Marvel Universe stuff


Dude the guy is off, and it's been worse since his brother died. I've yet to read an interview where people said working with him was a pleasant experience.

Let him go do his art films, and stay far away from Marvel.


Just a Nurse
My vote would be for Aidan Gillen as Dr. Strange.

Actually, Aidan Gillen would be a perfect choice for Dr. Strange. He's got the appearance.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
That is Robert Downey Jr. / Iron Man level of perfect for a character based on appearance alone. Plus he's a decent actor.


I didn't know much about Age of Ultron until recently, but I wanna know why it was necessary to change Ultron's origin. Hank Pym doesn't have to be a major character in the movie, but did they really have to make Tony Stark the creator?

The Ancient_sl

I didn't know much about Age of Ultron until recently, but I wanna know why it was necessary to change Ultron's origin. Hank Pym doesn't have to be a major character in the movie, but did they really have to make Tony Stark the creator?
1) Has this even been confirmed by anyone? A few months ago people though Paul Bettany was going to be Ultron and that's been refuted.

2) Who cares?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I combination of Kevin Feige being good at his job and CGI/special effects revolution that occurred in the late 90s.
He went to my High School, about the same time I did. He wasn't one of the popular kids, I don't even remember him.

He's popular now.


Phoenix is said to have met with Marvel this week (Collider reported a few days ago that the Oscar nominee was still very much in talks for Doctor Strange), but that there's a roadblock preventing the studio from signing him to play their Sorcerer Supreme.

Comics History 101: Who Is Doctor Strange?
The issues stalling the deal, the site claims, "go beyond the basic fact that Phoenix is balking at the heavy multi-picture contract: Joaquin Phoenix literally doesn't know if he can work on this kind of movie. He's a great actor, and he can play the role. But the Marvel Studios blockbuster machine is full of pre-viz and fight-viz and green screen and massive reshoots. It's not a world that's as comfortable for him, and he's just not certain he can do it. ... If Marvel can get past any issues Phoenix has with the larger contract they still have to get over the doubt this terrific actor has about working in this larger environment."
Marvel seriously kick his ass to the curb. Why are you so eager to accommodate that maniac.


How is this guy a maniac? You're just talking out of your ass. I doubt he has any qualms about doing blockbuster movies but committing to a multi-film is sort of a big deal.


I doubt he has any qualms about doing blockbuster movies but committing to a multi-film is sort of a big deal.
Joaquin Phoenix literally doesn't know if he can work on this kind of movie. He's a great actor, and he can play the role. But the Marvel Studios blockbuster machine is full of pre-viz and fight-viz and green screen and massive reshoots. It's not a world that's as comfortable for him, and he's just not certain he can do it
What part of that do you not understand...

Now why dont you shut up and give that hole in your face a chance to heal


<Prior Amod>
i'm pretty sure this is about the first time the inhumans have a stand alone book, issue 4 is out, and the series pretty much sucks. i will admit, that did not matter for gotg. i've been a vocal fan of gotg v2(only the stuff by abnett/lanning) and when v3 was released last year, every issue just sucked ass. i was scared for gotg the movie, i thought it would need a good ongoing comic to ground movie goers.

well that theory is shit now, and it probably doesn't matter that inhumans 1-4 so far is just as shitty.


Apparently Stan Leelet it slipthat they are working on a Black Panther movie along side Ant Man and Dr Strange. It happened when he talked about Black Widow appearing in other movies and that is the main reason why she doesn't have her own film or something along those lines.


<Prior Amod>
some1 post that they actually like black panther. not gonna happen, why? he's just not interesting.

fun fact, black panther don't give a shit, he's about the only marvel character that got married (storm)and filed for divorce. of course he's a king so it was like a royal annulment or some shit.

there isn't even a reason for the divorce, except now... they're killing wolverine, so since he gonna die and while jean is alive it's young jean, so logan gonna get with storm before he dies, and that's pretty much it.

look at the lengths marvel went to, to get spiderman/maryjane separated, with a super magical entity and horrible storyline "brand new day", just so they wouldn't say spiderman divorced maryjane.

but no, black panter calls upon the royal annulment and boom, he's about the only divorcee, along with...

ant man, we all know about ant man's wife beating ways, the wasp divorced his ass. (but then would rihanna when the story found it necessary)


Vyemm Raider
some1 post that they actually like black panther. not gonna happen, why? he's just not interesting.

fun fact, black panther don't give a shit, he's about the only marvel character that got married (storm)and filed for divorce. of course he's a king so it was like a royal annulment or some shit.

there isn't even a reason for the divorce, except now... they're killing wolverine, so since he gonna die and while jean is alive it's young jean, so logan gonna get with storm before he dies, and that's pretty much it.

look at the lengths marvel went to, to get spiderman/maryjane separated, with a super magical entity and horrible storyline "brand new day", just so they wouldn't say spiderman divorced maryjane.

but no, black panter calls upon the royal annulment and boom, he's about the only divorcee, along with...

ant man, we all know about ant man's wife beating ways, the wasp divorced his ass. (but then would rihanna when the story found it necessary)
You are wrong.

Literally hundreds of comic heroes have been divorced, including scarlet witch, vision, wolverine, hulk, she hulk, Deadpool. Tons of A heroes and even more villains have been divorced.

Divorced Characters - Marvel Comics Database


Molten Core Raider
BP divorced storm after storm fought with namor (against wakanda) and destroyed africa. comics is dumb as hell