry again.


Tranny Chaser

In other news I have officially had enough Leona and am now going to make it a point to never, ever allow her into a game again if I can possibly help it. Doran's Shield Leona in conjunction with the increased gold and improved defensive masteries isabsurd.It is not an OK thing to exist.


Tranny Chaser
I queued right after and there was an Elise on the other team that I thought was Lumie is what I was trying to say.

Really growing to hate S4 vision changes. Not only do people not buy wards but people don't even use their trinkets. At upper plat/lower diamond I have to tell people every single fucking game to ward baron. It's 25 minutes in. You are farming wraiths. It's right fucking there. Throw a ward over. The last game I played had my entire team in top jungle doing red and wraiths and shit and that entire side of the map is just pitch black. Enemy team took baron in darkness and invaded in darkness and that was the game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I queued right after and there was an Elise on the other team that I thought was Lumie is what I was trying to say.

Really growing to hate S4 vision changes. Not only do people not buy wards but people don't even use their trinkets. At upper plat/lower diamond I have to tell people every single fucking game to ward baron. It's 25 minutes in. You are farming wraiths. It's right fucking there. Throw a ward over. The last game I played had my entire team in top jungle doing red and wraiths and shit and that entire side of the map is just pitch black. Enemy team took baron in darkness and invaded in darkness and that was the game.
Since I started jungling a few days ago. The vision changes are a thing of beauty. Since I know most do not ward and the red trinket lets me run through without even bothering to destroy them for ganks! Udyr Victories! I am not so hot with Elise though, comparatively. Had to play top a few times too. But Trundle top is really really strong. All of the popular top champs just die to him or can't keep up with his sustain. Renekton's harass is especially hilarious. Most Renekton players try to bully bully bully.

Trundle will out duel them every time, he ults, ult him and he is just regular Renekton now... then runs away with 1/4 hp. His wave clear is fucking awful though. But whatever.


There should really be more of a consequence for leaving/AFKing in ranked games. It's just ridiculous how often something like this happens. It only makes matters worse that this is my 3rd attempt at getting back to Gold



Lord Nagafen Raider
0/17/4 bot lane. Hahahaha.

I actually had a 13 death top singed yesterday. We lost in 17 minutes. Maybe because our Jungle rage quit when singed died for his 10th time and me and the support zyra just sat in base. Sad part is, the Singed was duo queue with our ADC, who wasn't doing that bad, yet he kept saying that's how the singed plays. How do you manage 13 deaths in 17 minutes. Like......... -_-


I actually had a 13 death top singed yesterday
Well technically if you have many deaths and can split push, you should keep doing it as much as possible.
You'll be worth like 50-60G after a 10 death streak, so your team's 4v4 will be better than a 5v5.
Sadly very few people understand this.

I play in EUW only Dominion/Aram and honestly the retard rate is very very low.
Now you do see some crazy stupid shit (like i tried once with AP Gangplank) but people actually "try to win".


Got something right about marriage
That's fine if you split push and don't keep dying. Otherwise it's a 4v4 and now they are split pushing and have an extra person on the map who can assist.

I had a game last night as Malph support where my ADC had quite obviously never played the game before in normals. Not even bot games I would imagine. Not sure how he got grouped up with us. Unless he was the world's best troll (he didn't say much other than to apologize for being so bad). We still should have won that game because I just grouped with our mid Nidalee and Kha'Zix killed solo laners all game. We had one of their nexus turrets down and I stupidly overextended and failed my ult and we lost. Feels bad man. I was landing great ults all game til that point. Finished like 0/5/25


2 Minutes Hate
This game needs more pet based champs. I was feeling saucy last night and played two games with AD Malz top. It's such a bad build in almost every single way. The only saving grace is eventually you get enough items that your voidlings really hurt and you can really take down towers fucking fast. But you suck in every other aspect of the game.

Meh. I really would like to see LOL pull a page out of the DOTA2 book and create a Necro/Broodmother type of class where you can control minions. Elise is only like half way there.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I've been cutting back and trying to play more quality rather than quantity.

Maybe its luck or the fact I'm in a better mindset with playing fewer games a day, but I've been on an absolute tear lately.

I'm 9-1 my past 10 games and am now Gold IV, 12 games above .500.
Since January 21st I've gone 54Wins/36Losses. 18 games over .500 and 60% win rate.
I've been playing a lot of VERY close games, too.

This week I've lowered my games played to 2-3 per day.

My best Champs atm:
Diana, 11-4, 73.3%
Nunu, 16-10, 61.5%
Yasuo, 30-22, 57.7%

Yasuo is pretty much 99% banned now so I practically never get him anymore. Im afraid Ill lose the mechanics Ive built up with him. It's unfortunate such a fun champ is on the ban radar now. I spammed Yasuo games since his release and played him ~160 games since his release.

I've been a Diana fan since her release but hated her skin so the new Lunar Revel skin was instant buy for me and now I spam her instead of Yasuo.

I will only pick Nunu if the matchups seem right. (We need AP jungler or Im against a Mundo top), otherwise Ive been picking Tryndamere but Im only 7-7 with Tryn atm.