League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
It was pretty bad for a couple weeks but I've noticed the attacks lessening by a lot recently. I was able to play this weekend a TON without any major interruptions. Maybe 1 short attack on Saturday. It definitely infuriates me though. On the plus side, I did get 3-4 loss forgivens so far but I've also received only half LP from wins quite a few times as well.


A Man Chooses....
Yeah I did one placement the day this all started(the more recent bout on the 15th referencedhere) and I've been waiting to do the rest. Some games I have one problem, some games I have twenty. This DDOS horseshit is getting out of hand.

The Muze_sl

I'm about 100 games deep this season in ranked. Currently 20 games over .500. Holy shit ranked is going to give me an ulcer. I have managed to grind my way up to Gold, but every game is a challenge in the bad way. The teams are never evenly matched. I see people in Gold rank who's mechanics and approach to the game are clearly not aligned with my own. Not that I am some god, but I win my lane, I have a bad feed maybe 1 out of 75 games (giving up 3 kills in lane is what I consider bad). I push objectives and don't seek team fights for no reason.

I thought that getting out of bronze would be the end of what I call "the jungle wars" and "bronzie blood lust". But you know, that shit never ends, people get such tunnel vision. I watch streams more now and I even see this happen at the diamond and challenger level, so I guess nobody is safe.

I actually had another play say to me yesterday in ranked "It's soloq, we don't need tanks." Sure you don'tneedone and maybe you will win 50% of your games, but I'm looking to move up consistently. To do that you need to play the objective game. And to play the objective game you need to push towers with a damage sponge at some point. You can't expect to get fed every fucking match. /rant off
kinda funny that if you want to login now, you see "undefined" no matter which region you choose but if you click on the LoL client and type inthereisnourflevelyou can login just fine


A Man Chooses....
4.4 changes are interesting. They whacked Vi, murdered Elise's baron/dragon, changed wriggles, nerfed support Annie's all in at 6.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Kog'maw got some love finally. I wonder if it's enough to bust him back out.
Its at least nice he has his damn q in a usable form for a change. It has been nothing but a newbie trap and passive attack speed buff for as long as I can remember. If you were close enough to use q you were one dead kogmaw.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
How does a company that does over 600 million a year in business off of a game have such lousy reliability.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I like all the vfx updates they continue to do. Watching old videos from 1-2 years ago is unreal to me. The game looks ugly and I can't believe I played it when it looked so bad.

I main Diana and really dig the slight buff, I never buy Lich Bane on her anyway so this will be a nice bonus.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So Kass got hit pretty hard, mainly his Q not silencing anymore. But then I still think his kit overall is very good. Q + E damage got nerfed but with your W getting a pretty boss mode auto attack 140 (+.6ap) at lvl 5 AND restores 40% of his max mana on champions. Dafk? Plus, his Ult is now on a 3 second CD at level 3 instead of what it use to be at 5. You thought it was hard to catch kassadin then, it'll be impossible now. So with 40% CDR, which let's face it most APs get a CDR item + blue buff which gives them close to max, means his ult is on a 1.8second cast. Kass ult...every 1.8 seconds? Really? Plus his auto attack range went from 125 > 150, which doesn't seem like much but it's actually huuuge. So basically, he'll activate W, ult in, Q+E you, and auto attack you once and by the time all that is over his ult will be back up. Plus you get a shield that lasts for 1.5sec with his Q now, so it's "extra" tankiness. Yeah sure, he doesn't have a 2.5 second silence anymore but god damn his kit is still strong as shit imo.

Annie buffs are cool because it's a nerf to support annie but doesn't really affect mid annie. Although lately all I've been playing is Morg because she's basically OP as hell at the moment. Plus her build order is perfect since you get your frostfang > sightstone > chalice > mikaels. It's perfect cuz you get all that extra money from frostfang, get the free wards from sightstone and when you get chalice you can spam your spells 24/7 and finally another 600g later you get mikaels and between your root, your ult, your black shield and mikaels your ADC just can't die most of the time.

Elise still strong as fuck. If anything she got buffed. Her early game damage and clear will still be fine but now lvl 5 E is a 2 second stun (.5 sec longer) and her Rappel comes up a lot quicker.

TF will be interesting although yeah since you'd usually always rush Lich Bane if you could it probably just evens out.

Vi changes will do nothing. She'll still be a top ban/pick everygame.

All the other champs I don't really play much so /shrug.

Wriggles change still doesn't make sense. Giving AD is nice but AD + ATK while nerfing the gold income on it. Meh, still useless on 99.9% of junglers. If anything they should just try something crazy like have wriggles increase gold from jungle monsters by 100% just to try to force players to farm the jungle. As of right now it's ganking junglers all day every day and even if Wriggles gave you shit tons of gold for farming, it's still a risk vs reward because the other jungler could be ganking and winning that way.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's mostly pointless because they didn't add the upgrade for it yet. You're basically getting the stats of an item that upgrades itself for free later on. But you don't get the upgrade yet. It is an example of someone making a stupid decision along the chain.


A Man Chooses....
Elise did not get buffed, she got hammered. You max E last so instead of 1.5 second stuns early it's now 1 second, and her jungle clear and boss mob soloing ability got annihilated. She still may get played just because she dives so well but it hurts her farming and early ganks quite a bit.

Still loving Kha'Zix. Finding it hard to go back to Pantheon after playing him. Vi nerfs were deserved and I was sick of her anyway. I think I'm going to main Kha and Zac this season, although Amumu seems really strong with the elder golem change.

Who's a safe toplaner? I used to Zac all the time but now he is so weak early with your blobs going right at motherfuckers. Shen? I hate Renekton. Bored of Nasus. Trundle I guess?

Really excited to get back into ranked. Wish they'd fix their servers so I could actually do so without "reconnecting" 10 times a match.


Finally got into this game because a guy at work plays it nonstop and wont stfu about it. I'm level 8 now after like 2 days of playing. My champion of choice is Heimerdinger. It's mucho fun taking care of middle. Usually if my other teammates can't keep their lane then we're fucked so I'm *trying* to learn how to assist while dealing with middle lane. I finally got the memorization of using my item abilities though.



<Gold Donor>
I am in Bronze Hell! Currently Bronze 2, every time I get 90 or so LP I get a string of shitty, toxic, afk teams. I cannot wait to climb out of this bullshit. It will feel so good, possibly better than sex for one brief moment.

The Muze_sl

What lane are you maining Oblio? If you are any good at adc or support I would recommend grabbing one of those spot and providing some stability in your matches. I love mid, but when shit goes south early in bot lane it is feeding 2 or 3 people.
Who's a safe toplaner? I used to Zac all the time but now he is so weak early with your blobs going right at motherfuckers. Shen? I hate Renekton. Bored of Nasus. Trundle I guess?

Really excited to get back into ranked. Wish they'd fix their servers so I could actually do so without "reconnecting" 10 times a match.
Shyvana is still a good pick for top and funny enough so is Pantheon especially against a Renekton
you could also do the new old fad of going Ryze top