Marvel's Daredevil


Got something right about marriage
His dialogue is really that bad in the comics? And they still try to make him a relevant bleeding heart that people are supposed to like but fail miserably in the comics?

Does the source material really suck that bad?


Golden Squire
I don't know personally but all of my friends who are Daredevil fans have said it was note perfect. Take that as you will.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Up to episode 11 now. You can really break this series into two parts episodes 1-6 as this first arch and very action centered with episodes after that slowing down the action and adding allot of character story line development.

I think if you don't love the series by end of episode six you can most likely skip rest because the following episodes are mostly setting things up for the future. Series gets a bit sloppy after episode six in my view Stick and Nobu had potential to surpass first six episodes but seems like they wanted to save that storyline for the future so we only got teasers instead of a full story arch.

I think Foggys problem is his hair he was much more likable in college episode with full hippy length longhair.


Avatar of War Slayer
The Chaste fight The Hand.
The Hand are red ninja demonic cult. (and yes, the Foot from TMNT is a direct homage/parody of The Hand)
The Chaste is lead by Stick. Electra trained first with The Chaste, then joined The Hand, then quit both and went freelance.

Stone is second in command in the comics of The Chaste. I believe that was supposed to be him in charge here.

The Heroine and Gao however do directly link to Iron Fist.

Looking for visual aid, here is a good link.



They did a great job in casting Scott Glenn as Stick, I was actually more impressed with that then Kingpin, but that's probably due to my indifference to Kingpin as a villian for DD.


Stone is second in command in the comics of The Chaste. I believe that was supposed to be him in charge here.
Nah, Stone is still second in charge, that was a shot by shot reproduction from the man without fear Miller run.

I fear they will not have the budget to do a lot of ninja action in the second season. When Daredevil starts into opening his world more it's get pretty large in scope.

I'm actually wondering how the Iron Fist will be since he has much of the same problems in production cost, and he has actual powers that will need to be put in by the SFX team.


Also how cool would this be as the next four Hero shows on Netflix



Molten Core Raider
Finished this up last night, like it a lot, but I would like to rant about something...

I think I came to the conclusion that the #1 thing I don't like about current Superhero movies are the lameass costumes. A lot of these new Superhero movies are striving to be ultra-realistic and gritty, and then you end up with a guy wearing a spandex/plastic suit with animal ears on it.

Daredevil was awesome through the first 12 episodes because it was just a dude in a ski mask whipping ass, basically. Then in the final episode he gets his armor/comic costume and just looks ridiculous.

I liked in the early X-men movies when they just put everyone in a black suit...and even made some offhand joke about not wanting to wear brightly colored spandex.

I'm fine with wearing some sort of uniform, or even body armor(Batman/Daredevil) but make it look like something technologically modern, not a ridiculous costume that is far from practical(horns? cape? really?)

It just breaks the sense of immersion and realism that these series are going for. Look, I'm fine with something crazy like Guardians of the Galaxy having crazy costumes and outfits(and people/races), but when you're making a movie like The Dark Knight or this Daredevil series that is based in the real-world, try to be more realistic with the characters outfit.


Well the Flipside to that is people naturally accessorize as a personal identity. You see it all the time. Put 50 kids in the same uniform, like 25 of them will make it look different somehow.

So it makes sense for Super Heroes to do some of the same things. If you think you are god, then why not dress like a rockstar.

In Daredevils case in the TV series his suit wasn't made by him. It was made by a guy who is naturally creative, maybe he felt the horns just looked cool so he put them on his suit. The rest of it was more practical. Red for slashing, black for stabbing etc.

For Batman, he's actually not all there. The Bat Icon is very powerful in his psychosis, and really has nothing to do with will this work in reality.

As Bad as the Young Blood series was it really had it correct in that if Super Heroes were to exist they would not be hidden. They would have publicists, agents, and sponsors. Which imo is the best way to go anyway to endure yourself to the public, and not be hunted by the government.

When the X men came out it made sense to hype up the whole racial tension thing with mutants, but in todays multi media world none of that works anymore. If the X men were to exist we would probly love them.


Molten Core Raider
and I get that each Superhero has an iconic look, and the movie/TV creators want to be true to that look/style as much as possible, it just breaks my immersion in situations where a movie or series is trying to be as real & gritty as possible (like Nolan's Dark Knight movies). I'm probably one of the few people who thought TDK would have been slightly better had the Joker not worn any makeup, if he'd just been a psycho with a scarred-up face.


Mr. Poopybutthole
When the X men came out it made sense to hype up the whole racial tension thing with mutants, but in todays multi media world none of that works anymore. If the X men were to exist we would probly love them.
I don't know, I think a lot of the issues they explore in First Class/DoFP aren't that far off the mark. People would seriously freak out if science fiction suddenly became science fact. Unless you really had some sort of equivalents of Professor X and/or Magneto, I think that the first mutants would largely become lab experiments leading to an eventual super powered arms race between nations with mutants being the new nuclear weapon.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I enjoyed the show a lot.

Not sure where the 55 million went, but I suppose that is for the set, which then carries over to more seasons anyways. I can only imagine what Firefly could have done with a budget like that. I loved Kingpin and felt all the characters were fine. Despite not having as much of a leash as network television, I felt they actually kept it rather toned down. There were some scenes that certainly would not have been shown, but not really that many. This did surprise me a bit.

I have no problem with the suit since he is already thought of as a devil. It would make sense to maintain that image. Batman has a suit that is just as outrageous and yet most people do not question it. The horns are very small and pretty low key if you figure that they certainly could be a lot more outlandish. I do much prefer the black and red too the solid red, so in my opinion they did that right. I liked how in the last episode the suit essentially saved his life, as the Kingpin would have pummeled him into the cement otherwise.

I like the change of pace that 13 episodes allows for when it comes too character development not just for the hero, but all that are around him. The dialogue, while not Joss Whedon, was plenty entertaining enough. I am looking forward to the other heroes a little more now.

I will eagerly watch season 2 when it comes out.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finished series completely enjoyed it. Like his original costume better then the red one.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't know, I think a lot of the issues they explore in First Class/DoFP aren't that far off the mark. People would seriously freak out if science fiction suddenly became science fact. Unless you really had some sort of equivalents of Professor X and/or Magneto, I think that the first mutants would largely become lab experiments leading to an eventual super powered arms race between nations with mutants being the new nuclear weapon.
This was essentially the plot withThe Irregular at Magic High School, except magic instead of mutants (And not lab rates, but they were put in special schools, segregated ect). But yeah, I agree, this is most likely how mutant powers would go down. Each country would begin breaking down how the powers work and start trying to find a capability to distribute them via technology--meanwhile, the mutants they do have would be indoctrinated to be weapons.


privileged excrementlord
Action was good, Fisk was great, Nelson vs. Murdock was a really gay episode. "Foggy gets butthurt" sums it up and you can save yourself an hour.