League Of Legends

The Muze_sl

I main Syndra so the new Heimer rework, reskin, and subsequent play have been most enjoyable for me. There is nothing funnier than Heimer dropping turret after turret and just instantly grabbing them and chucking them over the wraith wall, or under tower. They just kind of stand there and stare at you.


A Man Chooses....
Really wish they would give Zac a little bit of a bump. He is so much fun but his damage early is just so godawful now. They nerfed his E, the tenacity on his ult, the blobs, everything. Once he hits 6 you can carry though.

Also Dinger is being banned in LCS now.

The Ancient_sl

Yeah I play Poppy alot so I am used to jockeying for position, but her stun is the strongest thing about her in bot lane because most bot lane comps aren't used to it. If you can land a stun at lvl 1-2 youre gonna burn 2 summoners or get a kill and after that you just zone them and free farm because people are usually too scared to want to fight you again. It's also very fun to bait people into all-ins and /ctrl+4 at them after surviving via her OP passive. And good luck killing Poppy at all in bot lane without ignite or a Teemo support or something like that.
Guess you got paired with this guy.


This is what I deal with every other game. Literally 50% of my games. I'm never getting out of bronze 5 or 4.

Every game I destroy my lane. Nasus vs Renekton? np. Killed him twice in 12 minutes, to the point he just left me to free farm while he roamed. I ask my team 10 minutes in: "Please do anything but die. I am free farming. If you just don't die, we will win." Of course they die almost 45 times.




Mr. Poopybutthole
This is what I deal with every other game. Literally 50% of my games. I'm never getting out of bronze 5 or 4.

Every game I destroy my lane. Nasus vs Renekton? np. Killed him twice in 12 minutes, to the point he just left me to free farm while he roamed. I ask my team 10 minutes in: "Please do anything but die. I am free farming. If you just don't die, we will win." Of course they die almost 45 times.

All that time spent free farming is time spent not helping your team. So yeah, you could try helping your team.


Game wasn't even 30 minutes in. I had just taken inhib turret when they ended. You want me to follow renekton around? I'll never outclass the other team if I roam as nasus. All they had to do was not put themselves in peril and we would have won.
If your team has proved they can't avoid fighting and dying then it is your job as a player who won their lane to bring that advantage to your team and help them. You sitting top and telling them to not die while the other team runs roughshod over them does less then nothing. You're just as responsible for the loss as they are.

edit: Also for having so much free farm you're still sub 200 at 30 minutes. So you didn't even do well while left to your own devices. The Ren played smart and you didn't.


I didn't have free farm the entire time, nor did I farm the entire time I was left alone. I CS well, better than all bronze players I'm with anyways. I know I'm not the best, but I clearly am better than my division peers.

Wrt helping them out.. when there was a fight at a turret or some objective, I'd go.. of course.. but these guys just kept roaming alone and pushing nonsensically and getting caught out of position
I didn't have free farm the entire time, nor did I farm the entire time I was left alone. I CS well, better than all bronze players I'm with anyways. I know I'm not the best, but I clearly am better than my division peers.

Wrt helping them out.. when there was a fight at a turret or some objective, I'd go.. of course.. but these guys just kept roaming alone and pushing nonsensically and getting caught out of position
If you were better then your peers then you wouldn't be bronze V.


A Man Chooses....
The worst thing are the teams that just will not group up. They refuse. they push top and die, or die at wraiths, or just refuse to group.


Welcome to Top lane. Better get used to winning your lane but then having your team go all in on a 3v5 and throw the game at 20 minutes. Still my favorite lane but yea.. dont expect to say "just dont die" and it actually happen.

I just expect to have to leave top lane and come mid around the 20 minute mark where every game turns into a goddamn ARAM for the next hour. Bronzodia. Also part of the reason I dont play nasus.


2 Minutes Hate
If you're winning top lane, and your opponent starts to roam. Take the first turret for global gold, then start pushing down mid. then bot with your team. Don't try to split push all game if he rest of your team is getting crushed. Split pushing is an art form, it ain't easy to time and your team needs to work with you to do that.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Take teleport and turn team fights or skirmishes around. Objectives, not getting caught, etc. doesn't exist in Bronze, so it's all about getting small victories. Even turning one 2v2/2v3/whatever around early on can set your team up for winning.

Edit: Also, Nasus is an EXCELLENT champion for team fights and objective control. His ult does a lot of damage if you don't get focused, and if you do get focused (because you're big and scary) that lets your mid/bot unleash hell for longer. Withering a Marksman (or Yasuo) is almost as good as stunning them, and the shred from his E contributes a lot of hidden damage if it's positioned right. Not to mention EVERY champion is great in a teamfight if you're the extra body. Team fights are all about number of players for a huge bulk of the game.