Man of Steel


Avatar of War Slayer
again, we are told Zod is kindof right. we are not shown this.
Jor-el treats Zod as a friend and colleague at the very beginning. He was surprised by the coup. Cutting out some of that nonsensical action jackson Jor-el on the Avatar bird, and skull codex(the fuck?) and adding some prelim with Zod and Jor-el working together to try and get the council to do something would have aided the backstory, and aided in making Zod more sympathetic.

I don't feel the new movie timeline helped anything. only made things worse.
The comic addon gives some backstory of course, but pure movie go-ers didnt see that.
we have expansion 20k years prior. this is where Kara's ship ends up on earth. So its not even the 1k we thought from the comic. its 20k. Kara has been on Earth for 20k years.
Zod getting imprisoned just days before implosion is kindof dumb. That change is definitely worse. the old version of Zod+others getting imprisoned months/years before implosion made way more sense.
Kindof like the entire justification of why NO escape ships where launched. "it was our time" what the fuck? you intentionally send your prisoners up to a satellite to survive and let everyone else die?
As noted, the phantom zone is name dropped, but not explained nearly enough.


<Prior Amod>
I would have loved if this first movie would have been made into a trilogy. All the Easter eggs they put in concerning Krypton could have been flushed out in the first movie. Things like the moon having been destroyed thus leading to the ban on space flight. This would have explained a "Little" better as to why the citizens did not just leave the planet.

1st Movie : Krypton

They could have gone into all the character development with the council, General Zod and Superman's father. The acts that led to the rebellion, which of course could have been shown in all its glory. They could have even explored the phantom zone a little bit more. Why was the moon destroyed? Who was the really large Kryptonian character and why was he so large? So many small stories that could have been flushed out and explained. This story would have been fantastic and different. The end of the story would of course culminate with the explosion of Krypton and Superman being sent to Earth.

2nd Movie: Superman

This would be the Smallville aspect of the story that would have shown all the adaptations he had to make growing up. Yes this story has been told dozens of times, but with good character development and writing a person could perhaps "Feel" what it would have been like to be a boy that could never reveal the truth. He has to make difficult descisions as to when he reveals what he can do and when he does not. He would grow up and the story could even continue a bit into being an adult who is still unsure of what he is supposed to do. Ending this story could either be when he becomes Superman or when he is first shown the path towards becoming Superman.

3rd movie: General ZoD

He returns, but now you have a much better understanding of what he represents. The strife that Superman goes through destroying his own kind only having just found them could be more profound. In the movie I was actually on General Zod's side when he was on Krypton. What General Zod said to the council on Krypton made sense, which kind of flustered me a bit since he was supposed to be the villain. This is why the story really needed to be flushed out a bit more.

This is a brief summation of how I wish the story could have been told.
Good thing you weren't in charge, we never would have seen Superman on the big screen again....hell we wouldn't even had made it to the 3rd movie in your grand scheme.


Silver Squire
so hot.

Please let her be alive be the super villain in number 2.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I would have loved if this first movie would have been made into a trilogy. All the Easter eggs they put in concerning Krypton could have been flushed out in the first movie. Things like the moon having been destroyed thus leading to the ban on space flight. This would have explained a "Little" better as to why the citizens did not just leave the planet.

1st Movie : Krypton

They could have gone into all the character development with the council, General Zod and Superman's father. The acts that led to the rebellion, which of course could have been shown in all its glory. They could have even explored the phantom zone a little bit more. Why was the moon destroyed? Who was the really large Kryptonian character and why was he so large? So many small stories that could have been flushed out and explained. This story would have been fantastic and different. The end of the story would of course culminate with the explosion of Krypton and Superman being sent to Earth.

2nd Movie: Superman

This would be the Smallville aspect of the story that would have shown all the adaptations he had to make growing up. Yes this story has been told dozens of times, but with good character development and writing a person could perhaps "Feel" what it would have been like to be a boy that could never reveal the truth. He has to make difficult descisions as to when he reveals what he can do and when he does not. He would grow up and the story could even continue a bit into being an adult who is still unsure of what he is supposed to do. Ending this story could either be when he becomes Superman or when he is first shown the path towards becoming Superman.

3rd movie: General ZoD

He returns, but now you have a much better understanding of what he represents. The strife that Superman goes through destroying his own kind only having just found them could be more profound. In the movie I was actually on General Zod's side when he was on Krypton. What General Zod said to the council on Krypton made sense, which kind of flustered me a bit since he was supposed to be the villain. This is why the story really needed to be flushed out a bit more.

This is a brief summation of how I wish the story could have been told.
if you think nerds are raging now, imagine them having to wait till 3rd movie for the final fight

it would make star wars episodes 1-3 seem like the LOTR trilogy

Beef Supreme_sl


100% Luthor uses this against Superman in the next movie.

Again, Snyder not getting bogged down in the portrayal of "the little people" is the right choice. We all KNOW shit is fucked and lots of people died, so why add more screen time to the struggling sea of humanity? We've seen that shit a million times. Let Luthor capitalize off of Superman's non-perfection.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Finally saw it with the wife. Was ok, good even, but not great. Special effects were top notch and there was a shit ton of action. The bit characters and Zod were acted very well, despite having very little to work with. Cavil and Adams were extremely forgettable in this movie, however. As others have stated, Crowe and Costner probably gave the strongest performances. Worth the money to see on the big screen and the 3d was well done without being overdone. People in this thread have gone over a lot of the flaws, but I wanted to touch on a couple of other things that stood out to me after I had a night to reflect on it.

First, say what you want about Returns, that movie felt more like Superman. Routh was a really good Kansas Plowboy kind of guy and came across with the morality very well. Cavil was clearly there to model, not act. I felt like if they had changed names and dialog, this would have passed for a great DBZ Saiyan Saga movie, because it just did not have any sort of Superman feel to it, movie or comic. Them making him an emo supes did not help. The Returns Superman was a guy you would want to root for and aspire to be. The Cavil Superman is an underwear model who's earth father encourages him to let people die to cover his own ass and seems to only save people if they happen to be nearby or are named Lois. I think if you could take half of the plot and acting of Returns and half the action and effects of Man of Steel, you would have the perfect Superman movie, but unfortunately both efforts failed at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Second, there is a major problem with any story where if the protagonist does absolutely nothing, then the problems are still solved (see IJ:Crystal Skull) despite his inaction. In this movie, the problems are actually initiated by Supes when he goes digging into his history. So from a stupid human perspective, this is one uber alien asshole calling down a bunch of other alien assholes and wrecking shit while they fight over political bullshit with zero relavence to the us. Not exactly a great motivation to root for the guy and I can't imagine he is going to be super popular after they fucked up a huge chunk of Kansas and India, especially since Superman apparently thinks its hilarious to crash multimillion dollar drones for the Lulz. If humanity had caused Zod's arrival, then he would have come off a lot more heroic. Instead, with that story, he is just some asshole cleaning up a mess he made himself, by being careless. I can ignore the logical flaws of the plot, stupidity of the villians, and bad science, because it is a comic book. I cannot ignore a failure to make Superman heroic. A Darth Vader "Nooooo!" yell after doing something that he has never done before is not the way to convey that.

On the plus side, the battle carnage was appropriate and well done for what they were presenting, though a more visible human element of the damage would have done a little more to draw me in. The female Kryptonian more or less stole the show in every scene she was in. Zod was descent with what they gave him, but I think they should have had some nod to the kneel before Zod thing, especially since they brought back versions of Zods main lackies in the Donner film. It avoided being campy (huge mistake of Returns) and had a much more sympathetic villian. It also had a really good delving into Kryptonian history, which was my favorite aspect of the movie. The flashback sequences were also a really good way to handle origin story without making us sit through an hour of farmboy bullshit again.

I may be being too negative, and watching Avengers right after this was probably a bad idea, but it highlighted the lack of fun in this movie. Whoever said this was actually a disaster movie hit the nail on the head. It had that sort of feel to it, not really a superhero movie. If I had to rank this one after one viewing, I would put it on par with Thor, perhaps slightly better. Its a good movie to see (I, for the record enjoyed both Returns and this one fairly equally but for opposite reasons), but not a great movie of the genre. As Snyder movies go, its better than Sucker Punch, but not better than Watchmen.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
just in case.

Well just saw it. I thought it was great. All these criticism I read and heard just seem like little kids crying over spilled milk and are way overblown(see above).

There were a few things here and there to nitpick but that was about it. I think most people just seem upset they didn't get to see stuttering corn-fed farmboy the entire movie.

The movie portrayed imo pretty well what would happen if super beings fought , especially in a major metropolis. Hell 85% of the damage was done by the terraforming machine, 5% by the military and the rest from fights between 2 super powered beings.

I think they could of done a bit better on superman's reaction after basically being forced to kill zod(the aganozing scream is kinda over done, I would of rather had a conversation between him and lois and him and his mom). It was funny reading earlier about how people were asking "why didn't you send him to the phantom zone", considering the devices to do that were both transported away with zod's crew, wasn't much choice left. At least it was quick and painless and it was done literally to save that families life.

Much better then super man returns, which was like 80% drama movie and 20% super hero movie and that's being generous.

Concerning phazels point about superman actually drawing zod to the planet, I am curious why you consider this some insanely stupid act via superman? I mean your father gives you some thing that you hold on to around your neck that had a direct connection to the ship you came in. You then stumble across another ship and it has a console that literally has a keyhole that looks exactly like your item, what person, superhero or not, would not put the key in? I'm more curious why it sends a distress signal right away and neither kal-el or his father(which is tied directly to the ship now) doesn't know about it.

I do agree at first there was no reason to look up to or back superman from a humanity point of view(aka why they gave him up), but as soon as zod starts terraforming your planet(which would make your race extinct), it becomes your problem and not just a fight between 2 visiting species. And you are naive if you think zod was just going to take superman and lois and just leave.

Curious about 2 things:

The bus scene, who was it the sports car(looked like a nice expensive car) and watched the buss go over, they briefly showed his face). I ask because in the TV show smallville right at the start, lex's car drives off a bridge into a river and clark rescues him, this starts his obession with clark and who/what he is. Curious if this was merely just a nod at that or might actually grow into more(considering the guy had to see him push the bus out of the water).

Also the scientist with the military was named hamilton, isn't this the guy who works with superman and company? I am curious if he is gone(it seemed he was still on the c-130 when it rammed the big spaceship and then sucked everything into the phantomzone).


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
i think we are all forgetting something here. think I mentioned it couple pages ago..but here you go:

Superman just committed a genocide--knowingly.

"KRYPTON HAD IT'S CHANCE." - - Proceeds to destroy the baby ship and erases any chance of reviving his race.

no fucking shit Zod goes insane.

Who the fuck is the villain here?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
i think we are all forgetting something here. think I mentioned it couple pages ago..but here you go:

Superman just committed a genocide--knowingly.

"KRYPTON HAD IT'S CHANCE." - - Proceeds to destroy the baby ship and erases any chance of reviving his race.

no fucking shit Zod goes insane.

Who the fuck is the villain here?
Isn't all the gentic codes or w/e it was still inside him? They could expand on that if he ever found out. Also he sent them to the phantomzone(which iirc they still are alive, its like prison). So he's a bad guy because he didn't want a entire planet's race to die so ~15 people could start a new one, with a crazy murdering psycho in charge? His race was already dead, he just didn't accept it and he and he cronies was only alive do to pure luck.

Zod actually explained why he did the things he did and why he was that way. Their entire society and how they bred was fucked up and it literally molded and brainwashed zod into what he was. He said it himself, he had nothing left and he was going to kill superman(while killing as many humans as he could) or die.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah but bro, Superman don't get to make that call. Changing your morality at whim does not represent Superman. At least fucking batman had a moral consistency and the movie did everything it can to illustrate that through his conflict with Joker. Superman just does shit and hope for the best. Who is he to make that judgement for his race? Is he not supposed to represent something greater than norm, a thing, a symbol that no man could possibly achieve? The movie lacks any kind of inspiration.

killing off his people really startled me though. I think the thing that differentiates Zod and Superman is that Zod had a mission whereas Superman made shit up as he went on. Zod is the superhero here who died a hero for people. HAIL ZOD.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Does not alter the fact that supes essentially commited genocide. In fact his list of criminal offenses in the film is pretty impressive. Theft of numerous items, infiltrating a military outpost, vandalism of a guys truck, the negligent homicide of his earth dad, numerous acts of destruction of federal property like the drone, and the already mentioned genocide. Zod might have been the vilian but Superman was a lot more successful at breaking the law.

Again, liked the movie but it could have been so much better. Half ithe Bag guys had it right when they said this was an alien invasion movie not a superhero movie.