Losing your Job


Trakanon Raider
Yes, but if they can hire a person for 1/3 of my base, hire three of them, and have them combined sell what I sell, but combined earn less commission that I would....they apparently will.

It's short sighted and ignorant approach and what happens when your new vice presdent has zero experience in sales.

Cause retaining and rewarding your best employees is a bad management strategy?

I mean, I'm new to this management shits, and maybe I'm a little too eager to please my team..But fuck man. I'm taking 'em to dinner tonight cause they reached a deliverable already, a week ahead of schedule (and my bonus is big enough it wont even scratch it). I think the more shit I can do for them, the more they'll give me.

That said, I don't know how I'll handle them fucking up cause they haven't in the month they've been working projects.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Cause retaining and rewarding your best employees is a bad management strategy?

I mean, I'm new to this management shits, and maybe I'm a little too eager to please my team..But fuck man. I'm taking 'em to dinner tonight cause they reached a deliverable already, a week ahead of schedule (and my bonus is big enough it wont even scratch it). I think the more shit I can do for them, the more they'll give me.

That said, I don't know how I'll handle them fucking up cause they haven't in the month they've been working projects.
Foster team/individual pride/ownership in the work and you wont have to do much when they mess up.
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Still a Music Elitist
That sucks, Tarrant. Would absolutely drive me to search for other options.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
My current job rolled out a new commission structure this morning. I was tld to come in early for a meeting that would discuss it (I live 90min away so this involved me waking up at 4:30 this morning to get here in time)

I get to the office and am told I can't attend and I would be sat down after.

So I'm already a bit salty since the time we finally sat down was my normal start time.

Anyway, I get told the new commission structure is being used to motivate those who are mediocre at what they do, when then is stressed that I am not in the group. I'm told under the new structure I would "blow it up" and that they wouldn't be able to afford that. I am then given the option of being capped at half of the new commission structure (because no one else I work with will come close to hitting it, they aren't worried about them. They just put those numbers up as a driving factor), or I can take a 20% pay decrease and be allowed to hit the cap...which would cause me to come close to breaking even with what I do now.

They can tell I'm irritated and then tell me to take some time to think about it.

I'm thinking of a lot of things at the moment, taking either one of their offers isn't among them.

Thats a pretty big slap in the face. Not knowing the health of your industry and ease of finding a job and all that my gut reaction would be to just walk out. Essentially they gave everyone around you a raise but didn't give you one. That is insulting.
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
My current job rolled out a new commission structure this morning. I was tld to come in early for a meeting that would discuss it (I live 90min away so this involved me waking up at 4:30 this morning to get here in time)

I get to the office and am told I can't attend and I would be sat down after.

So I'm already a bit salty since the time we finally sat down was my normal start time.

Anyway, I get told the new commission structure is being used to motivate those who are mediocre at what they do, when then is stressed that I am not in the group. I'm told under the new structure I would "blow it up" and that they wouldn't be able to afford that. I am then given the option of being capped at half of the new commission structure (because no one else I work with will come close to hitting it, they aren't worried about them. They just put those numbers up as a driving factor), or I can take a 20% pay decrease and be allowed to hit the cap...which would cause me to come close to breaking even with what I do now.

They can tell I'm irritated and then tell me to take some time to think about it.

I'm thinking of a lot of things at the moment, taking either one of their offers isn't among them.

If you hit the cap and can't earn more, are they gonna be cool with you not showing up until the next sales period?
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Still a Music Elitist
Ha, exactly. We have sales people that pull that shit too. They'll hit their new business quota early in the quarter or year (if it's big) and then they'll just fuck off the rest of the year.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Back when my wife first started at her job doing FP&A they were so bad at targets some of their sales staff would hit their quotas within 2 months after the annual sales cycle
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Bisi's Inbox said:
Just wanted to provide you with a brief update following our last conversation. Your reference checks have now been successfully completed and I am pleased to advise that we will now be proceeding to move forward with the final steps in our recruitment and selection process by asking our Human Resources department to extend to you a formal offer for the position.

We did it, boys!
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Well-Known Memer
Fucking awesome bro! Congrats! Real glad I held off from smoking weed per the advice in this thread. You guys were right about that shit. :p



Whats are you going to negotiate for salary?

Couple racks of Molson Ice and Moose meat?
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Just sent off my acceptance letter and all my forms. 12 month contract that pays more than my old job, but I'm going to have to get a second car and haul ass to get there, so it's pretty much the same pay after all that.

Healthcare doe. Good on the resume. Gonna have to network like a boss.

Honda Civic shopping this week.
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>

My job letter says "you are entitled to receive a percentage of your earnings in lieu of benefits... This payment will be included in your bi-weekly paycheck" and goes on to say "13% of earnings in lieu of benefits."

I wasn't expecting benefits since it's contract, and it doesn't matter because 1. Canada, and 2. I'm on wife's plan which is high end.

So does that mean I'll get my hourly pay plus 13%?

I've been salary pretty much all my professional life, so this contract hourly stuff is all new to me.
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