Marvel Heroes 20xx


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I loaded this game up today, and the inability to turn off the mature language filter makes me want to uninstall it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Deadpool isn't really meant to be played melee. He's a ranged/accuracy type.


From what I've seen its a nice little poison explosion +dot if the mob stands in it. Looks just like green goblins bomb from The Raft.

Random thought - they need to fucking fix the "heal on injury" affix for bosses. Just made the Taskmaster daily nigh impossible!
I made it through Taskmaster and Magneto daily solo but MR. Sinister just wrecks me without taking any rollover damage for the next attempt. I was only a lvl24 Hawkeye (the aquaman of the marvel universe if ever there was one). I was running Doom until I hit 26 and I think I am going to just keep running Magneto for gear.

does anyone belong to a Supergroup? I haven't even seen where you can form guilds yet.

P.S. Don't spend a lot of money on this game unless you are a Marvel fanatic, buying the characters will wreck the replayability, I started with Hawkeye and picked up Scarlet Witch and The Thing on my first playthrough. It's easy enough to hit up the dailies with Hawkeye while I level The Thing


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
One thing about having all the heroes is that you get to try them. I wanted to play a range character after getting my Ms Marvel through the storyline, mostly as a melee. I tried Jean Gray up to level 6 and didn't like her, then I tried Scarlet Witch to 3 and wasn't sure, so tried Rocket Raccoon to level 3 and didn't like him, and did Cable which I really liked, so leveling him.

So people's experience can vary depending on the hero they try, and it cost money to try more. I think the game would benefit from allowing people to play through the prologue with all characters to test them out before buying them.

As people said it a diablo clone, that isn't as good as diablo but that I still find lots of fun with the right hero. If I had only Jean Gray for example, I might very had stopped. I definitely like it an hour or two at a time. I am not sure I'll get to 60 with any hero, but I think I will easily level a few to 30 to get their ultimate power.


Avatar of War Slayer
does anyone belong to a Supergroup? I haven't even seen where you can form guilds yet.
......I started with Hawkeye and picked up Scarlet Witch and The Thing on my first playthrough. It's easy enough to hit up the dailies with Hawkeye while I level The Thing
they removed guilds, supposed to be coming soon(tm)

funny i started with The Thing, got Scarlet Witch, then Hawkeye. now leveling Harkeye while trying to do the dailies with thing.
my 27 thing was able to take out Sinister on my 3rd try. started the modok mission and they laughed at me at the door and had to run away.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
they removed guilds, supposed to be coming soon(tm)

funny i started with The Thing, got Scarlet Witch, then Hawkeye. now leveling Harkeye while trying to do the dailies with thing.
my 27 thing was able to take out Sinister on my 3rd try. started the modok mission and they laughed at me at the door and had to run away.
So I leveled Thor to 27 and then Cyclops to 29 and decided to start a Scarlet Witch. Holy crap is she powerful, particularly for a free char. Transmuted a few epics and she is rolling like nobodies' business.


Tranny Chaser
What do you expect from a crazy woman who can rewrite reality with three words?

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
Lvl 25 Racoon here... Fun hero to play, especially when you get BFG (have through an item right now until 28). Looking to do group Green missions if anyone wants to add me: LostVirtue

"Lost_Virtue" on steam if I am not online...


Avatar of War Slayer
some stuff from Senior Systems Designer mdonais over at reddit
We are working on secure trading, it will take a bit.
We are working on making defense more useful.
Defense is getting a big buff soon, this will benefit all tanks, and especially the ones that have no dodge and no ranged options which means Hulk, Thing and Colossus.


One thing about having all the heroes is that you get to try them. I wanted to play a range character after getting my Ms Marvel through the storyline, mostly as a melee. I tried Jean Gray up to level 6 and didn't like her, then I tried Scarlet Witch to 3 and wasn't sure, so tried Rocket Raccoon to level 3 and didn't like him, and did Cable which I really liked, so leveling him.

So people's experience can vary depending on the hero they try, and it cost money to try more. I think the game would benefit from allowing people to play through the prologue with all characters to test them out before buying them.

As people said it a diablo clone, that isn't as good as diablo but that I still find lots of fun with the right hero. If I had only Jean Gray for example, I might very had stopped. I definitely like it an hour or two at a time. I am not sure I'll get to 60 with any hero, but I think I will easily level a few to 30 to get their ultimate power.
This is not nearly long enough to get any powers that make the character fun. I thought Hawkeye was shit until I started getting my crowd control arrows (ice, taser, EXPLOSION!!!), similarly The Thing was lame until I got Rock Slide and suddenly the extra mobility made him a blast.

Characters that are rested get a loot and xp boost, my Thing was was decked out in purple (and presumably bulging with veins) before I hit level 10, which is when I finally ran out of rested, none of that WoW 1 /12 level shit. The game may seem like Diablo lite but it feels like a better Diablo than D3 is. The animations are fantastic, especially Hawkeye's dodge roll and jump backward while shooting an arrow thing and just about anything Spider Man does. The biggest problem I have with the game has nothing to do with the gameplay, the motion comic is shit. When they were deciding which of the characters present in the cutscene after would be holding the tablet they decided to give it to Spider-Man who was standing there all nonchalantly while The Hood snuck up on him and snatched up the tablet. Doesn't Spider-man have a special power that makes this impossible, a special sense of some kind that tingles constantly, and is only defeated by Venom. There are more examples of just outright poor storytelling in the digital comic.

Speaking of the digital comic, what a fucking wasted opportunity. So here we have a ton of locations and hundreds of hours of gameplay and a crapload of other assets and the ability to show digital comics and being a F2P they need the game to generate money. Why not try selling comics? Release new comics on a regular basis and charge $2 for that shit and reorganize the assets so the player can follow the story, which will help keep the game fresh by constantly introducing new storyline bundle the arcs togethers to sell at a discount when they are finished (or better yet pre-sell the entire arc). They could have literally installed a comic book store in the living room of their most rabid fans. I tried to discuss this with "agent" Lee in the helicarrier but he just wanted to sell me crappy bows 20 levels too low.


Another cool feature they could add for storytelling is a dynamic story in which one of your personal team members gets kidnapped and locked out until rescue, with the captive gaining partial XP for the mission. This would probably be best placed after Doom, at which point everyone should have a second team member or they would really deserve one anyway so why not flat out make this the beginning of their team up. Alternately the there could be a simultaneous storylines in which your characters are split into separate areas with their own goals that they must achieve but as part of a larger objective.

There could also be server stories driven by the number of a given hero that accomplish a given task. This would probably lead to a lot if Hawkeye and Thing driven stories until more people find non-starter unlocks, but it would give incentive for players to purchase and play as their favorite characters. All the story needs is a beginning and a goal and some good spin doctors to make it all make sense. They currently have the cosmic shard scenarios which they flat out warn players won't make a whole lot of sense because it's just random story elements sometimes.

Scarlet Witch is a F*&^ing pain in the ass to level, even with rested xp, I have seen her just ripping large groups of mobs with AOE at higher levels however.


Hit level 6 and Scarlet Witch became beastly. Level 1-5 sucked donkey balls compared to leveling The Thing. After I got combusting hex I started to rapidly gain xp.


Avatar of War Slayer
i would bet they will add some sort of paid mini-stories, but going buy all their other prices they will be $20 a pop.

CoH's were like $10 bucks, 3-5 missions taking 30mins to an hour


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Is there an endgame to this?
After you finish the main story campaign, daily mission terminals open in the Avengers Tower, Xavier's School and the Shield Helicarrier that let you reply boss areas at increased difficulty. There are green, red, and purple (group) mission terminals available.