Long full disclosure


The Big Mod
Shelly1989 said:
I don"t want to be with a lying, cheating, abusive, dead-beat father, that does nothing for his 4 kids, whom really believes he is an energy vampire.
then why are you so intent on trashing him here and sullying his good name?


kegkilla said:
do you know if he"s reached the first level of super saiyan yet?
I don"t know.

aychamo_aycono said:
You gotta love the guy who guys off about quantum physics believes he can summon fictitious energy sources. Too bad he can"t pull energy from people and sell it back to the electricity utility companies!

Shelly - thank you for that information!

..... now I"m going to go visit that vampire forum and search for all of his old posts!
No problem.when I found out about the website and his account, he got himself banned when we was dating.


The Big Mod
Shelly1989 said:
I don"t know.
let me tell you what i see here. i see two beautiful young people who are extremely passionate for each other and just let a silly misunderstanding come between them.

is this really where you want to be at? hurling insults back and forth across the information super highway? no of course not. you two want to be back together, nestled up in each other"s arms.

so what"s stopping you? no, i mean what"s REALLY stopping you. i think we all know the answer to that: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

so what do you say we stop burning bridges and start building a new one?

Aychamo BanBan

kegkilla said:
then why are you so intent on trashing him here and sullying his good name?
I hope the Volturi doesn"t kick him out after Shelly exposed him for being a vampire! They may kill him and then dig him up and finger his asshole.


Galiem, we"re going to need you to do some community service and provide a detailed list of all the drugs you were taking while interacting with this horrifying Bridge Troll.

You see, I cannot fathom getting within 10 feet of this horrible beast let alone fucking it or god forbid being a Period Vampire. I can come up with no feasible explanation aside being in some incredibly fucked up mental state induced by a cocktail of god knows what. So please, do us all a favor - give us a very thorough list of all the drugs you took so that none of us here may make the horrible mistakes that you have.


Just so we have a better understanding of whats going on.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJo6qFotRz8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<object width="480" height="400" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" id="ordie_player_87150d3ee8"><param name="movie" value="http://player.ordienetworks.com/flash/fodplayer.swf" /><param name="flashvars" value="key=87150d3ee8" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed width="480" height="400" flashvars="key=87150d3ee8" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" quality="high" src="http://player.ordienetworks.com/flash/fodplayer.swf" name="ordie_player_87150d3ee8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><div style="text-align:left;font-size:x-small;margin-top:0;width:480px;"><a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/87150d3ee8/the-baukschow-vampire-complete-film" title="from Inappropriate_Friday_Films">The Baukschow Vampire -- complete film</a> - watch more <a href="http://www.funnyordie.com/" title="on Funny or Die">funny videos</a></div>

Damn Shelly look what you missed out on


The Big Mod
aychamo_aycono said:
I hope the Volturi doesn"t kick him out after Shelly exposed him for being a vampire! They may kill him and then dig him up and finger his asshole.
personally i think shelly and galiem perfectly mirror edward and kristen stewart.

Aychamo BanBan

Drink Deeply and Dream: Vampiric Forum &bull; Login

GaliemV on the vampire forum said:
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. - Error... 2006.12.31
Biophoton Emissions - Transcendental Meditation - Ultra Weak Photon Emission - UPE

Sorry for the external linking -- just a few articles about this topic. Photons are particles of light, as physicists call them. The photons emitted by human beings (and all living things) are said to be of an intensity range not percievable by the human eye, however there are already known exceptions to the general rulesets regarding what human beings can percieve. For example, it is widely known that those on the autism spectrum can percieve the refresh rate of flourescent lighting -- a rate of vision far too fast for most humans -- who typically have vision that runs around 60 Hz -- to see. Thus, it is now within the bounds of legitimate empirical observation that some may percieve auras / subtle bodies (as if thousands of years of written evidence in the far east weren"t enough).

Having studied physics, and all other *ahem* traits considered, I can"t say that this surprises me. For a particle of light to be emitted from anything, all that need happen is for an electron in any one of that thing"s molecules to be "demoted" -- that is, to lose energy and drop one quanta closer to the nucleus of its constituent atoms. Considering the constant and fluid exchange of energy between cells in all living things, it seems inconceivable that photons would not be both absorbed and released.

This also leads me to an observation regarding a physical reality of energy, and in regards to energy vampirism. Were any living being whatsoever to have a net energy state for their molecules that is below the normal threshold, then quanta of light would be absorbed. By the way, in physics, the smallest quanta of energy is called a photon as well, as particles of light are the universal currency of energy, at the most physically fundamental level.

Nice to see further scientific legitimacy added to an aspect of relatity we already know to be true

Aychamo BanBan

GV said:
This makes me wonder whether two vampires" energy levels could come into stasis as a single system. That is, could they reach equilibrium? If so, then a pair or even group of vampires feeding from each other could be a useful scenario for practice and mentoring in various skills. Perhaps sanguinarians would face more risk and difficulty in this, but I could certainly imagine a benefit to pranic vampire covens in such practices.

In fact, were there a coven here that I could find by now, then I"d likely have already asked about this. Bad, straight out? After some thought, I"d say no. Like anything else, "Bad" and "Good" are relative terms. Feeding from someone who is weakened is bad, no matter what. Then again, giving energy to someone who is weakened is good. From what I"ve read, and from a few isolated experiences in my past, this is common among pranics who encounter each other.


kegkilla said:
let me tell you what i see here. i see two beautiful young people who are extremely passionate for each other and just let a silly misunderstanding come between them.

is this really where you want to be at? hurling insults back and forth across the information super highway? no of course not. you two want to be back together, nestled up in each other"s arms.

so what"s stopping you? no, i mean what"s REALLY stopping you. i think we all know the answer to that: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

so what do you say we stop burning bridges and start building a new one?
To honest, I think I will always hate him for disowning our son off and on. But in a way a part of me will always miss that he isn"t around for our son. But, I think it"s better this way. Even though, I always wanted for both of the biological parents to stay happily together and raise their child. I never wanted to get pregnant and then his father just decides to walk away from his responsibilities.


The Big Mod
aychamo_aycono said:
I love the fucking seriousness of discussing vampires.
rofl reminds me of when 4chaners made a "pokemon real believers" forum and trolled around pretending to believe pokemon are real.

except this is a lot scarier because they actually believe this shit

Aychamo BanBan

Shelly1989 said:
To honest, I think I will always hate him for disowning our son off and on. But in a way a part of me will always miss that he isn"t around for our son. But, I think it"s better this way. Even though, I always wanted for both of the biological parents to stay happily together and raise their child. I never wanted to get pregnant and then his father just decides to walk away from his responsibilities.
I remain convinced that you and Jeremy have a very deep and special love connection. Sometimes when energy vampires have formed a bond with someone it"s nearly impossible to break it. Being away from you is probably exacerbating his mental and physical problems. He probably lies in bed at night in physical pain because you two are separated.

Sometimes, love forms bond stronger than any chains.

Think about it. He"s a vampire. He can shapeshift and is indestructible. He"s eaten your sloughed off endometrial lining. These things have made the bond between you too indestructible.

Would you ever consider being with him again? I fear that both being a vampire AND having to deal with the loss of his one true love may be too much of a challenge for him to overcome. You could literally save his life.


aychamo_aycono said:
I remain convinced that you and Jeremy have a very deep and special love connection. Sometimes when energy vampires have formed a bond with someone it"s nearly impossible to break it. Being away from you is probably exacerbating his mental and physical problems. He probably lies in bed at night in physical pain because you two are separated.

Sometimes, love forms bond stronger than any chains.

Think about it. He"s a vampire. He can shapeshift and is indestructible. He"s eaten your sloughed off endometrial lining. These things have made the bond between you too indestructible.

Would you ever consider being with him again? I fear that both being a vampire AND having to deal with the loss of his one true love may be too much of a challenge for him to overcome. You could literally save his life.
lol I don"t know!