League Of Legends

Karma is in a good place right now from a power perspective. Yes she is strong and her kit is pretty powerful when you put it all together. However I think that is fine in her primary support role because she does fall off late game in power unless your team really has the coordination to make use of ulted e's and strong W pickoffs. Her early game as a mid laner (which I'm starting to see more of because of bjergerking) is actually really weak. Her clear is anemic and she is rather susceptible to well timed ganks or dives. So just shove her in to the tower and either kill her with jungle help or roam and snowball your other lanes early.

As far as the soraka Ziggs matchup goes? She's going to get her farm, but you should never be in danger of dying to her or getting zoned from farm. She brings nothing to assisting a jungle gank outside of a small silence and her burst damage is minimal. People are too terrified of the Q spam early. I've played the matchup a couple of times as Ziggs and I win the matchup via farm and picking up an early morello's. Too many people are not utilizing a fairly simple tool to beat the soraka in late lane and team fights. Pick a target out, burst them and with the grievous wounds proc watch all that burst healing fail and an easy team fight win for your side because you just nullified the minute long team fight where Soraka shines.


A Man Chooses....
Dodging every game with a Nid from now on. Every single one. Stupidest design ever. Can't help in ganks. Can't do shit without blue buff. Can't do shit in team fights unless the other team lets you dick around for 30 seconds. Oh yeah, build the team comp around me please, I only work in one fucking comp. And these faggots think they are somehow good when they literally do nothing but miss 80% of their spears and stay miles away. Is there a single other champion that requires the team to conform to their specific style of play to be successful more than that asshole cougar?

And because it's a zero risk style she is in EVERY FUCKING GAME.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pick Nid mid, Cait/Karma(or morg) bot, Jayce top and Elise jungle and do nothing but poke and disengage. It is really a super fun type of team comp to run assuming you actually get competent players, which is usually quite rare in soloqueue. :p I specifically remember having that team comp one time in SoloQ and I was the Elise jungle and my god it was some of the most fun I've ever had in soloq. Although, I guess it was like a 25min stomp...but still, was a blast!


A Man Chooses....
Yes but when I first pick an engage jungler and top goes Renekton, then fourth pick takes Nidalee you're like.....WTF dude?


Lord Nagafen Raider
haha so true.

So, I think I'm stuck in the plat 3-2 range. Been going 50/50 in Plat 3 and "slowly" still gaining. Ended up winning my promos to Plat 2, won 3 in a row up to 60lp. Then I lost 5 in a row and got demoted back to plat 3. fml. My LP went like 20-40-60-42-24-8-0-demoted! Fuuuuuuuu. I'm currently like 2-8 or so, now I have more losses than wins.

Better grind like a bitch this weekend, it's even double IP!! Yeaaa, every scrub nub will be playing!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Woot, 7-3 in placements put me back into gold I. Maybe I will actually try for something this season.


A Man Chooses....
League of legends in a nutshell. Third game of my series.


Edit: It went about as well as you would expect.


I swear I have the worst luck with some of these teams. Yesterday I got a 14 loss streak. Literally every game had some suicidal guy, an afk, a d/c, or someone who would not help the team in any way whatsoever. Also double IP weekend, yay.


Golden Knight of the Realm
League of legends in a nutshell. Third game of my series.

Edit: It went about as well as you would expect.
What league is this? Whoever picks ignite on the biggest chicken shit champion in the game? Fat chance you'll be up and personal, nidalee is all about being a bitch from far away after all


I swear I have the worst luck with some of these teams. Yesterday I got a 14 loss streak. Literally every game had some suicidal guy, an afk, a d/c, or someone who would not help the team in any way whatsoever. Also double IP weekend, yay.
Know that feel, first game i fire up in ranked, im last pick.. have to fill as ADC (one of my worst roles, i told the team this) and my D5 support basically suicides into the team level 1 as Brand. Comes back to lane, we get a double kill and recall. We come back again and he tries turret diving lucian/karma level 3, dies.. and quits the game. Never returned, lol. I don't mind filling so much but it sucks getting trolled especially when i'm already not up to par with the role.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Gragas support is legit bros, give it a try before he starts eating bans. He's especially hilarious vs Leona. Flop stuffs zenith blade, he has more regen, better health scaling, just as much CC, it's like fatter version of Leona to play.

He's even got more buffs coming next patch.


2 Minutes Hate
I might have to come back and play a bit with Braum. Champ looks fun. He looks like he should be an interesting jungler if his clear speed didn't look like ass since he has no aoe.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Supposedly the Latin Riot company is a clusterfuck of corruption and incompetence, so I would be surprised if that sticks or is enforced, especially since Riot NA already OK'd the client.


Tranny Chaser
As far as I know Riot's current tournament rules ban the use of timers even if they've given the OK for their use in other areas.

edit - I misread, it's just derps in a gaming center. That should be fine.

Hey guys,

I am the manager for player experience in Latin America and in charge of player behavior for the region, I wanted to come in here and give some clarity on this issue.

Our team is not actively going out of our way to ban players from using this application or other similar ones. We simply have communicated to players that we believe that any use of a third party application which provides them with a clear competitive advantage over other players should not be allowed.

A few months ago after a different application that provided automatic timers was beginning to gain some popularity in our region, our ps team, the central ps team with their player behavior lead, and myself met up and decided that it was something we did not want to endorse in our region.

We gave clear communication to players in the forums and after a few weeks we took action on a few players that actively continued to use this app on streams or in a few cases where we had ps tickets and could confirm the use of the app for a competitive advantage.

I wanted to point out that this is a direction we decided to go in as a region months ago before this became a hot topic globally, we are simply maintaining our stance on the issue for the time being.

This app is currently being discussed actively at Riot and a direction has not yet been suggested by the central Riot team yet. When that happens, as any region does, we'll decide what our next steps are.

Riot always empowers each region to be player focused and make their own decisions to benefit you guys, and rest assured we'll continue to discuss this internally and adapt as things develop further. We want to make sure our players always have the best experience possible when playing League.



Lord Nagafen Raider
How come Ziggs isn't perma ban. I'm like 10-0 or so with him between my accounts in ranked. Every single game I have the most damage done to champions by usually double. Always have top farm, or at least top 2 farm. Once you get Grail + Blue buff you just spam bombs from the screen away clearing waves like mad. People can't really dive you because Satchel to escape + bombs everywhere for the slow. Everything is AoE, everything does a fuck ton of damage, "global" ult. Just...that champion man. He's pretty much my go to Mid champion if I ever play mid and I just haven't lost with him yet.

Just had a Vs Leblanc game where she actually was beating me early (I was running my Full AP, HP Scaling yellows, No MR runes) but once I got level ~7 and got first blue buff it was just spam Q, beat her in farm, "gank" with my ult, gg.


Supposedly the Latin Riot company is a clusterfuck of corruption and incompetence, so I would be surprised if that sticks or is enforced, especially since Riot NA already OK'd the client.
Their messaging has been a bit chaotic for sure. A couple Riot LAN/LAS (forget which) employees have been streaming with Curse Voice. Either way, we've been in contact with Riot NA to try and get a more coherent resolution from LAS/LAN.

Oh, and someone mentioned performance on older machines awhile back. This is something we're very cognizant of. We have a general goal of the client not lowering FPS by more than 5%.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Their messaging has been a bit chaotic for sure. A couple Riot LAN/LAS (forget which) employees have been streaming with Curse Voice. Either way, we've been in contact with Riot NA to try and get a more coherent resolution from LAS/LAN.

Oh, and someone mentioned performance on older machines awhile back. This is something we're very cognizant of. We have a general goal of the client not lowering FPS by more than 5%.
wtf, you work for riot? i r confused.

either way, pretty cool if we have somebody who works for riot that posts here :p