Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I find it helps. But I'll also admit I'm used to snoozing that I haven't just gotten up right away in years.
I find rubbing one out or fucking the wife helps a lot more than the snooze button.

No, hitting the snooze gives him nine minutes of sex time. When it goes off again it's a trigger, and he finishes. Like Pavlov's dog, but with orgasms.

And if she didn't finish in time, you can officially blame it on her.

Those of you who have trouble getting up on the first alarm, what time did you set it to, and what time do you go to bed?


Egg Nazi
I hate the sound of alarm clocks so much I stopped setting mine well over a decade ago. I literally only set it for unusual cases e.g. 4 AM wakeups to go get on a plane or something. Normal days, I just get up.

Fuck the sound of alarm clocks. Way to start the day off angry -- here ya go, first thing in the morning, here is a loud beeping noise! Might as well have a recorded voice going "fuck you faggot, wake up!"

Pressing a button to hear that sound 2 or more times in one morning? Thats insane.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Either my kids wake up before my alarm or I'll wake up like 5 minutes before my alarm goes off. Kids I can handle waking up, its the worst feeling in the world waking up right before your alarm goes off
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Egg Nazi
Thats so funny. I always loved that, back when I set an alarm. It was like ha, I win, fucker! as I'd turn off the alarm without ever having to hear it. Eventually I always woke up before the alarm and stopped setting it.
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Trakanon Raider
Do you guys have like old bell and hammer alarms or something? These newfangled smart phones can play any sound you like with gradually increasing volume and other customizable options.
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Philip Hue lights

Slowly turn on just before my alarm goes off.
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Molten Core Raider
Fuck the sound of alarm clocks. Way to start the day off angry -- here ya go, first thing in the morning, here is a loud beeping noise! Might as well have a recorded voice going "fuck you faggot, wake up!"
This makes me rethink my alarm clock actually. I'd wake up every day laughing if my phone called me a fucking faggot.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
This makes me rethink my alarm clock actually. I'd wake up every day laughing if my phone called me a fucking faggot.

I use the Rock clock. It has various version of the Rock yelling at you to wake up.
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Still a Music Elitist
After two snoozes does he start asking if he has to lay the smackdown on your candy ass?


<Bronze Donator>
I hate the sound of alarm clocks so much I stopped setting mine well over a decade ago. I literally only set it for unusual cases e.g. 4 AM wakeups to go get on a plane or something. Normal days, I just get up.

Fuck the sound of alarm clocks. Way to start the day off angry -- here ya go, first thing in the morning, here is a loud beeping noise! Might as well have a recorded voice going "fuck you faggot, wake up!"

Pressing a button to hear that sound 2 or more times in one morning? Thats insane.

I like setting music as my alarm sound


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
My alarm goes off, I hit snooze once. 2nd alarm, I hit snooze, get up and eat cereal, run back into room and hit snooze again since the alarm was going off for the last 4 minutes. Get back in bed. Sleep through 4 more snooze cycles. By now I'm starting to feel kind of awake. I throw the bed covers on the floor, so I can no longer sleep deep. 5 - 6 more snooze cycles. I now get on my phone and read my emails / text messages. 2.5 more snooze cycles. Time to wake up, feeling refreshed.
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Still a Music Elitist
Nothing like setting your alarm for 4:30am so you can snooze ten times to wake up at 6:30am. could have just woken up at 6:30.
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