Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Trump's Staff
At the end of the day relationships take a lot of work to maintain and I'm not seeing where you mention putting in any work. Going out to eat and watching TV don't count, you'd do those even if you were alone. Banging your wife when you're "tired" instead of rubbing one out would show at least some modicum of effort. Of course it goes both ways, but sometimes one person needs to step it up to remind the other person why they're together. Everything you've talked about just seems like falling into routine and the same would happen over time with the 26 year old you want to fuck instead.


The Big Mod
What the fuck is this, an episode of Everybody loves Raymond? If you really want to fuck this hot 26 year old, go do it. Your wife works plenty that you could get away with it, and even if you didn't, you've committed yourself to not having kids so the marriage is going to implode anyway once she hits her late 30s unless you cave in and knock her up. she'll probably have to pay you alimony in the divorce. this is truly a win-win-win scenario.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The simplest way to end any temptation without causing problems would be to put off plans for a semester. Since you seem unwilling to do that, do something that will require her and your wife to interact, like studying at your home when the wife is around. Having your wife know who she is will limit your brain from working out scenarios to bang this chick. As an added bonus, nerd girl might decide being a home wrecker is not such a great idea. Either way, if you can't control yourself, you need to remove the source of temptation.
Usually your advice is spot on but this made me cringe. You don't think it's a really bad idea for him to bring home some hot 26 year old to study, no matter how platonic his behavior? Women have a six sense when it comes to ferreting out other women's intentions, and if this 26 year old hottie even so much as gives him a wry smile he could potentially be in for a world of pain. If youngin' is really into him, she may even do it intentionally or subconsciously.

I learnt a long time ago to NEVER let two women that are interested in you interact. It can never end well no matter how innocent your intentions.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What the fuck is this, an episode of Everybody loves Raymond? If you really want to fuck this hot 26 year old, go do it. Your wife works plenty that you could get away with it, and even if you didn't, you've committed yourself to not having kids so the marriage is going to implode anyway once she hits her late 30s unless you cave in and knock her up. she'll probably have to pay you alimony in the divorce. this is truly a win-win-win scenario.
I don't think this thread is the place for you Keg. Perhaps someone of your philosophical leanings would be more comfortable in a recently bumped thread in screenshots.


Buzzfeed Editor
What the fuck is this, an episode of Everybody loves Raymond? If you really want to fuck this hot 26 year old, go do it. Your wife works plenty that you could get away with it, and even if you didn't, you've committed yourself to not having kids so the marriage is going to implode anyway once she hits her late 30s unless you cave in and knock her up. she'll probably have to pay you alimony in the divorce. this is truly a win-win-win scenario.
I loled


El Presidente
What the fuck is this, an episode of Everybody loves Raymond? If you really want to fuck this hot 26 year old, go do it. Your wife works plenty that you could get away with it, and even if you didn't, you've committed yourself to not having kids so the marriage is going to implode anyway once she hits her late 30s unless you cave in and knock her up. she'll probably have to pay you alimony in the divorce. this is truly a win-win-win scenario.


The Big Mod
I don't think this thread is the place for you Keg. Perhaps someone of your philosophical leanings would be more comfortable in a recently bumped thread in screenshots.
with all due respect Gavin, the entirety of your interaction with the opposite sex is white knighting for a 40 something woman you met on an Internet forum and traded you sex for an Xbox 360 (the non hard drive model)....... why are you here again?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Usually your advice is spot on but this made me cringe. You don't think it's a really bad idea for him to bring home some hot 26 year old to study, no matter how platonic his behavior? Women have a six sense when it comes to ferreting out other women's intentions, and if this 26 year old hottie even so much as gives him a wry smile he could potentially be in for a world of pain. If youngin' is really into him, she may even do it intentionally or subconsciously.

I learnt a long time ago to NEVER let two women that are interested in you interact. It can never end well no matter how innocent your intentions.
I didn't say it was ideal. Ideal would be to drop or reschedule classes to avoid this woman. Wormie has basically said that he knows the logic and can't control himself anyhow, so my suggestion is more about him deliberately sabotaging himself from being able to take Keg's dudebro suggestion. Would it be better for him to hang out with this chick when his wife isn't around?

Its a shitty idea, but one that will keep him married at the end of the day. If he keeps on the road he is on, and is being honest about how much this girl is in his head, he is going to bang this girl and wreck his marriage. If he is not strong enough to resist temptation, then he needs to remove it or (failing that) sabotage his chances so his rational mind starts winning again. Plus, the dynamic you describe changes when one woman is a long term wife in a stable marriage. Stable women tend to assert themselves and freeze out little home wreckers in short order. His wife wont be happy entirely, but he will get a quick lesson in why he is with his wife and not some random granola girl preying on his midlife crisis. At the end of the day his wife will do what he lacks the will to do himself; namely setting himself and the temptation girl straight.

But yeah, ideally he should just wait a semester and avoid contact. He could use that time to put some effort back into his marriage and solve the boredom issue before he does something he regrets. Wormie does not seem to be willing to do that, however.


The Big Mod
Keg this place is pretty sacred, I'd be cautious with how you keep posting
interestingly, Gavin is here blatantly trying to get a rise out of me and i've posted nothing out of line. i would think as a mod you would have better attention to detail.


Mr. Poopybutthole
interestingly, Gavin is here blatantly trying to get a rise out of me and i've posted nothing out of line. i would think as a mod you would have better attention to detail.
Yeah the dude with a years long legacy of relentless trolling parachutes into the thread talking about how he has cheated on every single girl he has ever had and feels no guilt, wants children despite clearly having no interest in a family, then as a followup encourages another dude to cheat on his wife even if the result is divorce, and I'm the one trying to get a rise out of people. Could you be any more of a transparent piece of shit?



Got something right about marriage
Yeah the dude with a years long legacy of relentless trolling parachutes into the thread talking about how he has cheated on every single girl he has ever had and feels no guilt, wants children despite clearly having no interest in a family, then as a followup encourages another dude to cheat on his wife even if the result is divorce, and I'm the one trying to get a rise out of people. Could you be any more of a transparent piece of shit?

The post your poking fun of was one of the most honest posts this thread has ever seen. Stop being such a little shit about it.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Wormie, did you ever feel this kind of excitement for your current wife? If you never have, I'm not sure that's a great sign. It also sounds you have always spent a lot of time apart from each other. Is there any chance your relationship is partially one of convenience since a lot of people would not be okay with that much time apart? Some of the things you've said have made me wonder if it's a "good on paper" matchup that never quite had the chemistry.


The Big Mod
Yeah the dude with a years long legacy of relentless trolling parachutes into the thread talking about how he has cheated on every single girl he has ever had and feels no guilt, wants children despite clearly having no interest in a family, then as a followup encourages another dude to cheat on his wife even if the result is divorce, and I'm the one trying to get a rise out of people. Could you be any more of a transparent piece of shit?
it was a serious post whether you want it to be or not. i've always assumed i'd end up being a father and always wanted to be a father, so it's kind of shook me up now that i've come to think that i might not be wired for a domesticated lifestyle.

as for wormie, if he's so infatuated with this new girl, and he has relatively little on the line (no kids, doesn't appear he would be financially devastated by a divorce) i don't see anything wrong with testing the waters. he might come to find a new found appreciation for what he has in his wife, or he might come to find that there's someone else out there he would rather spend his life with. at the very least, he would gain more perspective on things. is it the "right" thing to do? well, that's all relative to your moral compass. sure, you could potentially hurt your wife who loves you, but if he honestly feels very strongly about this girl, then he might be a lot happier with her in the long run. he's what, 34? he's got a lot of living left to do. wormie needs to put things into context for himself and weigh the risk vs. reward. it would be a different story if there were kids involved.

despite what you may think, the answers to everything in marriage and life aren't always best derived from Brady Bunch plot lines. bottom line is, if wormie honestly believes he would be happier with the 26 year old in the long run and all things considered, then he should pursue it by whatever means he thinks is best.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Maybe you should have more relationship experience beyond plugging hairy middle eastern women and nosebeasts to get your nut on, before trying to dispense advice here. Technically, Mist is at least your equal when it comes to relationships. This isn't the screenshots forum.