Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
New SHIELD is seemingly run by a bunch of lord of the flies idiots that seemed scorned by Fury, they don't have a leader so they vote on shit,
You said seemingly. I guess that means you don't buy the leaderless thing either. Captain Adama is the leader of this faction.

Do we know the name of the aircraft carrier? If not, can we please start calling it Galactica?


<Prior Amod>
You said seemingly. I guess that means you don't buy the leaderless thing either. Captain Adama is the leader of this faction.

Do we know the name of the aircraft carrier? If not, can we please start calling it Galactica?
It was named after one of those greek myths homer or whatever.

Clearly Adama is the leader,he can't help it, he was the commander of that ship, he was probably a leader his whole life, and he's surrounded by followers who just vote along. The only one even measuring up is the black chick weaver, she's like head science teacher or something (she was fitz/simmons teacher back at the academy), even then that's not leading, just a managerial position.

The thing is, they just make new SHIELD suck, they really should put more work into making it into an organization that someone could get behind, but they make it so half-assed evil intentions.

I mean their first fuck up is Mack treating Hunter like dog shit, chaining him up to a toilet. Is this fuckhead this untrustworthy? is it that hard to turn him?

One of his good friends Mack, drank the koolaid,
His ex that he fun bangs also drank the koolaid,
He's been leary of Coulson the entire time

and somehow they fuck up so bad they push him all the way to loyal lapdog for Coulson.

Then new SHIELD has the bald douche on the team, why? why have a douche on the team that we can go "i don't know, i smell fuckery here".

I don't know, if they could have turned Fitz or Gemma (zero chance they'd turn May or Sky, Coulsons got his bitches on lockdown), and stormed in w/o the evil bald douche, it might be more "oh i don't know which SHIELD i should root for"

I would have liked to have rooted for Adama's team, but they make it impossible to like anyone, and Mack and Mockingbird are always doe-eyed idiots now, "ugh i follow whatever Adama says, fuck aliens!"

We'll see what happens to tonite, though i think it'll probably focus on Skye, uh why is she the worst character?


Millie's Staff Member
We'll see what happens to tonite, though i think it'll probably focus on Skye, uh why is she the worst character?
because she is the Poochy of this show. everyone is doing their thing workin together to fight "evil" and then they have this little attention whore who sucks all the air out of the room and she has to involve herself with every plot and is now The One that everyone is trying to find/kill. cant wait for tonight's episode where all the inmutants start fawning over skye because she reminds them so much of her mother and she is immediately turned into royalty.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Skye's mom being alive was totally called by a bunch of people. Simmons is also a pretty crafty girl lol


Skye's mom was fairly obvious. I guess this means there could be a chance Whitehall also returns later in the season.

Things I didn't like. Ugh, Deathlok. How they have raped you in the Cinematic Universe. You should be a crazy Zombie cyborg, that is hardly controllable. At least they could have added some additions to the suit like they did in the comics.


Also good to see Fitz Simmons back together again. Fitz seems to be getting way better, he hardly searches for his own thoughts anymore.


Trakanon Raider
I see a new love story that is happening with Daisey/Skye and Fitz Jr. Her dynamic personality combined with this new guy is what this show deserves.


We'll see ,Lincoln really hasn't lied to her technically, but he hasn't been 100% truthful either.

After Ward, I'm pretty sure she is very wary of anyone who can't be upfront with her.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hmm, I was actually thinking Fitz swapped the cube when he was tossing it from hand to hand, but from his comment it was obvious that Gemma was the one who swapped the cube. I wonder how she did it seeing as how they had to be watching her like hawks.

Also I was really hoping they would have worked in an Avenger cameo and was very disappointed when it turned out to be Deathlok. Deathlok sucks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't hate Dethlok nearly as much as everyone else seems to=P I prefer the comic time travelborgy version, but the one in the episode tonight is good enough. I like the idea of him as Coulson's rarely used ace in the hole, hopefully they don't lean on him too much.


<Gold Donor>
It's nice to be right on at least one guess a season (Skye's mom)!

I also figured Fitz and Simmons were up to something, nice to see them working together and maybe getting back to being chummy once all this paranoid SHIELD shit blows over. I sincerely hate the new SHIELD, even with Olmos.

I was pretty disappointed with Deathlok showing up too, but it makes a lot more sense than one of the Avengers that think he is dead. I was holding out hope for Lady Sif though, mostly because I love her. I probably would have nerdgasmed all over if she showed up and started wailing on those guys with her sword. Seriously though, is that pic Column linked above the current Deathlok? WTF is that shit?? Deathlok is big and buff, not some fucking bicyclist.


<Prior Amod>
Hmm, I was actually thinking Fitz swapped the cube when he was tossing it from hand to hand, but from his comment it was obvious that Gemma was the one who swapped the cube. I wonder how she did it seeing as how they had to be watching her like hawks.
i think your first guess is correct, the comment could be b/c Gemma decided to take on the cube unlocking w/o telling Fitz, prompting Fitz to get curious and see what she's up to (which is why he stopped talking to Mack mid sentence when he was holo looking at the cube), and that lead to their tag team, cube swap.

Seriously though, is that pic Column linked above the current Deathlok? WTF is that shit?? Deathlok is big and buff, not some fucking bicyclist.
Yes, that is current Deathlok, *le sigh*...

Deathlok was awesome in the early 90's along w/ new warriors/dark hawk, plus Deathlok dealt with "cyberspace" and "cyberhacking".

I mean at this point, the DC version "Cyborg" is a better Deathlok than current comics or AOS.


Millie's Staff Member
christ, they brought back that butthead from the first half of season one. hopefully this is the last time we ever get to see that reminder of how bad this show started out as. and i will take raina (from nightbreed!) any day of the week over skye. also happy that supertouch is keeping up his streak of always being wrong, he said that skye's mom is dead. uh huh. anyway, the episode wasnt too bad, it could have been much better though. i do enjoy watching Olmos do his thing.

this is is the chick from nightbreed i keep talking about in case anyone thinks i am crazy.


<Prior Amod>
This is how in the dark people still are as to Fury's actions. It wasn't Coulson that picked fitz/simmons rather it May who chose the teams. (a while back Fury asked may to watch zombie coulson and create a team, and they let coulson believe he hand picked everyone)

This is when Adama said "fitz/simmons, i wanted you buy coulson got to you first".

Or maybe they just forgot that little part.

Also i find it suspect that they would write in that May didn't know the gun was loaded, from s1 way back when they first created those stupid night night guns, Ward said something like, "feels too light" or something, seemed like it was basic top level agent abilities.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Maybe May never handled an old 1911 before and couldn't tell it was loaded. Or maybe she was playing Olmos because she didn't actually want to kill him, but didn't want to go along with him too easily for fear of making him suspicious. Pretending she thought he was bluffing.

i think your first guess is correct, the comment could be b/c Gemma decided to take on the cube unlocking w/o telling Fitz, prompting Fitz to get curious and see what she's up to (which is why he stopped talking to Mack mid sentence when he was holo looking at the cube), and that lead to their tag team, cube swap.
My guess is that when Fitz saw the work she was doing through the computer he could tell she was faking it, but he said something like 'thats my girl' when he pulled the cube out of his backpack, implying that she made the switch some time after he prompted her. He also had a couple guns pointed at him when he was holding the cube so he would have to be one hell of a magician to pull of that sleight of hand with nobody noticing.


christ, they brought back that butthead from the first half of season one. hopefully this is the last time we ever get to see that reminder of how bad this show started out as. and i will take raina (from nightbreed!) any day of the week over skye. also happy that supertouch is keeping up his streak of always being wrong, he said that skye's mom is dead. uh huh. anyway, the episode wasnt too bad, it could have been much better though. i do enjoy watching Olmos do his thing.

this is is the chick from nightbreed i keep talking about in case anyone thinks i am crazy.
Congratulations on predicting a really stupid twist.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It wasn't a stupid twist, just a painfully predictable one. Which makes it even funnier that you bet against it.


It's not predictable if there are no indications. I didn't predict it because I didn't think the writers would resort to such stupid plot devices. Her organs were harvested and her death served as powerful motivation for people. Why can't Skye carry on her legacy without bringing her back?

The Ancient_sl

Part indication was the actress.

What I'm curious about was that Skye's dad didn't seem surprised to see his wife. Did he know the whole time she was alive or would come back and hence his rage-filled revenge vendetta against Whitehall was not in service of anything?

Did she recently come back? Was killing Whitehall to recover her pieces a requirement in her resurrection? Is that part of the reason Skye's dad wanted him dead?