Marvel Heroes 20xx


You guys aren't going to believe this, but Black Widow is an amazing character in this game. Not just because of the jiggly body suit either.


has an outie
Everything that I've read lately pretty much is all the same, that the closer the game gets to release the less fun it gets. It's super depressing, I was really looking forward to this.
I played one of the beta weekends and really enjoyed it.


Silver Squire
What happened was that they were making sweeping changes to the game that toned down heroes, buffed mobs/bosses, and lowered exp gains at the same time. During that time, I couldn't bother to log in to test for long without logging out in disgust. There are still quite a few issues, but for most part, a lot of the issues has been fixed, with the exception of balance between different heroes. Heroes like Thor, Cable and Black Widow can solo some of the group end game contents, while a hero like Jean Grey wouldn't be able to do so, especially after the latest round of tuning. In my opinion, it's not less fun, but more like post-nerf paranoia.

I really hope that the company is good at weeding out the good from the bad feedback from the testers. Looking at the forums, there seems to almost be two different sets of feedback, one from comic purists, and another set from arpg gamers. The comic purists are leaving feedback to keep the hero imbalances, just like in the comics, while the arpg gamers are asking for a more balanced approach.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I am still on the fence about getting the ultimate pack but if they don't have any more discount codes, I am going to pass. That kind of nerfing this late always means bad things for the game down the road.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What happened was that they were making sweeping changes to the game that toned down heroes, buffed mobs/bosses, and lowered exp gains at the same time. During that time, I couldn't bother to log in to test for long without logging out in disgust. There are still quite a few issues, but for most part, a lot of the issues has been fixed, with the exception of balance between different heroes. Heroes like Thor, Cable and Black Widow can solo some of the group end game contents, while a hero like Jean Grey wouldn't be able to do so, especially after the latest round of tuning. In my opinion, it's not less fun, but more like post-nerf paranoia.

I really hope that the company is good at weeding out the good from the bad feedback from the testers. Looking at the forums, there seems to almost be two different sets of feedback, one from comic purists, and another set from arpg gamers. The comic purists are leaving feedback to keep the hero imbalances, just like in the comics, while the arpg gamers are asking for a more balanced approach.
I posted a good 4-5 page blog post about the balancing issues with heroes, what was wrong with the combat system, server lag, depth of the game and shit. It was ignored largely by all their devs even though it was universally supported by people. I stopped playing as the game was complete ass.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I haven't played it in the last few weeks because I had decided it was fun enough for me to buy it, and didn't want to burn out before it's actually out so I am not familiar with how bad the nerfs are.

I thought the game was very easy though, aside from the boss fights. So if the regular content becomes harder and boss stay more or less the same I would be happy.


<Gold Donor>
They've corrected a lot of the stuff that turned me off last week, but there are still some things they need to work on. Floating combat text, stackable crafting mats, buff/debuff bar(s), customizable UI, etc. Also, xp gains from 25+ to 40 seem insane still. 1-25 feels about right. I won't even go into class balancing - but I will say I've only played 2-3 champs I genuinely didn't enjoy. Black Panther, Ms. Marvel, Colossus are all really really fun to me. Stopped playing Friday though to avoid burnout. Still enjoy the game. Its just fun.


Molten Core Raider
When you say floating combat text do you mean it's bad or it doesn't exist? That would be a huge boner to a game about making numbers bigger.


<Gold Donor>
I posted a good 4-5 page blog post about the balancing issues with heroes, what was wrong with the combat system, server lag, depth of the game and shit. It was ignored largely by all their devs even though it was universally supported by people. I stopped playing as the game was complete ass.
Repost your Blog here.


Silver Squire
When you say floating combat text do you mean it's bad or it doesn't exist? That would be a huge boner to a game about making numbers bigger.
Floating combat text was removed for a rework or something. The way they had it implemented was horrible.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I find it amazing that all of the supporters of this game have all of the sudden flipped.


Silver Squire
I haven't flipped yet. Despite some complaints, I still have fun with the game, and see its potential.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm looking forward to getting home tonight and start playing.

Still haven't made up my mind as to which heroes, I'll play. I'm an altoholic, so probably gonna be playing a few at same time.


<Gold Donor>
I haven't flipped yet. Despite some complaints, I still have fun with the game, and see its potential.
Same here. I have a slew of complaints myself, but I still find myself excited to start playing this weekend. Can't decide on hero I'll start with... Leaning towards Spiderman, but I have XForce Pack (Dpool, Wolv, Colossus, Cable) and don't really like any of them haha. Have 5500 g's though to spend on whatever.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I haven't flipped yet. Despite some complaints, I still have fun with the game, and see its potential.
Same, but they have started deleting threads already on the forums which is making me reconsider my purchase. There was a civil "can those who have dropped two hundred bucks expect some sort of compensation" thread, and was deleted by the time I read the first page. From what I was able to read it seemed quite a level headed discussion with people suggesting some xp boosts as compensation which I don't think is unreasonable. Seems a bit shady deleting posts already.

Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
The only compensation anyone that spent $200 should get is a dunce cap.
What exactly do they want compensation for?


Golden Knight of the Realm
The only compensation anyone that spent $200 should get is a dunce cap.
What exactly do they want compensation for?
Missing a day of head-start. Don't think its unreasonable to request an xp boost for the days play thats lost.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
They already HAVE a permanent exp boost if they've paid $200. I've seen some people asking for free characters as well... YOU ALREADY HAVE ALL THE CHARACTERS

Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
Seriously? For missing one day of head start? Boohoo. A week after release no one is going to give a shit about one day of head start.