Medal Masters - Mobile RPG/Collection


Bronze Squire
Never payed attention so you could be right, usually at work doing stuff around that time. Anybody got a comp to beat Siegfried? Maybe my stuff is just too low but he is tilting me right now trying to beat him on Hell.


Never payed attention so you could be right, usually at work doing stuff around that time. Anybody got a comp to beat Siegfried? Maybe my stuff is just too low but he is tilting me right now trying to beat him on Hell.
Not a reliable one.

I lead with Robin, and try to find another Robin with points in leadership for +atk. I tank with either Hector or Richard, and use Venus. The whole goal is to kill the yetis behind sigfried. If I can get them dead fast, I have a chance.


Never payed attention so you could be right, usually at work doing stuff around that time. Anybody got a comp to beat Siegfried? Maybe my stuff is just too low but he is tilting me right now trying to beat him on Hell.
This is the comp I use to beat the one just below nightmare(I'm not level 75 yet for the final dude). Even when I hit 75, I don't think I'll have the dps to do Nightmare.

Leader - Bresis the blue healer chick. Mine is a fully awakened 4 star level 35(never bothered to get her to 40). She has a base 20% damage reduction for blue. I think I pumped mine to 25% or so. She also gives everyone a 5 second immune to blue damage shield when she heals.
Tank - I use one of the guilds beefed up King Arthurs. I couldn't do the 3rd level dude without an Arthur.
Then I fill my dps with fully awakened 4 star Yeti, 4 star Tristan and a 5 star Lionheart. I like him because his skill helps me knock Siegfried back and get to the Yeti.

The key for me winning is to kill the huge white Yeti on the final stage ASAP. That dude will fuck me over quick if I don't take him out as fast as possible. I try to time the healers damage reduction shield with the Yeti's snowball AE as Well. Siegfried also does a large damage AE that hits everyone but all the heroes have enough HP to survive it, so one heal gets them all topped back up after it. As long as I get the Yeti down fairly quick and time the damage shield to the Yeti's snowball AE, it's a pretty winnable fight.

Edit: Fuck, just realized I have Hell and nightmare levels mixed up. I'm too low to do the last level... just going to leave my comp up though. Maybe it will be useful to someone.


Bronze Squire
That makes sense I actually ended up getting a gold key and powerleveling my self (with the exp party special dungeon) by 10 levels so I was in the same boat as you. I actually ended up beating him with a double arthur (1 a healper) kremlihd (sp?) as leader, venus and robin hood comp. I actually struggled more with the giant golems more than I did siegfried.


Molten Core Raider
Will do, Kol who was your main ingame. Please do me as favor and do not start until 4 PM MST (2 hours past reset). Still plenty of time to complete, usually i will do so before hand but sometimes have meetings right at restart. Daddy needs 2 more people's LS raised to stay competing at the top!

So this new season sucks hah, currently MR2 (master ranks are individual as in only 1 person can fill a rank) but its so stupid they ban an entire element as it makes such a huge advantage towards the one that trumps the other. Pro tip, if you are strugglying to survive, USE the fire priestest (forgot name but is in white). Even at low skill lvl she rocks, she has 5 secs of immune fire damage which covers most the damage coming out this week. This is one of the FEW times i strongly suggest double normal CD reduction so she can spam it as much as possible since fights are longer. If you combine her with a Jeane your survability is insane. I use her situationally to beat the top guy on the server depending on what he runs.

Also a heads up for those maybe trying to skill up venus etc or just got. She was nerfed already on the korean servers it sounds pretty hard on duration of charm (JOY). Can't wait until we get as it completely dictates the meta in the masters ranks. Top 10 almost is 100% having venus or having morgana to combat. Sucks. I'd suggest getting a Khrem up if you haven't as she is going to be the new power house, get her to lvl 8-10 skill and give her your BEST initial CD cards. Then stack with global damage of 2-3 people and a beefy tank and boom. I have a mean Yggra+Napolean+Medusa combo that hits extremely early before people get their stuff off that just wipes any weaklings.


Will do, Kol who was your main ingame. Please do me as favor and do not start until 4 PM MST (2 hours past reset). Still plenty of time to complete, usually i will do so before hand but sometimes have meetings right at restart. Daddy needs 2 more people's LS raised to stay competing at the top!

So this new season sucks hah, currently MR2 (master ranks are individual as in only 1 person can fill a rank) but its so stupid they ban an entire element as it makes such a huge advantage towards the one that trumps the other. Pro tip, if you are strugglying to survive, USE the fire priestest (forgot name but is in white). Even at low skill lvl she rocks, she has 5 secs of immune fire damage which covers most the damage coming out this week. This is one of the FEW times i strongly suggest double normal CD reduction so she can spam it as much as possible since fights are longer. If you combine her with a Jeane your survability is insane. I use her situationally to beat the top guy on the server depending on what he runs.

Also a heads up for those maybe trying to skill up venus etc or just got. She was nerfed already on the korean servers it sounds pretty hard on duration of charm (JOY). Can't wait until we get as it completely dictates the meta in the masters ranks. Top 10 almost is 100% having venus or having morgana to combat. Sucks. I'd suggest getting a Khrem up if you haven't as she is going to be the new power house, get her to lvl 8-10 skill and give her your BEST initial CD cards. Then stack with global damage of 2-3 people and a beefy tank and boom. I have a mean Yggra+Napolean+Medusa combo that hits extremely early before people get their stuff off that just wipes any weaklings.
I'm Sriracha. Not before 6PM EST, got it.

I'm kinda ok with a venus nerf. I use her for statue levels in PVE and an occasional pillage opponent that I really wanted to loot. The masters ranks aren't really something I can get to just yet -- only one prism card so far. Heck, I haven't seen a decent init cool-down in like 2 weeks.

I'll have max level Jean, Richard, Tristan, Robin, Hector, and Eriel by the end of this week. Awakening them all will take a while. I think my Kriempie is max level, too. But no good cards on her yet.


Molten Core Raider
The higher % initial cool down cards are rare as fuck, i've spent probably 50-60M gold on packs and crap and decent amount of my gems i win each each go to draws and pretty rare. I get 300 gems a week from placing top 10 in master arena each week so pretty good income there. I'm just going to save for the next medal box at this point, so sick of piss RNG on card drops.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So how do I get into the guild? Currently on Jeanne d Arc server. Close to level 64. Just got Minerva from a 10 pull (Female only) Gatcha. What Option Cards do you recommend on her?

Team is starting to flesh out nicely (a few 5 * max level)

Heroes of Note:

Jeanne d' Arc
Dark Hunter Van Helsing
William Tell


Molten Core Raider
I have it set at approval just let me know your ingame name and search for Conquest. I'll add you

On minerva she has some of the base base stats in game, i'd go RED- Attack power Yellow - Highest Defense% card you have Blue - Highest Arena Master card you have Prism - If you have a purple defensive prism card i'd put that if not i'd double up on a 2nd Defensive % yellow card. She still has great attack and is the 2nd/3rd best tank behind Jeane/Sigfriend with invuln in the game.

On that list focus on Richard, Robin, Tristan, and Morgana. Venus is getting nerfved so i wouldn't drop too much in her at the moment. Also keep her lower star level if you havent evolved; her charm isn't effected by lvl so for cost purposes you want her low in most cases. Clolinda isn't bad either, in alot of cases her weakness plus water makes great for tank killers (minevera/jeane)


Lord Nagafen Raider
I have it set at approval just let me know your ingame name and search for Conquest. I'll add you

On minerva she has some of the base base stats in game, i'd go RED- Attack power Yellow - Highest Defense% card you have Blue - Highest Arena Master card you have Prism - If you have a purple defensive prism card i'd put that if not i'd double up on a 2nd Defensive % yellow card. She still has great attack and is the 2nd/3rd best tank behind Jeane/Sigfriend with invuln in the game.

On that list focus on Richard, Robin, Tristan, and Morgana. Venus is getting nerfved so i wouldn't drop too much in her at the moment. Also keep her lower star level if you havent evolved; her charm isn't effected by lvl so for cost purposes you want her low in most cases. Clolinda isn't bad either, in alot of cases her weakness plus water makes great for tank killers (minevera/jeane)
Sweet thanks for the advice. I sent a request, in game name is: Malinatar


Molten Core Raider
Well i was abit scared to start but i'm slowly getting abit more confident the game is going to develop into something complex. They are starting to communicate better and making fairly fast development, check out the 4/6 developer notes. Abit scary this is post release but they are adding a whole new element (what could go wrong!~) and a few new lack luster option cards. I think the on crit - cyclone is going to be HUGE though, removing the front line with cyclone is fucking insane my friends. Sadly RNG is so fucking bad on cards that i can't even say i'll spend a few bucks to try and get because you could literally spend 500 dollars and easily only get 5-6 random purple cards of the 25+ their will be. Such a fucking retarded system considering you can't remove cards. Also fucking having to waste cards if you want to compete at the master rank in arena is dumb adjusting to weekly set ups is absurd.

Sitting between 2nd and 3rd spot on the server in arena this week and i know what i could do to take number 1 spot but i'm just not willing to replace one of my existing prism cards on a critcal member that would ensure victory. I really hope they address the issues with the cards. At least it sounds like Venus may get nerfed hard, fuck that bitch even though i have one of the best venus's on the server. '

I really think an ultra competitve team is going to be insta damage teams with Khremlin max I.CD, a tank, 2 big burst abilities and a semi big burst+mana spunge. I have a mana prism on my medusa but i just got lucky on an attack prism with gems from my last week arena rank and i'm debating focusing on farming her skill up and then have a huge 1-2 combo of Yggra bomb + Medusa bomb out the gate with Khrem. Mary is a solid mana battery while having a good global but i have like skill 3 on the bitch and skill 4 on my other Mary (i raised 2 since i have one with "on crit weakness" and the other attack speed for better mana theft.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Finally got my first purple option card. It's a card that applies poison to attacks, is that any good? What should I consider putting that on?
Wanted to bump this and get some thoughts. Any suggestions? Is poison card kinda meh? Maybe putting it on yeti due to high attack speed?


Molten Core Raider
I have one but haven't tested much with it yet, normally poison is good but its based off your attack so not sure if the card works the same way, if so its bad on a yeti to an extant as its low attack power vs the other on crit cards. Poison is good against front line as it ignores defense I believe. Its not a bad option vs any other non prism cards though so i'd stick it on either yeti or better yet Mary or Van Helsign if you have as they have good attack speed and much better power.


The people who are racking up +2 million points every day have to be automating pillage wars, right? If so, what program are they using?


Molten Core Raider
I dont think so, you need to selectively search for people with high SS's to get that. Maybe having multiple people play etc. I do just enought to get top 1% usually and leave it at that but i do arena fairly consistently across 14-18 hours most days (easy to click one button once per 10 minutes

I actually am MR1 this week beating the dude that literally had to have spent fucking I bet 10k+ on the damn game, he has like everyone max skill and just insane. But i put together a team that he just can't beat consistently. So pretty happy, ive finished 2nd on the server last 3 weeks but finally got the bitch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This was posted a few days back (I don't really follow the news on this game much yet..):

Designers' Highlight - In regard to 4/6 Patch

Hello, Masters!
We are Medal Masters' Developers Team.
Let us tell you about the current developments and improvements we're preparing for the game.
Please, do share with us your opinions on this.
1. Introduction of a New Element
Darkness, the Fourth Element, will be introduced.
A dungeon to obtain materials for the Dark Element will be added and Dark Heroes will be available through Premium and Friendship Gachas.
After the introduction of the Dark Element, we're considering on introducing a Light Element as well, so stay tuned for more surprises!

2. Addition of New Stages
The seventh region, 'Highland Hills' will be introduced.
In this place you will be able to face new heroes such as Gnoll Guard, Gnoll Ambusher, Centaur Defense Force, Centaur Scout and Centaur Forces.

3. New Advent Dungeon
In response to your fervent participation in Siegfried's Dungeon, we are considering introducing a new advent dungeon for your pleasure.
We are enthusiastically preparing this new advent dungeon which will feature a fire hero and we hope you look forward to enjoy it.

4. Extension of the Infinite Challenge
Aren't you tired already of the 50 leveled Infinite Challenge?
We have decided to expand it up to Level 70.
It may not seem enough, but we have also prepared new challenges to go along with this expansion so we hope this would be an entertaining challenge.

5. Addition of Main Quest
Apart from the new stage, we have added 42 different Main Quests.
Apart from the quests related to the new region, we have exciting new 38 quests so you don't have to worry about not having anything new to achieve.

6. New Option Cards
The introduction of a new element wouldn't be complete without new option cards, right?
We are preparing 6 new option cards.
Their effects in numbers will vary according to the level and they haven't been completely decided yet so for now we will only introduce briefly their functions:
i. Red Card : Increases the damage against Dark Heroes
ii. Yellow Card : Increases resistance against Dark Heroes
iii. Prism Card 1 : Immunity effect in case of critical hits
iv. Prism Card 2 : Cyclone effect in case of critical hits
v. Prism Card 3 : Debuffs 'seduction' effect
vi. Prism Card 4 : Reduces hero cost

7. Adjustment of the Early Stages
- The 1st Stage boss, Joanna, was a little difficult to defeat so we're planning on decreasing the difficulty of the Normal Stage.
- We will give twice as much experience after clearing each normal stage only once the first time.
- We will allow users under level 10 to select more powerful heroes as helpers.

8. Additional functions
- In the barracks, a sign that says "Tap the screen" will be added on the icons of the materials used for evolving and awakening heroes.
- On the window with information on the materials, if the relevant special dungeon is not open, a message indicating so will be added.
- We will add chatting channels to improve the chatting experience.
- We will add a search function in the Friends section to let you find your friends by their character name.
- Dark and Light elements will be added to the image depicting the interaction among the elements.
- When adding a new friend through the chatting window, a message will be shown if that person has exceeded the maximum friend capacity.

9. Other Improvements
- We will decrease the time it takes for the heroes to be able to use their skills in the Arena.
- We will make it easier to distinguish the Awaken heroes among all the heroes obtained through the medal box.
- We will fix the error that causes heroes to appear as alive in the Hero Window in the Arena although their HP is 0.
- When being kicked out or leaving a Guild, it will only be possible to join a new one after 1 PM (PDT) the next day.
- We will fix the error concerning Pillage War Auto Battle information not being saved.
- We will fix the incorrectly showed drop information in hard stages.
- We will fix the occasional error that causes allied heroes to become invincible when Siegfried's invincibility skill overlaps after accepting to 'Continue' the match paying gems.


Molten Core Raider
Well it will be interesting to see what the dungegon and the medal box heroe's bring. Looking forward to more diversity. We need some more front line tanks, this is getting old in arena. Right now even my fully decked out segfried gets melted before he can get his invuln off against good teams in arena this week. At rank 1 but didnt have time to get to masters. I have a 2 star guy with double i.cdr to fire off a global knock back on my team hehe, will see how that goes.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Anyone have a good strategy on farming gold pieces? It's a bottleneck already for me and most of my heroes aren't max starred yet.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone have a good strategy on farming gold pieces? It's a bottleneck already for me and most of my heroes aren't max starred yet.
Save a few gems up and wait to the weekly (bi-weekly?) gold piece festival. Its way better then the gold key if i recall and just bust out some 20 stam stages a and spend some gems if its your bottle neck.