League Of Legends


<Gold Donor>
Mana drain is bullsshit. Back when was competitive in WoW Arena Spriest's Mana Drain was OP.


Bronze Squire
Just to clarify just in case people are reading it wrong or glancing over the thread...it isn't a mana drain it just gives back mana based on a percent of the damage you do and how much mana you are missing.


<Silver Donator>

I've been playing fiddle top a lot lately. This is the best game I've had, but I end up doing pretty well most games. I got first blood on yas and killed him again a few minutes later after letting him push to my tower. After that, he switched with TF about the time I hit 6, so TF got wrecked too. I don't normally rush chalice, but I did this game because I wanted to be able to out-poke TF and heal up his pick. I also always get a 100g ward on my first back to put in the bush by my tower. Most games, it lasts until the 15 or 20 minute mark.

The 2 toughest match ups I've had were Olaf and then another game where someone (I think garen) traded with Tristana after I got first blood. I couldn't even touch Trist, and when I could, her E would wreck my heal. Olaf would just pop ult and towerdive me.

edit: and yes, that ashe was derpy.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Gragas support cannot be stopped. Walking in to lane with 900hp at level 1 is just hilarious. Not even leona/braum can slug it out with him.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I played with someone who was doing that with Taric forever ago, almost all HP runes, masteries, and a ruby crystal. Like 1k at level 1, no one expected that. Didn't really DO anything but it was intimidating I guess.


Silver Knight of the Realm

I've been playing fiddle top a lot lately. This is the best game I've had, but I end up doing pretty well most games. I got first blood on yas and killed him again a few minutes later after letting him push to my tower. After that, he switched with TF about the time I hit 6, so TF got wrecked too. I don't normally rush chalice, but I did this game because I wanted to be able to out-poke TF and heal up his pick. I also always get a 100g ward on my first back to put in the bush by my tower. Most games, it lasts until the 15 or 20 minute mark.

The 2 toughest match ups I've had were Olaf and then another game where someone (I think garen) traded with Tristana after I got first blood. I couldn't even touch Trist, and when I could, her E would wreck my heal. Olaf would just pop ult and towerdive me.

edit: and yes, that ashe was derpy.
Dont make playing Fiddle top a habit.
I was confused seeing those low cs numbers at the end of a game so i checked your stats. Once you get to a higher level of play ( no offense ) people will most likely get pissed seeing a Fiddle top. The only time its allowed is when you face a Vlad.
Your team "usually" expects from a toplaner to go in and actually be able to take a few punches to the face and peel for those doing the dmg, aka ap/ad carry.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's a perfectly reasonable team comp. AD mid and carry AND Ad/Tanky jungler, so AP top is the right choice. People think Vlad/Rumble in tournaments but outside of that you see all kinds of shit in top lane, even in D1. Fiddle largely fills the same function as Rumble, with weaker initiation but stronger utility.


<Silver Donator>
Dont make playing Fiddle top a habit.
I was confused seeing those low cs numbers at the end of a game so i checked your stats. Once you get to a higher level of play ( no offense ) people will most likely get pissed seeing a Fiddle top. The only time its allowed is when you face a Vlad.
Your team "usually" expects from a toplaner to go in and actually be able to take a few punches to the face and peel for those doing the dmg, aka ap/ad carry.
Honestly, the reason I'm even playing fiddle top is because of team builder. I stopped playing Summoner's Rift at about the end of s3 because I don't like the raging and I don't have 4 other people to play with regularly. I have absolutely zero interest in playing ranked. It's pretty miserable to me getting stuck playing a position I don't want to play at that time. I really like fid and will play him top, mid, jungle or support, but I feel like I have the most control top lane. Team builder is the best way to do that. Also, Fid support is really strong, but I hate being reliant on an ADC.

I skip out on a lot of teambuilders too when I see the makeup. You can tell some leaders just accept the first person to fill the slot. If I pop into a game and see Ezreal & Ashe bot, Vayne jungle and Yi mid, I'll hop right back out. If I join up a game and see a good team comp where fid top works, I'll stay in.

The main thing I look for is a jungler that can help me push the top lane turret fast so I can start to roam and get bot lane fed. I understand that might not work in upper level draft pick ranked games, but I have no intention of ever being there.
The mana weapon are meant for your mana using adcs like Corki, Ezreal, etc...however doesn't mean it wouldn't or couldn't be some what useful on someone like irelia as if you are really aggressive with her she can chew through mana.
don't know about that, early on you might wanna get this mana drain item asap but most people go straight for a TriForce on them (or BT on Lucian) and when they are at the point when that item is completed they won't have any real mana issues outside of prolonged fights anymore


Bronze Squire
don't know about that, early on you might wanna get this mana drain item asap but most people go straight for a TriForce on them (or BT on Lucian) and when they are at the point when that item is completed they won't have any real mana issues outside of prolonged fights anymore
Ya, I agree to an extent as their intended users currently probably won't use them, but with the upcoming AD items rework maybe they will. However, unless I am forgetting an item, I believe this is the first time you will have a lower tier AD/Lifesteal option that on paper at least actually looks useful. It is about 850 cheaper than some of the larger items. I was thinking with the Raundin's changes you might be able to get a little earlier power spike by maybe building this then in to your AS item but I really don't know it might just end up like the Hurricane.


Tranny Chaser
I couldn't actually lose games as Hurricane Teemo through all of Silver and the first half of Gold.

That makes it viable for the majority of the player base.


Bronze Squire
I couldn't actually lose games as Hurricane Teemo through all of Silver and the first half of Gold.

That makes it viable for the majority of the player base.
You are making it sound like the actual item itself was the reason you gained elo not your play.

In other news though, I been busy today, forgot about NA LCS and I see EG beat C9? WTF!?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wits end used to drain mana on hit from enemy champions. It was OP as hell.


<Silver Donator>
Wits end used to drain mana on hit from enemy champions. It was OP as hell.
Eh? It was a really shitty item and the only champion that bought it was Warwick since you could actually drain people's mana enough that it'd matter with his ult. Maybe Teemo too, because the stats were alright for him. But pretty much no one else built the item back when it drained mana and it drained so little it was a non factor anyway. Was a relic from dota's Diffusal Blade but without the actual good part of Diffusal, the purge and without the synergy with manta(creating 2illusions that also drained mana), makes sense they removed it because it was a pointless item, not really because it was OP but it was annoying as shit when someone had warwick with it, which is good reason to remove it.

Mana drain is an ok mechanic, if you have mana gain mechanics to compensate. Other than clarity though there's not really any instant mana gains(well Soraka), so you can't counter it dynamically which made it poor design and why it's most likely not coming back, plus the fact it's fucking useless against so many champions who don't even have mana anyway.


Molten Core Raider
DIG vs CLG. Best game of the split. That game was unbelievably close.
That was a great game -- I think I read that Aphromoo is CLGs primary shot caller. Mad props. Either way, that call to "push" through mid lane and force a fight in their base was really really good.


At the end, everyone in the crowd was cheering and waving their arms except this guy. Poor DIG fans.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
If zion had built hurricane before building rabadons, i think dig would have won. They had that one last push down middle and could not get past the tower which kayle would have murdered with hurricane earlier except he didnt. Great fucking game.