Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom


Avatar of War Slayer
Restricting it to only owners of botw and charging less $ would net them more money? The fuck?

This is way bigger than any DLCor xpac. I don’t really know the full size of the game yet but with the three layers of the map and the size it appears to be, overall it is way bigger than botw and significantly changes the main world layout. I’m not sure how they could have just added this as an xpac while destroying the layout of the botw map.

The maps are fine, the odd disappearance, at least "at the start" of all the robots tech stuff and shrines from BOTW is jarring, its been what? a few months or few years? That is a "its a new game!" rational vs. its continuing from the last... I guess I really do not care the modality, DLC or new game- I guess I am more complaining about the story nonsense but as stated...that is Zelda, its all sorts of dumb.

And the devs did more than "sure okay" an autists lorecraft- they officially adopted the 3 tier timeline flow.

The rock salt already was a hint that this world was in the line of Wind Waker- but that is a little nit picky.

As for making money, Nintendo makes money by existing with its own IPs...

New players having to buy BOTW+DLC is more than just the game itself, is what I was saying, not that it would have been a good strat, but people, forum bros etc. all would complain about it if they did that, but everyone would end up buying it anyway - and new non BOTW owners would also. Heck Nintendo could have sold it as a DLC for 40, stand alone for 50 or BOTW+Tears DLC for 80 or something and they would be still rolling in all the cash it makes...so it really does not matter.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I still think that’s a terrible idea. People do not get hyped about DLCs like they do a brand new game. They also are selling this brand new game for $70, saying people would need to buy botw+totk would just be confusing. Just ripping the story bandaid off and starting fresh is just how all the Zelda games work, expecting a proper continuity from them is setting yourself up for failure.


Avatar of War Slayer
Eh yeah I am just sad it is such a disjointed mess when it did not need to be. Mostly DLC vs New game is a thought experiment on if that would have changed the makers point of view in a way that would have made a more cohesive story or game

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
zelda expanding meme.jpg
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Wait what? People think the games are related because they both have a rock salt item?

I mean they all have master sword, bombs, arrows, boomerangs…all kinds of shit that carries across the games.


Potato del Grande
Wait what? People think the games are related because they both have a rock salt item?

I mean they all have master sword, bombs, arrows, boomerangs…all kinds of shit that carries across the games.
I assume the flavour text is something to do with it forming underwater, therefore Wind Waker already happened.

Even though literally nothing else lines up.


Vyemm Raider
I find it odd that some are complaining about the lack of continuity when this is one of the very few Zelda games that actually goes out of its way to tell you you're the same Link with the same Zelda as the previous game, people acknowledge what happenad and what you did, hell the stables even has the horses you boarded in BOTW if you kept your save. And that's all I could see after only a handful of hours..

Zelda has almost always been an entirely new adventure (or legend) in vaguely the same world (the geography changes massively most times), and a small group of individuals that have similar names or are actual reincarnations. Not sure why it's suddenly an issue to some people who've obviously played some previous ones.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Probably just butthurt they strip all your life, stamina and gear. Not sure how else they could’ve done it fairly with people starting without a botw save. The restart was cheesy but whatever, it’s a new game.
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Goonsquad Officer
Probably just butthurt they strip all your life, stamina and gear. Not sure how else they could’ve done it fairly with people starting without a botw save. The restart was cheesy but whatever, it’s a new game.
I imagine it's just being annoyed at being back to breaking weapons heh


FPS noob
i've done 2 temples now with 30 fps yuzu running a beautiful reshader that makes everything more vibrant, zero issues even with underworld but I am playing at 30 fps since I know going to 60 creates some issues. However yuzu EA is committing a patch today that will apparently fix 60 fps cutscenes


Might switch over to 60 fps tomorrow if that version is pretty stable. There are two simple reshaders up now, I prefer smerfcy's on my gSync monitor but when I output to my LG OLED the color correct looks more vibrant

Sadly the reshaders don't edit cutscenes since those are prerendered so its always weird going from vibrant blue back to piss yellow
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Molten Core Raider
i've done 2 temples now with 30 fps yuzu running a beautiful reshader that makes everything more vibrant, zero issues even with underworld but I am playing at 30 fps since I know going to 60 creates some issues. However yuzu EA is committing a patch today that will apparently fix 60 fps cutscenes


Might switch over to 60 fps tomorrow if that version is pretty stable. There are two simple reshaders up now, I prefer smerfcy's on my gSync monitor but when I output to my LG OLED the color correct looks more vibrant

Sadly the reshaders don't edit cutscenes since those are prerendered so its always weird going from vibrant blue back to piss yellow
Still haven't gotten it to work with Yuzu yet, but I assume now that it's been released I can just install the latest and it should work. Still not sure where to get the file for the update either, and my oldest is starting to play on the switch, but honestly Ryujinx isn't too bad.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
While I do dig the game the weapon fusion is an annoying gimmick. They did take a design feature that was already polarizing in BOTW and actually made it worse by adding more steps to it.

In the first area of Hyrule the guard dudes says that the Upheavel caused it. All weapons are messed up now so you are fusing them to make them more serviceable.
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A greasy jar
I think the fuse ability helped with how one can approach each situation. If you need raw power just use whatever is attached to the guys forehead. Red and blue ones drop minor damage bonus and black white etc ones drop big bonus ones.

And attaching almost anything to arrows really helps manage the larger groups and can be creative in any situation or just build a car with flamethrowers and canons all over it and drive on up.

I never liked in botw how you can sneak to hyrule castle or wherever the good weapons were and roflstomp to a win. Was like using a cheat code and made the game boring when enemies were trivial.

Its a nice change dying a few times to figure it out.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I think the more steps to weapons is both annoying to manage and cool. Being able to add effects to weapons and use them situationally is cool. However your situational cool weapons breaking and you need to find more components to rebuild it fucking sucks.

Building shit to overcome challenges is fantastic though. My son and I did a few shrines together last night and it was a blast. One we had to attach a candle and balloon to a platform. We didn’t realize yet we could just attach the balloon directly to the candle so we built an extra piece of wood we didn’t need. The first one I made worked great but I fell off while going up. Second one I made (exact same design) caught fire halfway up and I said “uhm what?” as the whole thing went up in flames and my son lost it cracking up. We also had some hilarious moments trying to smack a ball with a stick glued to a rotating device, and some ridiculous design I made to get a ball across some rails.

While the weapon system still sucks, the creative aspect of the game is great. It’s teaching my son to think about objects in three dimensions and how he can cobble shit together to make it work.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
So is this game better or worse than Breath of the Wild?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
While I do dig the game the weapon fusion is an annoying gimmick. They did take a design feature that was already polarizing in BOTW and actually made it worse by adding more steps to it.

In the first area of Hyrule the guard dudes says that the Upheavel caused it. All weapons are messed up now so you are fusing them to make them more serviceable.

The problem I have is I have to drop something to fuse with on the ground. Unless I am missing something, which I totally might be, I have to go into my inventory, drop what I want to fuse with on my weapon, equip the weapon, and fuse with what I dropped on the ground. Is there a way in the menu system to do this a lot easier?

Tell you what though. Underworld feels like I am playing Everquest Circa 1999 as a human during the night. Guessing I should just go farm some of those glowy mushrooms, throw all 5 of them in a pot and cook up a storm to make myself a beacon of light. Just getting to the dungeon is going to be a miracle for me as an old fart.

Also... I was an idiot on the first dungeon boss.

When I was flying around and gliding, I was waiting for openings to shoot with my bow and arrow on the underbelly of the three large blue circles and went to the second phase with the tornados - where I died all the time. Not knowing the actual mechanic was to float above the boss, wait for the spikes to break and provide an opening, and dive right through them in one shot :p Oops.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The problem I have is I have to drop something to fuse with on the ground. Unless I am missing something, which I totally might be, I have to go into my inventory, drop what I want to fuse with on my weapon, equip the weapon, and fuse with what I dropped on the ground. Is there a way in the menu system to do this a lot easier?
The quick way is to use the quick inventory to drop stuff. Which is only slightly better.

Quick material inventory is the up direction on the d pad.
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