League Of Legends


Blackwing Lair Raider
I hope they nerf the shit out of nidalee. I remember playing her all the time, taunting people with my sweet cougar ass, back when everyone thought she was shit.
They need to nerf her spears stupid levels of damage a bit and buff her kitty forms survivability a bit. Give her more reason to go in and stay in kitty form instead of just using it for finishing blow or escape tool.

The Ancient_sl

They need to just touch up it's range/distance bonus. It's one thing to get poked down by a skillshot, it's another to lose 3/4 your health to a spear tossed by someone who wasn't even on your screen.


Tranny Chaser
What they need to do is revert Nidalee to where she was two years ago and then instead of nerfing her into the ground so all she can do is chuck spears go the other route and nerf all her mage bullshit while keeping her bruisery shit intact.

If they are just going to nerf her spears and walk away they should just shelve the whole character until they can do a proper revamp in 2016.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Honestly she's way more fun to play AD for me, I used to play bruiser nid and started again after seeing CLG's new top lane play her that way. FF or TF, Botrk, then defense. You don't have the huge spears but you're an incredibly mobile tower pushing machine, and you can push a lot of the common tops out of lane early.


A Man Chooses....
I hope they Skarner her. Fuck that bitch, she can disappear forever and I will be thrilled.

As to Braum, he seems really strong. I haven't seen a bot lane with him lose yet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't remember them dumpstering Skarner. I remember them reworking him from shit to shit, but I think Skarner got made obsolete when they changed the jungle.
Ya it was pretty much a shit side grade he already was never played and now he is even less played but honestly if you can aim his skill shot snare he does not play a whole lot diffferent than he used to. He is still way to mana hungry for what he does but I have had reasonable success with him even in ARAM after his rework. Once he gets rolling he can get kinda snowbally if you can bang away at people enough his ult comes back pretty fast and with his rework you don't really need to build an attack speed item to do it so you just go pure tanky and annoy the shit out of your opponents.


So I try to play mostly top and jungle champions because I'm an awful last hitter. Earlier I was dicking around in a blind pick normal and folks called and locked top and jungle almost immediately, so I decided to try support Trundle, and loved it. So much slow, so much sustain, and I think there's a bit of a confusion and worry factor from folks afraid of getting stuck on the wrong side on an ice block. It's been super fun.


Ya it was pretty much a shit side grade he already was never played and now he is even less played but honestly if you can aim his skill shot snare he does not play a whole lot diffferent than he used to. He is still way to mana hungry for what he does but I have had reasonable success with him even in ARAM after his rework. Once he gets rolling he can get kinda snowbally if you can bang away at people enough his ult comes back pretty fast and with his rework you don't really need to build an attack speed item to do it so you just go pure tanky and annoy the shit out of your opponents.
Skarner has been tinkered with many times. He's been extremely bad and other times fotm, back to bad, then slightly buffed, to his current rework. I think he's in the most balanced spot he's ever seen with his E slowing effect.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They just need to lower the dmg amp on nidalees spear a bit but almost completely gut the Base/ap ratio on her heal. Since you build glass cannon anyway, your heals endgame are just absolutely insane. Also, who the hell knows why her .7ap ratio heal has a freaking 60% atk speed buff attached to it.

Heck, making the max spear damage 200 or 225 instead of 250% would be fine, change her heals AP ratio to something like .2 or .3 and cut the atk speed buff in half or just nerf the shit out of the cooldown. It's a 10sec cooldown so with max cdr it's 6 seconds. ggggggggggg, now her infinite sustain & poke with grail is solved.

So, nerf spear damage just a tiny bit. Nerf her heal extremely hard. Give cougar form the free ar/mr back. gg nid is fixed and still viable.


Trakanon Raider
So reading that 4.8 blog or w/e + some of the comments. What exactly does Riot define "counterplay" as - does this just mean that if an enemy attacks you you get time to push buttons before you die? That if you both push buttons the trades are even?
Good luck getting a hard and fast definition on counter play from Riot. Vlad was the first victim of that buzzword because of his troll pool and infinite sustain at level 7 back in late S1 early S2. Then it was Soraka and some of the other supports, then it was assasins 100 to zeroing you. It basically boils down to anything that enough of their player base bitches about for long enough.

"We want to be true to the core of champion X's kit while still leaving room for counterplay from their opponents."


<Silver Donator>
So reading that 4.8 blog or w/e + some of the comments. What exactly does Riot define "counterplay" as - does this just mean that if an enemy attacks you you get time to push buttons before you die? That if you both push buttons the trades are even?
Well yeah sounds pretty logical, counter play is simply the ability to react properly to counter the opponent. If a toolkit is too onesided, the damage or control too high, you simply don't get to do anything most of the time, especially if the champion is farmed. It is however also kinda the point of assassins, reducing counterplay to near nothing so you can actually kill people when it matters. That's why when they say they'll increase counterplay, it generally means nerfing the assassin to uselessness.

The assassin role is fairly interesting from a dota player perspective because there are not really many heroes that would qualify in dota. Instead, typical "assassins" are heroes with a fuckton of lockdown, which reduces counterplay to 0 since you're basically going to be stunlocked the entire time(or silenced or whatever, there's different types). The only hero that truly bursts people down in the same way lol assassins do is morphling and it requires a massive item investment(basically a DFG type item, but more expensive). Funny enough though, that hero is also a carry. So I always find the assassin champions fairly interesting, since they're not something you see often in dota other than overfed mids going dagon. Especially like Leblanc since she's very fun to watch with the double blinks/blink back shenanigans. At the same time I guess they're pretty problematic to balance.

I miss Akali btw, does she not fit the current meta, I guess in terms of laning and such, doesn't do well against typical mids or tops? Were there nerfs to her that made her irrelevant?
Akali is in an odd place right now. She of course is suffering along with all the other assassins in the heal/sustain meta that is currently running rampant, and she does have some pretty horrendous matchups (soraka, lulu, kayle) that are in heavy rotation. Having said that he is still a beast in solo queue if she can get some kills and the enemy team lacks the coordination to lock her down.


Tranny Chaser
Counterplay is one of their buzzwords along with toxic gameplay, negative patterns, and anti-fun that don't serve any useful function or have much meaning at all. Most of that article can be reduced down to "we are nerfing shit based on being used at the highest levels of competitive play" coupled with some "we finally decided to stab a thing or two that everyone has hated forever."

Nidalee spears? Shit everyone hates. LeBlanc nerfs? Competitive play. Soraka? Both.

It's just a bunch of changes to make the next batch of competitive play look different than the previous batch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Counterplay is one of their buzzwords along with toxic gameplay, negative patterns, and anti-fun that don't serve any useful function or have much meaning at all.
C'mon man. This is why I can't resist replying to you. You aren't stupid so why do you take the time to post this drivel? Pyros doesn't really play LoL and he gave a great definition for counterplay.
C'mon man. This is why I can't resist replying to you. You aren't stupid so why do you take the time to post this drivel? Pyros doesn't really play LoL and he gave a great definition for counterplay.
Well, aside from the fact that a lot of the things that didn't have counter play according to riot actually did. Healing reduc items for folks like vlad or soraka. Good warding and map awareness for assassins along with picking a good laner against them. Getting early GA/Hourglass/Banshees to deal with those assassins outside of laning. Whenever they throw out phrases like counterplay or anti-fun they really mean that 90% of their user base below plat needs help in dealing with the champion because they can't be arsed to deviate from their build order or to build solid in game decision making.
I miss Akali btw, does she not fit the current meta, I guess in terms of laning and such, doesn't do well against typical mids or tops? Were there nerfs to her that made her irrelevant?
she hasn't been changed but fell out of popularity against the now common mids who are either much more mobile than her or can poke her to death and before she reaches level 6 her all-in is pretty weak
and against the heavy bruisers/tank meta on top she doesn't do that well either