Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Trakanon Raider
Jesus christ, it's pretty simple to understand: I was bleeding because I had picked totally inappropriate footwear due to someone telling me the hike was half the distance it actually was. Had I worn just about any kind of actual shoe, let alone a boot, I'd have been fine.
No point in feeding the fatty.


Musty Nester
There's plenty of reasons to be older, single, and not suck. They mostly involve not wanting to be responsible for the welfare of children.

That's heavy, man. That's fucking heavy. That's about the heaviest thing that there is in life. And yes, we actually DO believe you when you say that the benefits outweigh the costs. We don't think you're lying to us either intentionally or unintentionally. We do have hope for the world.

Some of us still choose to opt out. And we find to our lasting horror that there are also plenty of reasons to be single, older, and completely suck.


Got something right about marriage
And some of us aren't opting out. Some of us want that, but we're educated and patient and not willing to jump into that stage of our lives with someone who isn't worth travelling down that road with... for us. Children aren't a decision to be made lightly. Some people forsake logic because of desire and wont (socially) and those same people have a hard time committing to which fucking sandwich they want to order. I'm not going to start a family with a woman who doesn't light my fire just because I want kids.


A Mod Real Quick
Something strange has happened in the last few weeks. At first I thought it was a fluke, but now I am sure it is on purpose..

My wife is a heavy reader, she has a degree in English (lol) and also enjoys writing a lot - it's her thing. She stopped reading when we were planning the wedding and basically hasn't had time to read much besides ASOIAF since a few weeks ago. I noticed she was back into reading very heavily, basically skipping TV/movies/video games and only reading. This doesn't bother me as it lets me play more video games and basically not watch shitty HGTV shows.

Anyways, the point of all of this is I noticed after reading she was much more frisky. I'm talking she will put the book down and immediately be initiating sex, something she rarely does. Last night it was revealed that the guys in these novels she's reading (Nora Roberts.. lol, and some others) remind her of me and make her think of me.

Basically I think these romance novels are warming her up and she's getting horny. Any other wives like this?

For me, my wife could say "hello" and I am at full mast. If I watch a porn scene I am basically dry humping her body. She reads a romance novel and shes slobbering on the ween.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My wife gets like that after watching Game of Thrones. Sunday night is basically scheduled sex for 10 weeks.


A Mod Real Quick
Romance novels are like porn for women. If I go to bed and my wife is reading it's pretty much a guarantee, whether I want it or not.
Yeah that's what I've figured. The best part is whoever the dude in the novel is, he's doing all the romantic work and I am reaping the benefits.


Life's a Dream
Then she gets all pissed off at you because the dude she had been falling for in a book suddenly murders his best friend and starts molesting the friend's kid. You'll be fucked then.


A Mod Real Quick
We just went to the bookstore and bought her $100 worth of romance novels. This is going to be a good month. Here's to hoping one of the books has anal.


Musty Nester
Buy her Shades of Grey, bro.

Then buy yourself a box of tampons and a whip.

From what I understand, there is more than a healthy amount of tampon-fetishism in that book. There was a brief while there where I think some of the ladies were trying to play the "gross Iannis out" game.

It was cute. And it makes me think that they couldn't even conceive of the porn I watch.


Trakanon Raider
Man, went out with a friend to a wine bar tonight and had a great time.

From 7pm-11:30pm we sat outside and drank and talked. About 30 minutes in, a former student of the guy I was with (he's a teacher) came over and sat with us. 15 minutes later, 3 amazing looking girls joined him/us. I really hit it off with one girl, and we were talking all night, it was fantastic. At one point the Jurassic park truck came up and they all flipped out. I was waiting until the end of the night to ask the girl out, her name was Holly, and then, just after 11 she says "We should call it a night, I have to be up at 4am to head to Vegas." I say "Ohh what are you heading to Vegas for?" and she responds "My boyfriends flight lands at 6, I'm picking him up."

Fucking bummer.

We go inside and start talking to the two owners and the one other person still there at about midnight. We start talking about feminism and that really gets things started. At about 1 am, the lady customer leaves, super fucking pissed about the conversation, but the female owner and myself keep going at it. Just now, at 2 am, her husband, the male owner, says its time to go. I hugged the female owner (and somehow didn't end up raping her, despite her claims that 99.9% of the time men want to rape women), and she said to come back so we could talk more, and left.

All in all, very interesting/fun night.

This has nothing to do with marriage or divorce, I'm just still fairly intoxicated.


A Mod Real Quick
Buy her Shades of Grey, bro.

Then buy yourself a box of tampons and a whip.

From what I understand, there is more than a healthy amount of tampon-fetishism in that book. There was a brief while there where I think some of the ladies were trying to play the "gross Iannis out" game.

It was cute. And it makes me think that they couldn't even conceive of the porn I watch.
One of her friends suggested it to her, so I might pick it up. She's a real prude with that stuff, but when I read an excerpt from one of her novels I was a little taken back by what was in it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
One of her friends suggested it to her, so I might pick it up. She's a real prude with that stuff, but when I read an excerpt from one of her novels I was a little taken back by what was in it.
Large quantity of quality sex confirmed the entire time my wife was reading those books (I hear the first one is the best for the sex stuff). We have a really good sexual relationship as is but this was a really fun month, buy her the book you won't be disappointed!