League Of Legends


Mr. Poopybutthole
Why would you be pushing top lane inhib while they're killing your base?

Anyways, playing such a late game champion like Nasus is a risk. Solo Queue games are decided early 90% of the time. If you play a champion that you feel needs to sit in top lane for 30 minutes to be effective, you're going to have a bad time. If you expect Bronze league players to know how to avoid engagements while you split push, you're going to have an even worse time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Lol look at those scores. Nothing he could have done would have made any difference.
Likely his team was just outclassed regardless. But when you're AFK pushing in lane while your lane opponent is terrorizing other lanes (Renekton is the most fed on entire enemy team, gold-wise) - you probably should be doing more than AFK pushing and telling your team not to die when you're forcing them to be outnumbered.

Split pushing can work well. But split pushing when your team doesn't want you to, or can't handle it...isn't a good idea. Sometimes even a good play can be the wrong move, depending on your team.

The overall point is, this guy wants to bitch about his team when he really needs to be trying to understand what he could have done different. Just winning your lane and doing your job while your team is floundering is hardly enough.


<Gold Donor>
Lost my promos, 1st game was top and the rest of my team was getting wrecked so I was camped all game by jung. Mid Yasuo goes 0/9 quits.

2nd game we win, I am Leo supp and have a great Vayne with me. I literally land every ult and stun perfect we own lane and team fights.

3rd game we lose supp Leo again and I have a Varus that attacks Blitz instead of Cait. Top lane picks Nasus into Renekton gets owned, our Lee Sin jung was worthless. Lee died full health against a same level 20% health 10% mana Cait with me stunning her for him.

4th game, I finally get to jung Wu my main position. Our Renekton DCs at the start of the game, comes back when were are level 4 gains 1 level DCs again. I did my best to cover top and gank, ended up 6/6/7 and kept the game close but just not able to carry well enough. I would ult in and we had no follow up damage.

Such a shitty way to lose promos I mean fuck me.


A Man Chooses....
I just shouldn't play on the weekends. The retard level goes up exponentially. Just lost my third series game because we had a mundo and a support voli(after I first picked jungle Zac), then when we outscale them and get tanky we have the game won, just baroned and aced them, and they dive two turrets deep and wipe and we lose. For no reason whatsoever.


<Gold Donor>
So fucking happy!!!



Lord Nagafen Raider
hahaha, this URF mode. Sona is broken as shit. But holy shit Blitz is fun. 4 second grab, can keep your W on forever, ~2sec knock up, 6 second ult. hahahahha. What a great fucking mode.

Jayce & Lux both seem pretty strong too, spamming their long range shit 24/7. Nid seems like she's be pretty broken OP as well. Same with Ziggs.

I'm about to go try out Kennen, he seems like he could be extremely fun since he gets energy starved often.

Okay Kennen kinda sucks. Fiddle time!


Bronze Squire
I agree on the nidalee and lux but other than them I haven't found anything else really ban worthy.


Bronze Squire
Fizz, that was the other....I haven't seen anything out of Sona TBH....maybe all the people playing her were bad.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You thought Leona was a nightmare when she had cooldowns? JFC she just wrecked my team so hard lol.