League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I can't see myself using new Morg skin over Corpse Bride.

I can't see myself using Morg either cause she's always fucking banned. It's like season 2 all over again.
I will swear to everything that is holy, that Corpse Bride morgana's Q has a wider missile range than any of her other skins/non skin. After playing vs non Corpse skin morgs and non I got the skin to test it out. Maybe I am crazy but it just seems so to me.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Along that same line, I played with a friend who plays a ton of morg support last night, the Q width on the gold skin feels really narrow. Not sure if we were just imagining it, but I was playing adc and both of us commented on it. Stuff that felt like it should have hit was missing all night. Ironically, he typically plays with Corpse Bride, so maybe that's the answer.


Why is matchmaking hilariously bad in team builder? just had a bronze jungler on my team face a diamond jungler. He fed 0-8 and got completely stomped.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Because normal games have different ladder than ranked and most people that play ranked as a priority have shit-tier MMR in normals. Like I've been bronze level MMR in normals for a while, but might be better now since I have a 75% win rate in team builder atm.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Because it has its own separate MMR. Your ranked/normal wins and MMR doesn't apply there and everyone starts at the same baseline, so the first ~30 games for everyone in team builder are chaotic as fuck.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
My teambuilder record is something stupid like 65-20 so I see nothing but plat/diamond in my games now. It's kind of frustrating because my individual and micro skill is mostly nowhere near that level, but macro-wise I make pretty good decisions and people are far more willing to listen in team builder so I win a lot of games off of objective control and pushing. I'll never stop being salty about getting all-inned by diamond 1red elixir riven at level 2 though and being powerless to stop it.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Red pot start was very common before it was nerfed to 350 gold. I even started red pot as Udyr jungle a lot when I intended to invade. Fun shit! If you see they bought it and can avoid dying to it then you will be way ahead. It almost never happens anymore due to the huge risk but every once in a while I'll still see it on a Riven.


Molten Core Raider
I'll never stop being salty about getting all-inned by diamond 1red elixir riven at level 2 though and being powerless to stop it.
Just to point out -- the red pot "disrespect" start is prevented by not being within range of a flash combo until you hit 2 or can otherwise survive it... Powerless implies you're dead regardless of what you do, which isn't the case. The only top laner I'm somewhat familiar with is Irelia, and unless I was supremely confident that the riven I was against sucked, I would typically always yield early CS to Riven and farm at tower until lvl 7-9. Anyway, I'm sure you knew most of this, but when you say "powerless" it reminds me of my feeder bronze friend who would do dumb shit and then announce on mumble that "there was literally nothing I could do", every time...

If you think you lose lane but make it up in late game by choosing better, that's not a bad situation -- I think most people are the other way around. Improve your lane mechanics by only playing 1-2 champs per role.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
^ Yup.

My go-to is to pick Tryn into Riven, but there is no way I'm leaving turret until I'm 6 and/or have at least my Shiv+Vamp. When I see Riven start red pot I'm actually happy because I was already intending to play super-safe.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I love team builder matchmaking. If youre having issues it's because you never play TB. I get consistenty matched against Plats and Diamonds, so it's great practice.


2 Minutes Hate
I've been playing Yorick jungle for shits and giggles in normals with my level 15 friend. I love this champ so much. Once you get frozen heart, HEX, lizard, tear you can solo Baron with blue buff or pot.

Yorick team fighting is so great too. Really tanky and does damage.

He might be a b tier jungler with the new jungle items like the one that allows you to smite a champ and allow them.


Tranny Chaser
I'm pretty sure Ronne was playing Darius in Team Builder (thus blind pick) and in that situation a gold player put against Diamond Riven is pretty well fucked, gimmick start or no.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Alright bros, it's thursday night, aka the wknd...(amirite?) Anybody up for some games tonight? It just took me about 70 minutes to drive home from work tonight (usually only ~35 or so) because of how fucking shitty michigan lake effect snow can be so I'm just going to get completely shitfaced tonight because fuck winter driving.

I'd be up for some Team builder just to check out the new map, some arams...also wouldn't mind playing ranked. (5s anyone?!?!) I assume ranked games play now will count for next season?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Just like SoloQ, Ranked games still affect your MMR which will be soft reset after pre-season. So if you're at 1500 MMR as an example, you'll be soft reset down to ~1350, then you'll have placements again. So ranked does help (or hurt) your standings going into the new season a little bit.