Matrix prequel trilogy in the works for 2017


Vyemm Raider


Musty Nester
Leaving Las Vegas?
Leaving Las Vegas... it's hard to like that movie. You're not supposed to like that movie. Its sorta misery porn. It's sorta Clockwork Orange. Dat rape scene. I remember basically nothing about the movie beyond that it was about a broken alcoholic and a slightly less broken prostitute. But Cage honestly was good in it. He did some other movie where he was a detective looking for some girl in a snuff film which was also not a bad movie, and an indication that Cage is only a hack if they're throwing more money at him than he would be sane to refuse.

Snake eyes was shit. Con Air was good if you're willing to turn your brain off. Face off is stupid even if you're willing to turn your brain off. I haven't seen a much of his work after Snake Eyes/Con Air. He's really not the worst name in Hollywood.

If someone was going to pay me a few million dollars to charicature myself in "National Treasure 15: Something something Jesus Christ" you're fucking right I would.


Buzzfeed Editor
Cage is pretty good in this new movie Joe. It is pretty similar to Mud in a lot of ways, even has the same kid in it. Best movie I have seen him in since a long fucking time.


Musty Nester
I haven't watched it since it came out either. But I do remember being really, really bored in the theater. It wasn't even bad enough to hate. Just boringly bad. I even thought Gary Sineese was awesome, but I was still bored.

Maybe it's better than I remember it was. All I really remember about it specificly was trash talking how awful it was with my buddies afterwards and how we kinda all wanted to leave but kept expecting it to get better.


Tranny Chaser
Alright, so here is what I'm thinking -

Title - The Matrix PreLoaded

Plot - A young Morpheus (played by Jaden Smith) feels there is something wrong in the world that he cannot explain. He is contacted by a mysterious hacker/terrorist "Somnus" (played by Will Smith) and comes to find the world is not what it seems. Somnus is eventually killed Obi-Wan Kenobi style at the end of the film by Agent Smith.

The second film focuses on Morpheous recruiting Trinity (played by Chlo? Grace Moretz). The big reveal at the end of the third film is that the three films aren't prequels at all but SEQUELS! The machines went back on their word and this is the next iteration of the Matrix.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Alright, so here is what I'm thinking -

Title - The Matrix PreLoaded

Plot - A young Morpheus (played by Jaden Smith) feels there is something wrong in the world that he cannot explain. He is contacted by a mysterious hacker/terrorist "Somnus" (played by Will Smith) and comes to find the world is not what it seems. Somnus is eventually killed Obi-Wan Kenobi style at the end of the film by Agent Smith.

The second film focuses on Morpheous recruiting Trinity (played by Chlo? Grace Moretz). The big reveal at the end of the third film is that the three films aren't prequels at all but SEQUELS! The machines went back on their word and this is the next iteration of the Matrix.
I hate you


Tranny Chaser
I would be willing to bet anything that the following things are true -

1. Someone who gets paid real money has pitched "The Matrix PreLoaded" for a title and/or it's already the working title
2. Jaden Smith as Young Morpheus has also been pitched.
3. OMG THEY AREN'T PREQUELS BUT SEQUELS is a real idea being floated


Vyemm Raider
Young Trinity is actually going to be played by Justin Bieber, who is in the process of transitioning to a woman by the end of the trilogy.

It's actually the main plot of the trilogy - how in the real world you have your real sex, but in the machine world you've been assigned a sex that may not match. It is the battle to regain one's true identity that forms the core of the series.

Also, lots of graphic scenes of people in Zion mutilating their genitals with crude power tools.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Why not jayden's sister playing trinity? Now that every character must be black......


Ssraeszha Raider
Nicolas Cage is an amazing actor. He just does some really shitty movies. There's never ever been a movie that was bad because of him. There have been bad movies he's made awesome, though, like Con Air (along with Malkovich and Buschemi)


The Big Mod
they really gonna beat this dead horse 3 more movies? who the fuck keeps giving the wachowski trannies money to make this crap?


Nicolas Cage is an amazing actor. He just does some really shitty movies. There's never ever been a movie that was bad because of him. There have been bad movies he's made awesome, though, like Con Air (along with Malkovich and Buschemi)
This is the most meta post ever.