Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Khaine's world outlook is fine, its just not of any value to anyone who is realistically trying to maintain a long term relationship. He takes offense when this is pointed out, but his self admitted track record in relationships more or less confirms this.

As far as Titan's situation, without knowing other details and just laying out a wild guess, there are three options in my opinion:

1) Go Alpha- She is acting like a spoiled kid in your discussions, so treat her like one. Walk the fuck out and say you will return when she decides to start acting like an adult. Assert your position as man of the house. Best case scenario, she reacts to that and calms the fuck down, though you might lose respect for her. Worst case, she turns the crazy up to 11 in which case you know what you are dealing with and that it cannot be fixed.

2) Counselling- Given the disputes you ae having, I doubt this will work but its the most sane choice. I really think she likely has a circle of harpy like "womyn" friends pissing in her ear and counseling is not going to stop them from tainting her views. I think if you go this route, try to get a female marriage counsellor as I think if she is drinking the hyper liberal kool aid you have a better chance of breaking through to her that way.

3) Walk away- If she really believes you are a racist and will not even discuss things, it is probably time to pull the rip cord. Only reason to consider doing so without exhausting other options would be if my suspicion of being fueled by other female friends is accurate. The sooner you move on, the less time there is for her to ramp the psycho up and do something really damaging to both your lives if you do move on. If her dysfunction is really as bad as you describe it, then you probably stopped really being a couple the moment she put her ideology/religion above you in value. It is almost impossible to fix that kind of crazy.

Best of luck, either way. People change and not always for the better. I don't envy the shit you have to endure.


Got something right about marriage
Khaine's world outlook is fine, its just not of any value to anyone who is realistically trying to maintain a long term relationship. He takes offense when this is pointed out, but his self admitted track record in relationships more or less confirms this.

As far as Titan's situation, without knowing other details and just laying out a wild guess, there are three options in my opinion:

1) Go Alpha- She is acting like a spoiled kid in your discussions, so treat her like one. Walk the fuck out and say you will return when she decides to start acting like an adult. Assert your position as man of the house. Best case scenario, she reacts to that and calms the fuck down, though you might lose respect for her. Worst case, she turns the crazy up to 11 in which case you know what you are dealing with and that it cannot be fixed.

2) Counselling- Given the disputes you ae having, I doubt this will work but its the most sane choice. I really think she likely has a circle of harpy like "womyn" friends pissing in her ear and counseling is not going to stop them from tainting her views. I think if you go this route, try to get a female marriage counsellor as I think if she is drinking the hyper liberal kool aid you have a better chance of breaking through to her that way.

3) Walk away- If she really believes you are a racist and will not even discuss things, it is probably time to pull the rip cord. Only reason to consider doing so without exhausting other options would be if my suspicion of being fueled by other female friends is accurate. The sooner you move on, the less time there is for her to ramp the psycho up and do something really damaging to both your lives if you do move on. If her dysfunction is really as bad as you describe it, then you probably stopped really being a couple the moment she put her ideology/religion above you in value. It is almost impossible to fix that kind of crazy.

Best of luck, either way. People change and not always for the better. I don't envy the shit you have to endure.
So my opinions are of no value, but you echo them? Alright then.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Khane, you seem to be assuming that those questions are solely put out there to be landmines. I'm not saying you are wrong in many cases, but those questions really aren't the problem. If you answer them honestly and she freaks the fuck out, that is the problem.
You never actually answer these questions honestly, they're shit test traps. You either amplify, dismiss, or turn it into flattery.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
You never actually answer these questions honestly, they're shit test traps. You either amplify, dismiss, or turn it into flattery.
I mean.. on the one hand, yes what you're saying is how you "get along" with women without friction.

But if you do answer the questions honestly, and just work through the emotion that results from the answers (and don't be a dick about it), then you can break through to answering those questions honestly all the time and actually treating your girl like one of the bros that you talk seriously with. If you always lie, flatter, or otherwise deceive the woman about your true feelings, is it any wonder she doesn't respect your true feelings?


<Gold Donor>
Honestly, I just tend to sidestep all the bullshit anymore. Fuck after 18 yrs together, 16 of them married. I know what triggers her and she knows exactly what triggers me. Some things that piss me off she will know about, but 3/4 of the time for small piddly shit that fucking irks the shit out of me I just let it go. Its not worth the fight over some stupid shit. I used to do this and it caused a huge rift most of the time. So yeah, it took a while, but now I know. Its not worth it. YEah it bugs me that she just throws her dirty clothes on the floor of the bedroom and they just sit there for a week, yeah it bothers me that on the weekend she will get shit out of the fridge, make her food and just leave it there. But I just could not give two fucks anymore. And its working out perfect. Our relationship is in the best place that it ever was. We have tons of sex, she initiates it like 3/4 of the time too. So as long as I get my dick slurped and my balls on empty, I can let the little shit slide.

Edit: and I will tell you bros that even that I dont agree about all the shit that red pillers spew out, some of that shit does work and it opens your eyes to a lot of shit and how to act. So there is that. It should be on every mans reading list when you want to be in a relationship.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
99/100 if my wife is being unreasonably bitchy it is because she's hungry. So I feed her and everything goes back to normal.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Being able to feed ones self is pretty high on the list of requirements for my wife.


<Gold Donor>
And also, fuck counseling. That shit has not helped anyone I know, only made shit worse. Those people have no fucking clue. LOL, the counselor we saw back in like 2003-4 was a 23 yr old dude with a hipster beard and a cardigan sweater and skinny jeans, like right out of SJW college. Fucking pathetic. Even the wife was like fuck this place. Guess what he told us to work on....


Got something right about marriage
Celebrated 17yrs of marriage yesterday I thought maybe butt stuff but alas no, maybe 18 is the year of the butt
Just tell her you want to try it and start playing with it during sex. Wait until she's getting into it while you're going at it and start massaging the rim, slowly work up to get a finger in there, then RAM IT IN LIKE A JACKHAMMER. No lube. Trust me.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I mean.. on the one hand, yes what you're saying is how you "get along" with women without friction.

But if you do answer the questions honestly, and just work through the emotion that results from the answers (and don't be a dick about it), then you can break through to answering those questions honestly all the time and actually treating your girl like one of the bros that you talk seriously with. If you always lie, flatter, or otherwise deceive the woman about your true feelings, is it any wonder she doesn't respect your true feelings?
Sounds great, but answering questions like "am I getting fat", or "do you think that girl is hotter than me" with absolute honesty will get your face kicked in. There's no way to sugar coat the truth, and good fucking luck at "working through the emotions that result from the answer". I agree with you in a sense, as these type of fucking dumb shit testing questions *deserve* to be answered honestly simply because they are so manipulative, but I don't see how (or why) you'd want to engage in a fight over why you think your wife/gf is getting fat.. I would much rather dodge the question, then propose a personal trainer a few weeks later in some innocuous way.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
So my opinions are of no value, but you echo them? Alright then.
Your great at reading people and problems, but not at sustaining relationships. That trait has immense value for ending relationships that are unhealthy. I never said completely without value.

It so happens that we both agree that his marriage is likely fucked, though. So if he has an interest in saving it, I agree extreme measures (like being an alpha dick) are his last ditch option before moving on.


Got something right about marriage
So a little update about the girl I have been dating. Sex has gotten way better, pretty great in fact. She's super dirty, likes it in the butt, is really adventurous and has an insatiable libido. The other night she came over to my place, closed the curtains in my living room and told me to put on some porn, then rode me like a bronco while it was on. Then she asked me if I wanted to have a threesome.

So long story short we had a conversation and decided we will now be introducing each other as bf/gf.

There are two glaring issues though.

1) She's a social worker who makes pretty much pennies. You all know how I feel about that.
2) She's quite a bit younger than me. She's 26 and I'm 33. Meaning she and her friends are still in the "Let's go out to the loudest bar we can find and drink on a Wednesday night until midnight" and that's just not my thing anymore. I'm not particularly fond of yelling during conversation or going to bed at 1 am, drunk on a weekday.