League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
To be fair Sebur, that was kind of a dick move. 30 minutes into the game you suddenly "get bored" and start to suicide, completely screwing over the other 4 players on your team. Pretty annoying imo.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Wow really? Queuing as 5 and then torpedoing the game and screwing your buddies because you're bored? Why would anyone want to play with you again now? How can they trust you? Some introspection might be in order.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Oh boy.

Teekey: All of us that played with you that first Ranked 5s game agreed you were ragey. Even if the others don't admit it, I at least will. You were freaking out over everything. There are numerous reasons why that game went bad. Many of us, myself included, were playing terribly, yet you continued to call out everything. After you left we had very pleasant games and in the end our record is 5-5 for ranked 5s. (Unless some games were played last night which I am unaware of).

Sebur: I can't agree with trolling to intentionally lose, but a lot of players on this forum do troll with intentions to still win. Sidian falls into that category most of the time!
I was not online last night to experience what Sebur was doing so I can't comment much more. Playing with Sebur the last couple nights has been fine though (Ranked 5s & ARAMs).


Lord Nagafen Raider
Trolling?! Me?? Pshhhhhhhhhh! </3 I kind of wish the season wasn't ending this week, up to plat 2 promos now, master yi ftw!

Also, yeah wtf Fawe, where were you last night? We ended up just doing random arams, some normals, then I started duoing. We at most only had 4 on at one point that wanted to do 5s, could have really used you!


Dicks everywhere. Don't build AP Trist. Don't get upset at folks. Everyone is dumb. I will continue to troll (Trundle) these games with you guys till you get tired of me, because it's hella fun.


Mr. Poopybutthole

I appreciate your point of view, and I'm sorry you felt I was being 'ragey'. I will fully admit that I'm a try hard and did point out a few mistakes we were making as a team, in an effort for us to work together better (our positioning for fights was way off). But I didn't feel like I was calling anyone out or being rude to anyone specifically. I mean hell, we were playing against a team of Plat and Diamond players, I don't think any of us were doing very well.

Perhaps I misunderstood why the 5's team was formed. If it was just for shits and giggles then I can see why pointing out mistakes as a team would come off the wrong way. I apologize if you felt I was trying to 'rub it in' or anything like that, it was certainly not my intention.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
My intention with Ranked 5s:

- I never did Ranked 5s before and wanted to give it a try. Ranked 5v5 is generally harder and I wanted to test myself.
- By some chance we were able to place Gold, I figured it would be cool to get some of our bronze/silver players rewards. Im already gold so this doesn't affect me but figured it would be a nice perk.
- Winning ranked team games earns better Ward skins which would be neat, but not necessary.
- For fun. It is the absolute end of the season. Solo-Q is meaningless for me atm since there is no way I'm getting Plat before the Season ends. May as well try a Queue I've never experienced before.
- I try-hard too in every game I play. I hate to lose. Putting people down on your team isn't the way to do it though. In our 3rd game that night we were very far behind and none of us gave up. We all contributed to comeback and win the game. All game long I was just trying to figure out what I could do to help us win. I was on Syndra and I made a few picks on the enemy ADC and landed a few 4-man stuns which really helped. I never raged if someone didn't follow-up on a good stun, which did happen too.


Mr. Poopybutthole
- I try-hard too in every game I play. I hate to lose. Putting people down on your team isn't the way to do it though. In our 3rd game that night we were very far behind and none of us gave up. We all contributed to comeback and win the game. All game long I was just trying to figure out what I could do to help us win. I was on Syndra and I made a few picks on the enemy ADC and landed a few 4-man stuns which really helped. I never raged if someone didn't follow-up on a good stun, which did happen too.
Who did I put down though? I'm honestly curious. I didn't single anyone out, I didn't insult anyone, I never gave up, I merely pointed out that we weren't following up on picks so we could rally and focus on that to try and come back.

Maybe I sounded a little frustrated (again, I'm a self-admitted tryhard), but I wasn't bitching or raging at anyone. I guess I'm just sort of confused by your insinuating I was attacking or personally insulting anyone.

Edit: It was also brought to my attention that me AFKing after the game may have seemed like I was upset. But honestly I had some wife aggro, and by the time I came back you guys had already started another game without me.


2 Minutes Hate
Yeah I remember him talking about his trolling before a while ago. I'll have to remind myself never to play with him again.


Molten Core Raider
Shameless brag post. From unranked to Plat V in 11 days with 55 games of Sona, 5 Janna, and 3 Cait. Feels good man. Totally burnt out. Fuck ranked players and their attitude.





Shitting up the RR chat/games with noobrage. Ranked 5's team got placed. Drunk Yi lookin good.

Did I miss anything?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
We placed 2 ranked 5s teams actually. Bronze III (2-3 record) and Bronze I (3-2 record). We're so good


We placed 2 ranked 5s teams actually. Bronze III (2-3 record) and Bronze I (3-2 record). We're so good
Ranked 5's is super tough, so don't think too lowly about bronze 3 or 1 placements.

I just hit silver 1 (skipped silver 2) on my threes team. Gold with the same guys in the previous season.

Just hit gold 2 in CS:GO