League Of Legends


More Curse Voice keys. Don't be a jerk and take them all plz.

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  100. fd9552d3-823e-499d-9d4e-fb6495f83631


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think I actually got drop hacked today. I was duo queuing with teekey and I was pretty far ahead as master yi jungle. Randomly my game lags out. Everything else worked but I couldn't connect to League at all. Kept getting logged in but when I would try to reconnect to the game it kept saying it couldn't connect to the game. Finally, it let me connect...yet when I "loaded" in the game went to the final screen which means the game was over. So either League fucked up and I couldn't reconnect to my game server for some random reason or I was getting drop hacked. -_-
One of the players sends a invalid command to the server using a drophack tool. Sometimes this results in everyone but them DCing and being unable to reconnect so they win the game. Usually however it drops all the players so the game ends and doesn't count in anyone's match history. I've had it happen twice in the last two weeks in plat. You probably won't see it in lower divisions unless it is a promo game for the drop hacker.

edit: Lots of speculation on the loop holes that allow this to happen, but one thing that seems to be prevalent is that the person using the drop hack is playing a champ that has secondary units under their control which is how they attack the server. So characters like Annie, Shaco, Elise, etc are thought to be needed to use it effectively.


A Man Chooses....
Really don't understand why they're nerfing feral. It's not going to have any real functional effect other than making it almost unusable in competitive.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty crazy that both Meteos and Hai never died in any of the grand final games.

Overall Team KDA:
Overall KDA:

Balls: 8-4-24
Meteos: 12-0-28
Hai: 12-0-32
Sneaky: 22-1-18
LemonNation: 0-1-43

Team: 54-6-143

Pretty damn insane for 3 games against TSM.


A Man Chooses....
I really like TheOddOne but I've never seen a more invisible jungler in a three match set. Aside from one dragon steal he did literally nothing, and he spent the whole game trying to steal buffs like he was Trick2G in 2012.


Vyemm Raider
oddone plays the tanky support jungler, thats why he enjoys mao so much. w/ this meta, he's boned. his cs w/ xin was way below everyone yet he barely ganked.


Got something right about marriage
I feel like all the North American teams spend most of their time figuring out how to shut Meteos down instead of figuring out how to create advantages for their own team. The problem is Meteos is the smartest NA jungler by a long shot and it doesn't really matter what you do, chances are you aren't going to shut him down. Game 2 Oddone got off to a great start and put Meteos behind, but it was a moot point.

C9 are just the smartest team in NA, it seems the only time they lose in the NA LCS is when they are fucking around with a weird strat. It's why they are undefeated in the LCS playoffs. When they play for real nobody in NA can beat them. TSM got stomped.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
TSM didn't look good at all and they probably didnt even deserve to beat CLG. CLG threw the 2nd game which should have never happened and then CLG were all panic-mode for Game 3 and didn't play their game. TSM looked bad in both series. I do root for TSM for some reason, I just always preferred their players over CLG/C9/etc but damn did they not look good. It was embarrassing.

C9 seems to always win the team fights. Their mechanics and awareness are just superior. TSM seemed to play too afraid in team fights. I kept questioning where the damage was. It seemed like TSM were too busy trying to out-maneuver/kite/whatever and just wouldn't go "all in" and burst people down. On the flip side, C9 know when to go "all in" and they do burst people out.

Granted, this patch was not good for TSM's style either. Bjergsen has been known as a carry-mid with the most kills for the split and this new support-mid meta clearly fucked him. Also, OddOne is not good on carry-junglers. The beginning of this split was great for them, they were all comfortable in their roles and then Riot turned the tables on them. A great team should be able to adapt, however, and clearly C9 can, and does.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Increasing the stacks for it seems kinda lame. The cost increase is fine but increasing the stacks it takes to turn to FF just seems to screw over a good chunk of "slower" FF junglers. An extra 5 camps for Yi or Shyvana is going to take 1 extra minute. Yet you look at, I dunno say Shaco if he wants FF or Khazix or something it ends up taking a whole hell of a lot longer. Especially since they can't power farm as well.


Increasing the stacks for it seems kinda lame. The cost increase is fine but increasing the stacks it takes to turn to FF just seems to screw over a good chunk of "slower" FF junglers. An extra 5 camps for Yi or Shyvana is going to take 1 extra minute. Yet you look at, I dunno say Shaco if he wants FF or Khazix or something it ends up taking a whole hell of a lot longer. Especially since they can't power farm as well.
I get the point you're making.. but Kha'Zix is not an FF jungler. If he's grabbing FF you're doing it wrong w/him IMO. And feral flare deserves a nerf, it is wayyyyy too strong. Even this nerf probably won't be doing enough to bring it in line, but it may make the snowball more manageable.


A Man Chooses....
New flare is kind of frustrating. You really have to hard farm to get it transformed relatively fast, and I prefer to gank and not just afk farm. They should count siege minions as big monsters if they're going to bump it up, right now I almost don't want to cover lanes just because it's so counterproductive as far as converting flare.


New flare is kind of frustrating. You really have to hard farm to get it transformed relatively fast, and I prefer to gank and not just afk farm. They should count siege minions as big monsters if they're going to bump it up, right now I almost don't want to cover lanes just because it's so counterproductive as far as converting flare.
True, they were saying this in the LCS as well - that going to a lane after your ally has died and "cleaning up" the minions is usually counter productive. It's better to just keep farming your jungle or counterjungling, as far as continuing to stack goes. It's just a completely different playstyle than the pantheon/wukong/elise/etc that was so dominant a few patches ago. I'm glad they introduced it overall though, little more variety in the junglers seen (xin, noc, udyr, ww). Although now it's made master yi permabanned from what i have seen so far in ranked, haha


A Man Chooses....
Jax is broken as shit with it. The problem is that in solo q half the time your team wants to have a kill a minute, so you either ignore them and farm or you spend the whole game running around like an idiot hoping to get kills. I honestly hate games where people just mindlessly fight when they don't have an advantage. What is the point of engaging without vision control and no advantage, hoping their jungler doesn't show up or they just happen to be stronger than you. I see it constantly. If they overextend, I will gank. If they get low, I will dive. If they allow a lane gank, I will lane gank. What I do not want to do is run for twenty seconds because you made a bad decision and get there right when the fight ends.