League Of Legends


A Man Chooses....
I hate people. Pushing mid, people eat like 4 spears. I ping back and leave to go do dragon. This is against a 5 man team, some of them low but they have fallen back to their turret and they have a Nid/Cait. They keep pushing and die, then bitch at me for leaving. It's like people are incapable of functional intelligence. Look at how you win a fight(engaging at full) and how you lose it(taking poke, sieging when low) and then don't do the shit that you lose. It's like people just want to be bloodthirsty and are unable to wait for a favorable situation.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Had 1 Game with a Braum in it (on my team). Enemy team had Thresh. Braum didn't seem as impactful as Thresh. My team was winning for a long time but eventually we lost. Thresh brings a ton more CC and the dreaded hook that can turn a game around really fast. Our Braum might have sucked, but from my view his abilities just didn't seem to do much. Our bot lane did win laning phase though.


<Gold Donor>
I have played some team builder as Braum and gone against other Braums. It seems like every other Braum I see is trying to force something by spamming their abilities. I feel like Braum is more of a reactive Champ then proactive, react to your ADC making a move and combo accordingly or react to their ADC going after yours and combo accordingly.
You pick Braum for the same reason you pick morg, to disrupt enemy engage teams or divers. I think he is better at it then she is as well. His offensive laning isn't really anything to write home about, but if your adc isn't a moron you effectively can't die in lane barring a really good gank. His ult is also absolutely broken, the line knockup would be good enough but add to that a decent duration slow field and you can pretty much dictate the pace of a fight, especially in tight places.


He also is very good at fight cleanup and chasing because of his W and Q. Its like trying to run from a gragas. No real engage though so I wouldn't pick him in a team that required aggressive action from its support.


A Man Chooses....
Soraka is so ridiculous at the moment. She can go to three lanes, she pushes infinitely, very few champs can punish her and it's hard to counterpick her because she can just switch roles, the wins teamfights by herself, and she pisses people off and causes more rage than any champ I've ever seen. I want to dodge every time she's on the other team.


Soraka is so ridiculous at the moment. She can go to three lanes, she pushes infinitely, very few champs can punish her and it's hard to counterpick her because she can just switch roles, the wins teamfights by herself, and she pisses people off and causes more rage than any champ I've ever seen. I want to dodge every time she's on the other team.
Yep. This meta is kinda gay, honestly. They nerfed assassins to the ground, and this is what you get.


Tranny Chaser
Riot hates successful assassins almost as much as successful melee carries. Every time an assassin is good they get nerfed because counterplay negative patterns anti-fun binary gameplay. In their defense it's not an awesome archetype to even exist. Getting 100-0'd instantly or almost instantly sucks the root. But then again huge burst is a good counter to certain kinds of horseshit.

Soraka is maybe the first champion in the game that I came to hate. My hate for her goes all the way back to the beta. She's been nerfed a ton of times, reworked, nerfed a ton more, reworked again, and nerfed a ton again. She's just got a bullshit kit. Wish needs a fucking cast time and thus be interruptible.


Had 1 Game with a Braum in it (on my team). Enemy team had Thresh. Braum didn't seem as impactful as Thresh. My team was winning for a long time but eventually we lost. Thresh brings a ton more CC and the dreaded hook that can turn a game around really fast. Our Braum might have sucked, but from my view his abilities just didn't seem to do much. Our bot lane did win laning phase though.
I had a very successful game with Braum; I pretty much shut down the opposing teams Thresh laning against him. It was Lucian and I vs. Twitch and Thresh. Part of the issue was that Twitch doesn't really have range - if it had been a Cait or a Varus I might have been zoned a bit more, but I was easily able to maneuver to q onto one or the other (or both) to get the stun started. On top of that, anytime he threw a hook at my Luc I just w'd onto Luc and took it instead. Shielded in his and Twitch's direction, and then either q'd or ulted to get a stun going. Because of Luc's passive to hit twice anytime Thresh started shit we would immediately turn it around.

It was fun, because jumping into the hook was excellent. You can't kill me, and you just pulled me into melee range so I can initiate a stun. That went badly.

I have played some team builder as Braum and gone against other Braums. It seems like every other Braum I see is trying to force something by spamming their abilities. I feel like Braum is more of a reactive Champ then proactive, react to your ADC making a move and combo accordingly or react to their ADC going after yours and combo accordingly.
Pretty much this as far as I can tell. I counter initiated instead of initiating, which was somewhat displeasing to my team. We had a tank jungler who I expected to be slightly more proactive on jumping in but it didn't work that way. I stayed glue to my carry's side in my games, but I found that without a tankier champ or at least a disruptive champ to initiate I was fairly weaker.

You pick Braum for the same reason you pick morg, to disrupt enemy engage teams or divers. I think he is better at it then she is as well. His offensive laning isn't really anything to write home about, but if your adc isn't a moron you effectively can't die in lane barring a really good gank. His ult is also absolutely broken, the line knockup would be good enough but add to that a decent duration slow field and you can pretty much dictate the pace of a fight, especially in tight places.


He also is very good at fight cleanup and chasing because of his W and Q. Its like trying to run from a gragas. No real engage though so I wouldn't pick him in a team that required aggressive action from its support.

In one game (and my most successful) we had the enemy jungler putting lots of pressure onto our bot - I warded a shit ton and would dash to my carry and ult into the group. There wasn't a single time where we didn't come out ahead of it. In the best circumstances, I saved my carry and we would ace them, mostly because we had some reinforcements coming. In the worst case scenario, we didn't get a kill but they didn't either.

I had a lot of fun with Braum; shielding in the direction of a projectile and then leaping into the group to protect was just awesome. The shield sticking in the direction you point it in is also amazing, just because I could continue to move but would be stopping anything coming after us.

I have to get the timing down a bit more with him, but I like him a lot. Leona was another of my fave supports and while he doesn't initiate like she can, I've at least got the "HAHA YOU ARE NOT FUCKING KILLING ME, WHAT ARE YOU INSANE?" stuff down.

Thumbs up on the champ so far; having a Yasuo on our team on the one map was entertaining as well. I fed him so many kills with my ult.

The Ancient_sl

Wow I had no idea how forgiving the catch up buff was. I had to repair my client and didn't get into a game until 23 minutes in. 2 minion waves later and I was level 7. We ended up winning because team handled their shit while I was gone.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
I hope they nerf the shit out of nidalee. I remember playing her all the time, taunting people with my sweet cougar ass, back when everyone thought she was shit.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I hope they nerf the shit out of nidalee. I remember playing her all the time, taunting people with my sweet cougar ass, back when everyone thought she was shit.
When was she ever shit? Her spears have to be one of the most broken abilities in the game. One hit on a squishie and he either has to back, retreat, or risk getting 1 shot by someone else. Bitch is annoying as hell.

The Ancient_sl

I usually don't bitch, but I do have to say that all the anti snowball mechanics riot has put in to the game are starting to kill the fun for me.Having one person get caught at 18-20 mins or losing a small team fight then getting a dragon should not allow the enemy team to make up 75%-100% of a five thousand gold differencethat they were behind because of their abysmal laning and lack of early game dragon control. Oh and they also catch up in levels because of yet another anti snowball mechanic. Sigh.
I said I leveled quickly, not this hyperbole. We still would have lost with my absence for 23 minutes if my team wasn't in charge of their shit for the time I was gone. The ADC claimed to be a smurf, I believed him.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
just had a game where my ping goes to shit and im constantly dc'ing along with my team. Enemy singed and WW are fine. of course we end up losing because half of us can't move. No Loss prevention. Promos to gold. fml.