[Manga] Bleach (spoilers to current)


Vyemm Raider
How is this series still going on? Has Ichigo learned to fight yet? Guy has been in so many battles and he still cant scrap and just randomly swings his sword around. There is more swordplay in 24 episodes of Samurai Champloo than all the episodes of bleach combined.


Trump's Staff
Since when did you think that was my only form?!


How can this shit continue? Holy fuck. Does this mean Urahara is going to fight?
Yeah right. Instead of finally being awesome, Kubo will leave him in the shadows and save the day with another random captain that's about to show up. Like Hitsugaya, again... or Kenpachi, again... or Byakuya, again.

The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
A: Let me explain to you my power, it completely nullifies yours. LOL! *Boom!* Lol I should check his body to make sure he's ded. Oh... nope. I don't know what I expected.
B: Lol I'm not ded. Let me explain to you my power... in the next chapter

Every single chapter. It's been like that for how long now?


Golden Knight of the Realm
since his opponents became sentient I guess. I liked the first real big arc where ichigo invaded soul society and the aizen twist, but I probably watched that... 10+ years ago and since then I have buyers remorse. I am going to finish this manga and I am going to bitch all the way through


Trakanon Raider
@ TDO Not to defend Kubo but that's Shonen manga. It's the basic "My Kung-fu beats your Kung-fu!" Again that doesn't erase some of the bad moments of this manga, but let's at least admit we all know this is what's going on.

@ Kitsune Also it's not just buyers remorse. It's battered wife syndrome. You're just so invested in this manga after 12 years you're just hanging on to see the conclusion to what we all know is an unsatisfying ending. I mean fuck they played the Urya traitor angle for 2 fucking years and in one chapter it's revealed "Hey it's just a scam, run! I got this bros!" JFC couldn't we have gotten a real damn fight with them both powered up? Isn't that the crux of Shonen mangas? And don't even get that. Horseshit. See battered wife syndrome.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I know the ending is going to suck, because it will just be "peace returns to Soul Society and Itsygo is off looking cool somewhere (he mysteriously disappears a couple of chapters before the end - did he die? NO he's just chilling in the real world all moody). We won't have learned anything, we won't have gained anything, none of the good guys will have died and Ichigo will be back in high school like nothing ever happened. Oh and Kubo won't ever adress the ichigo orihime rukia triangle going on because he most likely can't write romance just like he can't write anything else


<WoW Guild Officer>
Maybe, just maybe this could be awesome.

But then again it's fucking bleach.


Lol calling in sick the week he is supposed to reveal what Urahara's bankai does.

How completely unexpected.


Trakanon Raider
He is making this shit up week by week (in his defense like most manga-kas) but this week's weed was a bad batch.


Trump's Staff
I don't really understand what Urahara did outside of the ball or where Grimmjow came from.