League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea his old rockets were a serious fucking problem. The new ones are not bad but if I was trying to make Heimer into maximum bullshit hate-to-play-against territory, he'd get old rockets back. The main problem with Heimer is that no one fucking respects his turrets. Marksmen can 1-shot them for most of the game but people just ignore them and that's where 90% of his damage comes from in a team fight. Hell, it gives junglers bonus power because they can smite one and feel good.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Alright, new Heimer is officially stupid. I don't give a fuck if he's not viable in competitive play, people have no idea how to play against him and he becomes this unstoppable pushing monster that three people can't even kill without all dying. Every single one I have seen on my team or the other crushes the game in lane, even if they are terrible.
I demolished a Heimer as Vel Koz... just need to play champs with AoE clear like Ziggs/Vel Koz/Gragas/etc.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Vel would be a pretty hard counter to heimers turrets but syndra is still the champ of counter pick vs heimer. You just pick up his turrets and beat him upside the head with them.


Tranny Chaser
Ziggs is a house. You can clear turrets for zero risk the entire game. Early on it's bomb + auto and later on it's just bomb.


I was even beating a heimer yesterday in top lane as Garen. You just have to farm as much as possible at the lower levels where heim will destroy you and hope to god your teammates can hold out long enough for you to gear up. Once you have enough items it's GG to heimer and his stupid turrets because Garen's AOE is crazy against him and when you add in Garen's ultra it's no contest.

Now when I play Heim pretty much any ranged like Cait or something can totally fuck my lane up and there is nothing Heim can really do about it.


A Man Chooses....
I demolished a Heimer as Vel Koz... just need to play champs with AoE clear like Ziggs/Vel Koz/Gragas/etc.
I jungle or top, I don't lane against the little fucker. What I do get are panicked pings from people mid who are already low who expect me to jump into his turrets and somehow save them once he is already set up. It's fucking frustrating. And if he gets ahead good luck with that shit, he can 1v3 even if he doesn't have any turrets down unless you have the right kind of champs.


I jungle or top, I don't lane against the little fucker. What I do get are panicked pings from people mid who are already low who expect me to jump into his turrets and somehow save them once he is already set up. It's fucking frustrating. And if he gets ahead good luck with that shit, he can 1v3 even if he doesn't have any turrets down unless you have the right kind of champs.
3 turrets and ult turret + zhonya's and it's GG for whole team. I do a suicide occasionally just to clear the field for a rush. I tend to out level by a good margin however.


A Man Chooses....
And another game. He had 323 CS over 125 and both top turrets against an olaf because Heimer was last pick. Nothing amumu+olaf can do against heimer. He's up to 57% winrate on lolking. This is retarded.

I have faced him 5 times today and he has had 20% more gold than anyone else in every single one.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Haven't played against the new heimer as Vlad but I know Vlad did extremely well against him just the last rework he had, unsure about now though. Early game can be a little rough for Vlad but by the time you get like level 7 or so you can start to push him and honestly will scale better the longer the game goes. Early game you are pretty much forced to farm under tower though, which isn'ttoohard with vlad if you're use to it. Eventually you just were able to out sustain any of his damage with your Q and your E starts to push just as hard as he can.


A Man Chooses....
It's not about laning against him. I could go watch a video and be able to do it without feeding or losing my turret in five minutes probably. It's about being on teams with people who have no idea how to lane against him, or people like the poor olaf before who had it last picked into him top. I even suggested he take smite but people don't listen, and once the game starts I spent the entire game trying to save the turrets in that lane while the other jungler runs rampant, or I ignore it and he is literally standing at our base at 15 minutes. It is not fun. Once he builds a nest there is nothing I can do as a jungler to get him out of it, even with my laner, and smite doesn't kill his ultimate. He just stands in the middle, stuns, zhonya's and even if it's three or four people everyone dies.

Only thing I can think of is 2v1ing him, but I doubt people will go for that in solo queue.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Heimer only really works in top lane, where most champs are melee and you can punish them for trying to clear turrets. That said, Top Heimmer is fun as fuck. Usually the enemy jungle comes up to gank you once, either dies or barely escapes with his life...and then refuses to come back up as you push on their 2nd tower before any lane is even close to getting their first.


<Gold Donor>
I hate adc but I had to play it last game. So I went Tank Urgot and split cs with my Xerath Support. I went 1/5/4 and tanked like a beast was really fun actually, my most enjoyable experience as adc to date.

Also, we had a Hemier top how basically won the game for us, he Xpeke'd the Nexus Turrets and Nexus while we 4v5'd them mid lane.


Not sure if you guys have heard, but I know some of you were really big fans of team builder. It should be coming back tomorrow for US, permanently. It's already re-enabled on OCE, RU, and TR servers.

New site announcing it:Teambuilder | League of Legends

Edit: And it's live now in the US


2 Minutes Hate
After Heimers rework, I played him a lot top lane. He's fantastic and an amazing pusher. Get a wave to tower, drop turrets and ult and pew pew pew.

You don't want to play Heimer mid. You have too much ground to cover. Top lane is amazing because you can play against the wall. Also play the bushes. If you are pushing lane, drop two turrets in the push and on mid lane. Bunch them up close enough so they have a good kill zone, but not close enough that one good AOE knocks them all out. You will probably die a lot, but you'll also get a bunch of kills with you get 2v1'd.

Rockets are a trap. Level R>Q>E>W.
Start Barrier/Flash, Dorans Shield. Go into Chalice, Zhonyas, Athenes, Rabs. Run whatever boots are appropriate. I usually do Tabis. Start with at least 10% CDR from runes and masteries.

Heimer is so fucking crazy. I love him, but you can easily counter him. You just have to take out his turrets early, one by one. The turret cooldown is very high early on. Also, buy wards to put in your own brush so you can see the turrets in there (if you're playing vs. him top).


A Man Chooses....
What do you guys think about the 2 lifesteal quints on AD junglers like Pant and Kha'Zix? Little bit less damage but you seem so much healthier for ganks, and you actually have some sustain when splitpushing lategame if you go elder lizard/lastwhisper/maw tanky.


<Gold Donor>
I was using one LS Quint on Wu and Panth and then I went all AD Quints, I have noticed zero difference in health and my ganks are much stronger.

Bare in mind I am only Bronze, so WTF do I know.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I find Vik to be a decent counter to Heimer. Rush Augment Death and a chalice and you can easily pick off his turrets from outside their range while farming at the same time. It can be a bit rough at first as he pushes better than you early game, but once you have a mana engine going and some cdr on your E, you can knock out his turrets faster than he can lay them while single shotting minion waves. Syndra destroys Heimer to from what I've seen.
What do you guys think about the 2 lifesteal quints on AD junglers like Pant and Kha'Zix? Little bit less damage but you seem so much healthier for ganks, and you actually have some sustain when splitpushing lategame if you go elder lizard/lastwhisper/maw tanky.
Health should never be an issue really, unless your defensive runes or spec is really off. I usually have full health and at least 2 pots left after clearing my second buff, which is when you look around for that first gank. Any other time you'll have the regen component of your jungle item keeping you sustained.