Marvel Strike Force.


Trakanon Raider
After the top ten I’ve got the Guardians (minus Gamora who’s at the top), Mordo and Night Nurse all around 20k power. Shield minions are the next group after that, since I’ve been leveling/gearing them in preparation for Fury tomorrow.


Edit: I haven’t really found a good way to mix up the top ten and have two groups that can win consistently at T8 in blitz. I wind up force-closing a lot to keep my modifier.


<Prior Amod>
I always kick myself for not buying the captain America starter pack for $5 when I started.

Anyway here’s where I’m at.



That guy
i dunno why i still play this. at least i can easily auto ultimus 5 raid so there's very little paying attention i have to do. that 4* red gamora i got from the initial round of openings. she wrecks.



Trakanon Raider
Does Gamora being so much stronger than the rest of your guys make Blitz battles a pain?


Trakanon Raider
Up-side of having just started is you know where to focus your resources, if you’ve taken the time to look into it at all.

Starting out I just farmed all the “god” and “demi-god” tier characters that had nodes or were in arena or blitz stores. So while my top ten are really strong, I don’t have hardly any team synergy there. My defenders are low star and I haven’t spent many resources into making them better, because I’ve been focused on Guardians and prepping for Shield.

If I was lower now I’d be farming the defenders every day and not even thinking twice about it.


<Prior Amod>
Also heads up, log in and get like 15 red orbs now, they made them part of the achievement bonuses for hitting certain levels.


Trakanon Raider
6 red Star Kree Noble, damnit. 3 on Gamora and 4 on shield trooper were the only ones worth noting out of the 20 I just opened


<Prior Amod>
I got two three stars, Kree Noble and Punisher. I was happy with Punisher since he’s been buffed so well and I have a nice city team.


Trakanon Raider
Got Nick Fury yesterday. My shield team is around 105k. Immediately made a difference in my raid performance. Went for about a million more damage in VI first time I used them.

Need to level the team up some more still, of course. For now though NF made an immediate impact. Just wish the team wasn’t all skill, hard to gear them up when everyone needs the same gear.


Trakanon Raider
If you’re 4* on the Kree now you should be able to unlock him next time the event comes around. Took me 3 months or so to star and gear them up appropriately. My Kree were stronger than was necessary. I auto-won all five of the nodes while I was on the road home from work yesterday. 17-13k on all was plenty. Seen a vid of a guy who did it with 12-10k Kree but it took him 50 or so tries.

My defenders suck (70k power), but I’ve got the guardians to 120k, and shield will be there soon.

Edit: guardians are great for blitz but don’t have the sustain of defenders or shield


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I have a 55k Cap due to pulling a 5 red for him
Also have a 5 red 6* Nick - that SHIELD team is ~192k or so, pretty fucking beast
Current goal is to smash my head with a hammer until I'm too dazed to notice all the energy I waste trying to finally 3 star the Vision node so I can fucking farm him

High level blitz has sucked for awhile, well before red stars. Their system that creates fake teams (since it inflates your own team power by 20% for your matchup, nobody can have a team that high power) sucks balls, and it's the same fucking comps over and over. Mine are usually at least 1 defenders team, one day I had the same defenders comp as all 3 choices. I don't even try those anymore, a 240k defenders team is just dumb as shit. There was a period before this, maybe back in Aug-Oct or something, where the high level comps were random nonsense, but they "improved" them in a patch. Thanks fuckheads, now half of them are impossible.


Trakanon Raider
What team are you using for Mystic? I am on the Dr. Strange node. My team is pretty weak. Thanos is 28k, Yondu is 38k, but the other three are 21-16k, Mordo Nobu and Sentry. Need to level some mystics up to push further, but not sure who to focus on.

Kinda hate to level the hand guys, because my hand team is well-balanced for blitz, all within 1k of each other.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Normal roster, then mystic only



Basically the top 5, but I’m not sure what’s ideal. I used nobu sentry sorc thanos yondu for most of mystic, but from 3-4 on it got really hard and 8 and 9 are just absurd. All the earlier stuff was quite awhile ago tho, the roster was much flatter with yondu maybe 28k tops and hand probably still there at 18-20k


Trakanon Raider
Damn man, five star Loki and Strange? Also, My strongest character isn’t even 40k and you’ve got 8 there or stronger. Nice.

Do you finish in the top of blitzes to get lots of shards or something?

I’m usually in the 11-26% on blitz


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
1-10%, never anything else. Anything beyond that is ludicrously hard to attain.

The Loki I got initially from a premium orb when they had him in there (180 fragments, 4* Loki all at once). Strange was just farmed, like I said I had all the other Mystic shit done awhile ago.
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The Scientific Shitlord
Blitz adjusts to the power of your team I have found out. My new defenders team is almost 120k, and my main team is 190k. I have another rando team that can seal the deal in first couple tiers at 150k. I used to have to work hard for 64k. Now I am able to break 250k points no problem. Looking into making a couple other hot mess teams that can punch up so I can get the full 750k rewards. Need another 80 or so shards for 5 star groot, who will open up SL for me for a full guardians team. Could probably level and gear up my shield minions. But I did medic up to 65 so would involve a lot of gold and mats to get them to her level. Did they ever give the kree any synergies?