Looking for Mature Anime/Manga series recommendations


Lord Nagafen Raider
I have already looked at the Fall and Summer Anime threads but if a mod feels this belongs there feel free to merge this with those. I?m making this thread because I am looking for more mature/developed anime without all of the kid antics. For example Naurto vs. Rurouni Kenshin
OTOH I would like to avoid over the top Hentai or sex references if at all possible. I recently started watching Witchblade and had to stopped as I couldn?t get past the close up shots of her ass, legs, little-tiny-thing-supposedly-the-only-covering-up-the-holes-between-her-legs-and-nothing-else, and the way she had a near orgasm during every fight. I like strong female characters but they don?t need to be sex objects. Elfen lied handled this very well as did Ghost in the Shell and GOS:SAC.
Something else I would like to avoid, if possible, is series that like to drag every dramatic scene out. I tried watching High School of the Dead and but the 1st and 2nd episodes spent an eternity focusing *minor spoiler* taking out the boyfriend after he had turned and the girlfriend screaming not to do it. I like drama and build up but I like when the series builds up to it and pulls me into the character. If you have a series like that that and you think is really worth watching I will give it a shot if you say so. I am reminded of how the first episode of Firefly didn?t grab me but subsequent episodes did.

There are A LOT of Anime/Manga TV shows out there so narrowing down what is good and what isn?t would be a big help.

Some of the things I liked:
Elfen lied
Ghost in the Shell (SAC also)
Rurouni Kenshin
Afro Samurai (I wouldn?t put this in the league with the others but it was good)
Cowboy Bebop

Some of the things I have heard about but have never seen and would like some corroboration on:
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood series only)
Ninja Scroll

I prefer English speaking but I can do subs if necessary. Anyway I know some of you have some extensive experience out there and hopefully this thread will be useful to more people then just me.


Things you want corroboration on:
FMA: Brotherhood is excellent. Watch it. I can't stand dubs but it is available in English
Ninja Scroll is essential. It's important to watch just to understand how it affected anime. It's also actually pretty good.

Things I recommend:
Death Note. You might have heard of it, but as far as mature anime goes it's top notch. There are no "kawaii" moments and it is extremely well done.
Samurai Champloo. You liked Cowboy Bebop and in my opinion this series is better.
Code Geass. Has some flaws but overall a very good watch. Combines Mecha with suspense, mystery, and sci-fi. Also it's an alternate world where the British Empire never fell.

The above are available in English. I don't know if either of the ones below are.

Sword of the Stranger. Greatest anime movie I have ever seen. Almost perfect.
Eden of the East. A little boring at times but a very interesting premise and certainly fairly mature.


Molten Core Raider
Fate Zero
Armored Trooper Votoms - Pailsen Files
Ergo Proxy
Hellsing Ultimate OVA
Jin-Roh ~ The Wolf Brigade
Kara no Kyoukai
Mardock Scramble
Paranoia Agent

I'm in the same spot as you. Most of them these days are full of 12 years old going through love triangles / school and other shit. You should love most of the stuff from my list.

edit :don'twatch them dubbed in english.


Got something right about marriage
I'll second (and third) the recommendations for Claymore, Hellsing, Basilisk, Samurai Champloo and Full Metal Alchemist

Some others I liked that don't get mentioned too often (other than DTB)

Darker Than Black
Black Lagoon (Very similar to Cowboy Bebop)
Witch Hunter Robin
The GetBackers
Samurai Deeper Kyo

If you only pick one of these to watch, choose Darker Than Black
I prefer to go into movies/shows/etc. knowing absolutely nothing about it, so my descriptions are purposely vague.

Mushishi - A wandering healer. Metaphysical connection to earth.
Great Teacher Onizuka - Highschool teacher with a dark past. It's not exactly mature but it does have its poignant moments.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time - The title is evocative enough I think. Ok, this is actually a movie, but it's my favorite anime and it deserves mention.

Mushishi is available in English on Netflix. Can't speak to the quality of the dub though. I prefer subtitles.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Gurren Lagann
Eureka 7
Last Exile
Eden of the East
Now and Then, Here and There
Welcome to the NHK
The Legend of Legendary Heroes

To name a few that haven't been mentioned I think.


Avatar of War Slayer
FMA brotherhood is very good.

Gurren Lagann is great.
Darker then Black
Ergo Proxy
Gundam 00



Trakanon Raider
While FMA and Gurren Lagann are really good, they also have a lot of kiddiness in them.

Some thoughts that haven't been mentioned so far :
Puella Magi Madoka Magica ( When you see the first episode and think 'what the fuck?!', keep in mind that it's a trap )
Mirai Nikki

I'd definitely go with Fate/Zero first though.


Molten Core Raider
Oh shit, I forgot about Monster. That's the Shawshank Redemption of anime.

Don't think Madoka, Gurren or Steins:gate fit the profile. Not saying that they're bad (well madoka is), but you really can't compare GitS to Gurren and call them both "mature".

Also I'd start with Shigurui



Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
I try to watch only mature as well. Kiddie shit is too ridiculous for me now. No shounen in this list. All seinen.


- Twelve Kingdom
Fantasy genre; characters grow as kings and queens, advisors and archenemies. Heavy CHINESE lore. If you do not appreciate Chinese lore, it will suck for you because everything, including character development, is part of Chinese sayings and/or lore. Very detailed setting, character growth is meaningful, and the story is very mature.

- Monster
gogusrl is right. This is a fucking masterpiece. Its slow as fuck, but each episode is meaningful and incredibly paced to meet the demand of the story.

- Kara no Kyoukai
Heavy on philosophy, actions and behaviours reflect those and characters are engaging enough. Mature as fuck, satisfying near the end.

- Rahxephone
Evangelion, minus shitty Shinji. Incredible ending.

- Black Lagoon

- Cossette no Shouzou
Classic horror. A man who will undergo "hell" to be with someone who he loves...and she may not even be real..Music is just absolutely terrifying. Incredible work.

- Speed Grapher
Saw this years ago when I was a kid. Very mature. You will love this if you loved trigun/other classical anime.

- Emma
Think this is romance, incredibly mature, no children bullshit. Good for people who love history, enjoy Victorian setting.

- Gunslinger Girl
a story of bunch of girls as assassins and their handlers. No ecchi. No comedy shit. Right down to "kill." Don't watch the second season though. Go with the older version, where they didn't sell their soul to fucking otaku.

If you are looking for try out "mature" comedy, Sunabouzu is probably good. Perverted as fuck and no "kawaii" or moe.

As for Manga, this is the only manga that I am anxiously waiting for updates...


this manga has that japanese feel to it....as in...not otaku


Vyemm Raider
Couple not mentioned so far that I enjoyed:

Requiem from the Darkness (Aka 100 Stories) Good tale about a poet trying to collect 100 old Japanese folklore "ghost stories". Has a good creepy vibe to it and a detective style plot.

Beserk ( great remake of it going on now) Guts is the man period.

Also can support that FMA Brotherhood is a great watch.

Enjoyed Getbackers, Black lagoon, Fate Zero (Some awesome fight scenes),

**Death NOTE** definitely watch this if you watch only one watch this.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Ninja Scroll the movie is good, but the TV series was pretty lame. I think they raped the same druid chick like three times.


Treasured Member
Baccano, if nothing else than just for the scenes with the Rail Tracer.

And these that were mentioned a couple times...
-Dark than Black
-Black Lagoon
-Outlaw star, if you haven't seen it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Tried to pick a few other people might not have mentioned.

Bokurano <- definitely
Samurai 7
Tokyo Majin
Jormungand S1+2
Tiger and Bunny

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (you might have seen the old one, but this is a "newer" one)
Sword of the Stranger


<Prior Amod>
i'll add
gai rei zero to the list, a prequel to the manga, but the manga was boring, the gai rei zero (it's called zero cuz it's a prequel) was awesome, i hate fluff, i hate fillers, i hate episodes with zero meaning, this 12 episode series didn't have it, and had great action.

hikaru no go- i mean honestly an anime about go(go is a board game, described as having more strategic moves than chess) you'd think it'd be boring, and it's about 12year old kids, blah. This is the most exciting anime without a single punch/sword/kick thrown. They are able to make you feel how tense the board games are played out with great character development, you actually see the cast develop and even grow, no silly "magical 3 year naruto time jump", no you see them develop mentally as well. The music is great, my wife and i watch this series once a year (we've kind of been slacking and watching only the super great episodes, you can only watch an entire anime 5x before you go, bleh), and yes i did buy a go board, no we both don't know how to play still (beyond the utmost basics), and still even when we can barely follow along it's great.

FMA had a bit of childness to it, BUT FMA:brotherhood, is just too awesome to pass up, it correctly follows the manga, and i don't believe there was a boring episode out of 60.

12 kingdoms (or Juuni Kokki if you can't find it) is a gem, it is about the only anime that has a great female lead. 99.9% of all animes have horrible female leads, or if they are good, they flash their boobs or panty shots every other scene, (i'm not gay or a advocating for equal womans rights, this is a thread about good mature anime, and it seems that a lot of us are just tired of silly "fan-service" and just want great action/story) the main character yhoko is just a greatly developed character. Non spoiler, since it was already said, you see a naive girl transform into a queen, THEN, and this is the great part, you see her earn her title as Queen. It really has the best female development, if not just plain character development.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
i would suck dick for Twelve Kingdoms remake.

rightstufhas a lot of old anime on sale, usually with English dub.
I never actually bought any of their products before, but I did call in to cancel some order and it was professional...and too good.