Marvel's Jessica Jones


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think the reason Jessica worked so hard to try to prove that Hope wasn't responsible for her actions while under Kilgrave's control was because it would help Jessica herself to feel like she wasn't responsible for her actions while under his control too.
Pretty much. Her obsession with saving Hope made plenty of sense in the context of the show. Plenty of things to pcik apart with regards to the show but her need to save Hope is not one of them.


Vyemm Raider
Pretty much. Her obsession with saving Hope made plenty of sense in the context of the show. Plenty of things to pcik apart with regards to the show but her need to save Hope is not one of them.
Her needing to save Hope isn't the fucking problem. Her not caring about all the people that keep dying while she keeps trying and failing is. Every single one of those deaths is her fault.

Hope herself saw this, it's why she did the smart thing and offed herself. Hope's death is Jessica's fault too.

It's hard to root for the hero when the hero is a fucking idiot.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Started strong,but the last few episodes were kind of repetitive and annoying. I got this alone, no we can help, ok fine...epic failure happens, rinse repeat. The boyfriend on the meds was kind of shitty acting and just weird but the rest of the cast was pretty good. Kilgrave and Cage were great. Jessica was funny sometimes but overly bitchy and annoying other times. Her power level was all over the place, several of the scenes when normal people kicked her ass were just dumb.

Overall we enjoyed it, and will watch the next season, just hope they address some of our above complaints.


Ssraeszha Raider
Her needing to save Hope isn't the fucking problem. Her not caring about all the people that keep dying while she keeps trying and failing is. Every single one of those deaths is her fault.

Hope herself saw this, it's why she did the smart thing and offed herself. Hope's death is Jessica's fault too.

It's hard to root for the hero when the hero is a fucking idiot.
She cares more about saving Hope than random strangers. Not sure why that's such a hard concept.


Vyemm Raider
She cares more about saving Hope than random strangers. Not sure why that's such a hard concept.
Hopeisa random fucking stranger. It's like I mentioned before, if it had been Trish, I could see some serious inner turmoil.

Edit: LOL. Negging me doesn't prove I'm wrong, it proves someone is too stupid to argue my point. But, I knew that already.


Hopeisa random fucking stranger. It's like I mentioned before, if it had been Trish, I could see some serious inner turmoil.

Edit: LOL. Negging me doesn't prove I'm wrong, it proves someone is too stupid to argue my point. But, I knew that already.
I saw it as she saw herself in Hope which was causing her to act irrationally. Some PTSD.


Silver Squire
Hopeisa random fucking stranger. It's like I mentioned before, if it had been Trish, I could see some serious inner turmoil.

Edit: LOL. Negging me doesn't prove I'm wrong, it proves someone is too stupid to argue my point. But, I knew that already.
Hope stopped being a stranger as soon as she killed someone because of Kilgrave. Jessica could relate to her.


Buzzfeed Editor
She cared about the others, she was trying to do the hero thing, do the right thing. The "right thing" isn't often black and white. She also had no idea what would happen when she killed Kilgrave, half of Manhattan could have slit their throats in an instant or something. Kilgrave pushed it to the point that it was worth the risk, on top of Hope being unsavable at that point.


Vyemm Raider
You guys can try to squeeze in any bullshit reasoning you want, the simple fact is letting all those people die while you attempt to keep someone you just met from serving some prison time isn't merely irrational, it's insane. And we all know it was only done that way so the lazy writers could stretch that storyline for the whole season. It probably wouldn't even be so bad, except for the fact that mostly everything else about the show is so good.

And feel free to keep piling on the negs. The day I start giving a single fuck about negs on any forum, much less this one, is the day I eat a fucking bullet.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You guys can try to squeeze in any bullshit reasoning you want, the simple fact is letting all those people die while you attempt to keep someone you just met from serving some prison time isn't merely irrational, it's insane.
Almost like the actions of a mentally ill person with PTSD you say? So it makes perfect sense?

I'm glad we agree.


Vyemm Raider
One thing nobody really touched on with the whole saving Hope thing...

Around episode 8, when Kilgrave was doing everything he could to try to win over Jessica, including saving that family from the crazy husband/father with the shotgun... all I could think at that point was why didn't she get Kilgrave to just use his power on the D.A. to drop the charges and release Hope? Problem fucking solved. Instead, Kilgrave himself came up with this very idea a little bit later and Jessica fucked it up yet again.

Speaking of that little time period... ALL of the Kilgraves murders after that point are on Jessica's hands. Dude was starting to see the light and become a decent person. She was getting through to him. Yes, he still held the cooks hostage, but I felt it was understandable to be a little twitchy around Jessica still. But then she just said "Nah fuck it, I'll abduct him, lock him up, and torture it out of him." She was goddamn worse than he was.

Working in the legal field, anytime they were talking about using any videotaped confession/demonstration of powers was just laughable. I'm sure any judge would let in testimony from a clearly tortured prisoner with the words "HELP ME" written in (what appears to be blood) ketchup on the wall. Or let in a video of one person telling another person to do something, and then *GASP* the second person actually does it! The scissors and blood can't possibly be staged in any way!

Jessica's naivety of the legal system was the most immersion breaking aspect for me, especially because this is a character who has a longstanding relationship with an attorney and has done investigation work for them for years.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the show for what it was, and imho it was waaaay better than daredevil. 7.9/10


The Scientific Shitlord
Yeah, the playing house thing was stupid as all fuck. Kill the guy and knock everyone in the house out for 12-24 hours. Problems solved.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Speaking of that little time period... ALL of the Kilgraves murders after that point are on Jessica's hands. Dude was starting to see the light and become a decent person. She was getting through to him.
What the fuck show were you watching? She wasn't getting through to him, nothing could ever make someone like that change. Not to mention there was a detective there to authenticate the video, which was a fairly significant plot point for the episode and why the video would have been admissible as evidence in the first place.

Plenty of things to pick apart from the show but some of you guys either weren't paying attention to episodes or are just plain retarded.


And now that I think about it, you guys bitching about her trying to capture Kilgrave alive don't seem to get that it's the quintessential hero's dilemma. Yes, if she takes the easy way out and just kills him, she'll guarantee there won't be any more dead bystanders, but she's condemning Hope to life in prison if she does. A hero stops the bad guy and saves the girl too. Basically, you're all saying that she should have been thinking about the greater good and sacrificed Hope to save other people, but a hero never chooses the greater good because that road eventually leads to villainy.

Incidentally, more proof that Jessica is a hero.

Serenity_sl said:
Do you know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
She also had no idea what would happen when she killed Kilgrave, half of Manhattan could have slit their throats in an instant or something. Kilgrave pushed it to the point that it was worth the risk, on top of Hope being unsavable at that point.
This was something I considered as well. I really think they should have used the unknown consequences of killing Kilgrave as a clearer reason as to why she didn't kill him. He only mentioned it once, but I think if they had driven the point home a little more strongly, it would have made her decision to not kill him despite having multiple chances a little more believable.


Ssraeszha Raider
One thing nobody really touched on with the whole saving Hope thing...

Around episode 8, when Kilgrave was doing everything he could to try to win over Jessica, including saving that family from the crazy husband/father with the shotgun... all I could think at that point was why didn't she get Kilgrave to just use his power on the D.A. to drop the charges and release Hope? Problem fucking solved. Instead, Kilgrave himself came up with this very idea a little bit later and Jessica fucked it up yet again.

Speaking of that little time period... ALL of the Kilgraves murders after that point are on Jessica's hands. Dude was starting to see the light and become a decent person. She was getting through to him. Yes, he still held the cooks hostage, but I felt it was understandable to be a little twitchy around Jessica still. But then she just said "Nah fuck it, I'll abduct him, lock him up, and torture it out of him." She was goddamn worse than he was.

Working in the legal field, anytime they were talking about using any videotaped confession/demonstration of powers was just laughable. I'm sure any judge would let in testimony from a clearly tortured prisoner with the words "HELP ME" written in (what appears to be blood) ketchup on the wall. Or let in a video of one person telling another person to do something, and then *GASP* the second person actually does it! The scissors and blood can't possibly be staged in any way!
Hope being in jail is the only thing stopping her from killing him.

you also have to remember this is a world with the incredible hulk and Asgard gods, so Kilgrave isn't too far fetched. Video evidence along with the detective as a witness, and testimony of the support group would be enough for reasonable doubt.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No. More like a sociopath.
It would be sort of the direct opposite of a sociopath because if she was a sociopath she would simply have gotten on a jet and left the country and never looked back. Why bother taking any risk fighting killgrave at all if one is a sociopath they would not give a crap what happened to anybody else or that he was still up to his tricks.