League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
I found myself falling back into bad habits a few days ago and put League on hold. I started arguing with people again, I wasn't playing very well myself, and I was getting frustrated by failing a couple different series at Plat 2. I don't think it's a coincidence that when I started playing ranked during the preseason with a "I couldn't possibly give a fuck about anything other than my own play" attitude I made it higher on the ladder than I've ever accomplished. I'm just at a bad spot right now where I simultaneously want to push for Diamond but the attempt is going to cause me to play worse.

The more I care about advancing the less likely I am to do so. That's some Buddist shit right there.

At the start of S3 I was put close to Plat at the start and failed nine different best of fives trying to get it. That was a stretch of time that was some of the least enjoyable gaming I've ever had online. On that second failed series for Plat 1 I could see all my same shitty behavior coming back and IknowI was playing way worse. I've stepped back and put more focus on thinking about the game and watching other people play. I do a couple games vs bots a day for IP and some mechanical practice but that's it.


Got something right about marriage
I don't think it's a coincidence that when I started playing ranked during the preseason with a "I couldn't possibly give a fuck about anything other than my own play" attitude I made it higher on the ladder than I've ever accomplished.
People like Nightblue and GoodGuyGarry play exactly this way. They just do what they can to put themselves in the best position possible to carry. Bot lane feeding? Two teamates got caught out and you "might" be able to save them? Too bad, I'm gonna go farm my golems, fuck them I'll focus on what I can do right not what they're doing wrong. Sometimes you can't win anyway but a lot of times you can change the outcome. I just suck at this game too much to ever carry so I tunnel vision like a master and chase chase chase chase!!!


Would anyone be interested in beta testing Curse Voice? It's a new voice client with built in baron/dragon/ultimate timers. I have 10 beta keys, PM if you're interested.


While that sounds cool, I hope that doesnt become a thing. Automated shit like that just helps to promote both laziness and advantages to teams. Neither of which need to be in the game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I found myself falling back into bad habits a few days ago and put League on hold. I started arguing with people again, I wasn't playing very well myself, and I was getting frustrated by failing a couple different series at Plat 2. I don't think it's a coincidence that when I started playing ranked during the preseason with a "I couldn't possibly give a fuck about anything other than my own play" attitude I made it higher on the ladder than I've ever accomplished. I'm just at a bad spot right now where I simultaneously want to push for Diamond but the attempt is going to cause me to play worse.

The more I care about advancing the less likely I am to do so. That's some Buddist shit right there.

At the start of S3 I was put close to Plat at the start and failed nine different best of fives trying to get it. That was a stretch of time that was some of the least enjoyable gaming I've ever had online. On that second failed series for Plat 1 I could see all my same shitty behavior coming back and IknowI was playing way worse. I've stepped back and put more focus on thinking about the game and watching other people play. I do a couple games vs bots a day for IP and some mechanical practice but that's it.
The struggle is real. I've never really cared about ranked too much. But I have found that you can indeed fall back down a division. I've floated around 55-60% win rate for the majority of my time playing league. After I hit Gold V (I was Gold II/I last season) I just tanked. Back to Silver I now. Wow. Staring at 14 more losses than I have wins.

The streak tanked me to 44% win rate. So I am taking a step back to just observe, relax and read. This is my least enjoyable experience online. That's for sure. But I shall persevere!


Got something right about marriage
I feel like league of legends is the video game version of golf.

We all suck at it and it frustrates the shit out of us but one good play keeps us coming back for more. It's also the same as watching golf. The pros are so much fucking better than us it's impressive to watch.


Bronze Squire
How do timers promote laziness?
I think he is trying to say that by the jungler not having to actually figure or know the timer it tends to make them lazy. I don't agree but I would say it makes them less knowledgeable about the game if the program is always tracking the timer for them. If the program messes up or goes down then most would probably be screwed.


Tranny Chaser
I'm going to end up having to shelve this entire fucking thing until this bot lane situation changes. The most picked champions in the game right now are Thresh and Leona and for it's killing any enjoyment I have playing support. They are in almost every game and there isn't really anything to be done about them. They are just objectively better than everyone else. There's still a little room for Annie and a little room for Blitz and that's it. I came into S4 thinking there would be all these choices but the age of experimentation is over. The list of viable supports is four long. Everything else is pointless.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
there will always be a god tier and shit tier... its the nature of the game... though I still believe some "less than god tier" supports are viable... I prefer Nami myself.


Tranny Chaser
I've been playing this game for a long time and it's not the first time the lane has stagnated but it has sucked eery single time before and it sucks now. Playing against Leona right now feels as uneven as it used to feel playing against Sona before the hammer started coming down on her. Throwing S4 defensive masteries and a Doran's Shield on to a tank with some of the absolute best stats in the game has made that character a goddamn nightmare. There's just no such thing as harassing her down anymore. Even if you mangle her she'll walk back and forth for 30 seconds and be back at your throat.

Went and did my placements on my other account and 6/4 knocked me down from Plat 2 to Plat 4. Given the stories I was expecting a harsher decline but nope.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I picked up LoL again since I don't have time for Dota. Got placed in Silver 3, which is not bad for a 2 year break I guess. If anyone wants to add me, Chysamere on US


Mr. Poopybutthole
I found myself falling back into bad habits a few days ago and put League on hold. I started arguing with people again, I wasn't playing very well myself, and I was getting frustrated by failing a couple different series at Plat 2. I don't think it's a coincidence that when I started playing ranked during the preseason with a "I couldn't possibly give a fuck about anything other than my own play" attitude I made it higher on the ladder than I've ever accomplished. I'm just at a bad spot right now where I simultaneously want to push for Diamond but the attempt is going to cause me to play worse.

The more I care about advancing the less likely I am to do so. That's some Buddist shit right there.
Completely agree, I've had my biggest gains when I absolutely did not give a shit about anyone or anything else, and just focused on my own play. My attitude towards it comes and goes though. A lot of my enjoyment comes from overcoming and winning, not necessarily personally improving.

What makes it difficult for me personally, is that I'm very competitive, so I try so hard to win all the time (yes, I'm that loser tryharding in ARAMs). Even playing with friends, I have a hard time just kicking back and having a 'fun' game, because how I derive my fun is from kicking ass and winning, not by playing goofy shit and making stupid plays. So I get easily frustrated at my team doing boneheaded things, which inevitably puts me on tilt.

Like you, my goal is to hit Diamond (got Platinum last season). And it feels like you need a lot of drive to get there, but having that drive also spurs bad habits which will negatively effect your gameplay. It's a Catch 22.

What's made it even worse is that since late last season and during the pre-season, I've been playing with a lot of lower tier friends in normals. I've picked up a lot of bad habits from playing against lower caliber players. My decision making has been somewhat fucked because I could do shit against them that I can't pull off against Plat-Diamond players. Things like going over aggressive, chasing too long, etc. I was luckily able to only go down to Gold 1 after my promo matches, but I think I'm going to have an even tougher time getting back up towards Diamond than I would have last season.

Anyways, anyone else try out the CurseVoice program? It seems neat, but I'm sort of wary on the automated timers. How exactly does it work? Will this shit get you banned?


2 Minutes Hate
Curse Voice program is pretty cool. I've been using it. I would image the timers are part of Riot's new API? I've seen at least one pro use it on their stream. I highly doubt it will be ban worthy because Curse is putting it out and they have a team in the LCS.


Curse Voice program is pretty cool. I've been using it. I would image the timers are part of Riot's new API? I've seen at least one pro use it on their stream. I highly doubt it will be ban worthy because Curse is putting it out and they have a team in the LCS.
Definitely won't get you banned, the timers are only automated if you have vision, so no extra information is being gained. In addition, we've been in contact with Riot for awhile, they're aware of it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Definitely won't get you banned, the timers are only automated if you have vision, so no extra information is being gained. In addition, we've been in contact with Riot for awhile, they're aware of it.
I didn't even notice the team ult timers in my first few games...but holy shit. Awesome.

The Ancient_sl

I'm going to end up having to shelve this entire fucking thing until this bot lane situation changes. The most picked champions in the game right now are Thresh and Leona and for it's killing any enjoyment I have playing support. They are in almost every game and there isn't really anything to be done about them. They are just objectively better than everyone else. There's still a little room for Annie and a little room for Blitz and that's it. I came into S4 thinking there would be all these choices but the age of experimentation is over. The list of viable supports is four long. Everything else is pointless.
Did you give up on Morg already? I have a lot of success with her against Leona.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
pick teemo vs leona. Laugh as their combo doesn't hit and leona dies cause she overextended


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just had an invisible dragon in my game, would have been funny if it was a close game and mattered but since this was the 1st time in over 4k games seeing this, i made a highlight and a reddit post about it, of course:

mfplayer - Invisible Dragon - Twitch

Invisible Dragon (in game, not spectator). Potentially gamebreaking. : leagueoflegends

I had a dreadful weeked, lost a ton of games. Capped it off with 2 games that had DC'd players. Really spectacular luck I had. Seems like the only games I won were the 2-3 times I managed to get Yasuo. lol.