Mikhail and Hodj's Political Thread

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Tuco at one point said that he was not banned, and was free to return at any time.


Tranny Chaser
Yeah, it was definitely the shitty moderation that made that idiot spaz out and leave for the 100th time.
Lol. You're such a faggot!!

Neither. /thread

(Thanks for the infraction for my messing with this goldmine of a thread. I can't believe what a shitfest this place is with all the new cocksucking faggot moderators.)
aychamo_aycono_sl said:
I just wanted to post a "good bye" to this forum. FOH died a pretty sad death, but this place is a cesspool of fucking retards. I got "infracted" for posting a stupid joke in a fucking *retarded* thread about "would you rather A or B" where A and B are both ridiculous situations. The thread was the intellectual equivalent of two fat girls debating if they'd rather fuck Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt. Beyond that, this place is overrun with neck beard having retards who are all "moderators" who, by no big coincidence, were all despised faggots on the old message boards.

You guys have already run Keg off, and to be honest there's basically nobody here thats funny anymore. There's basically two people that post remotely interesting photos that are just copies from other websites, and then a handful of liberal retards who don't have jobs.

So, peace out guys. It's been a fun, if not pathetic, decade.
Let me post my latest from the Dear Leader:
Draegan_sl said:
Dear Izo,

You have received an infraction at Rerolled.

Reason: Really Bad Posting
Suck Araysar's dick in the rickshaw.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Request this be moved back to the mmorg thread.
Ever, Jane
Request a sub forum to arrange future tea parties.
All the best,
Keg and Aychamo - Would you like some salt to go with your hat, Soybro? Or perhaps an infraction to go with that?


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I do have to say that I don't get that last infraction, seemed pretty damned innocent/harmless to me.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Keg and Aychamo - Would you like some salt to go with your hat, Soybro? Or perhaps an infraction to go with that?
I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at? Aychamo was a fucking idiot both here and on FOH who rage-quit the forums several times. So he cried about mods in some posts? And?

Izo, who were you on the FOH forums?


Musty Nester
Aych is a crazy person, Izo.

He's a volatile personality. He can be entertaining, he can even be intelligent. But he ragequits. He always ragequits.


Tranny Chaser
I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at? Aychamo was a fucking idiot both here and on FOH who rage-quit the forums several times. So he cried about mods in some posts? And?

Izo, who were you on the FOH forums?
Sigh. What will it take for you to see the other side? A month? 6 months? A year? You mods collectively rationalize members leaving instead of admitting these dumb infractions could've been handled better. That's being part of the problem, not the solution imho. My infraction history, specifically the reason part, is a testament to this. That being said, I do know f.inst. Keg leaves from time to time, but seriously, why must it be with an RRP tag every time? Aychamo was a dick, sure, but he had funny posts, intellect and he brought content - even back at FOH - a certain chat immortalized his brown eye. Priceless. Why do you guys not cater to those before you use the 'infraction' tool? Fuck if I know the rationale behind this other than trying to play pretend nice for the junky nation face.

On a related note it's funny my 'bad' history starts with you giving me a warning for posting nudity in the Ask Amod thread, not that I'm complaining much. Well, other than your society being utterly hooked on double standards. That picture from the annual Roskilde Nude Race was printed in a respectable national paper here - even the royal queen sees it and goes 'meh'.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
We're not talking about you or keg. We're talking about Aychamo. You basically have nobody supporting your opinion that the moderation drove off Doctor Nutbag. I'm not defending the moderation in general. I'm defending it in regards to Aychamo.

As far as you posting nudity outside of SS/RR, rules be rules. Deal with it.


Buzzfeed Editor
Everyone that thinks economics is a real science, raise their hands.
Sorry to necro this conversation. Just caught up with this thread during a slow work day. Thought this picture would do well here.


hah. You can do the same chain in Sociology, Macro Economics, Micro, Finance, Statistics, Math.

As far as whether it's a "real" science? Well, the thing is, Economics, as Hodj pointed out, had a large split after the big "philosophical" years. Once Marx and the crew threw out all their ideas, and they all broke down, people began to demand actual evidence beyond simple statistical correlations. Up until that point, most economics had just been trend studies, really--with all the shitty science that goes with them.

However, more recently, especially after a few big math heavy hitters came into the field and began using economics as a base point for some large hypothesis, there began to be a divergence in Micro/Finance economics and Macro/Trend economics. The more finance oriented slant is a heavy mathematical field that relies a lot on algorithms to predict outcomes. And these guys can be very, very accurate (Sometimes not so much, considering the 08 collapse was a break down of one of these risk assessments.) Anyway, this field is LESS interested in trying to explain what economics system works for everyone, and instead tries to predict specific economic outcomes once given a data-set. It's a far more mathematical driven Economics. This kind of economics, I would say, is a lot closer to hard science.

The philosophical stuff? Like a lot of Marx? Is softer science. It has trend data and what not, but it's nothing like some of the amazing predictive work being done. And this field makes BIG money, but it's also a field that you essentially need a math degree, or a CS degree for. I actually jumped into this degree from a CS degree for that reason (When I realized the chances of me making video games were nil.)....Is it an absolute hard science? Well, depending on the scale, it can be--like they do verifiable experimentation a lot on micro economic or financial situations. But it's not a "pure" science like Chemistry or Physics, no. It's more like theoretical aspects of physics. Where you make models, and then do large experiments to see if your models hold up.

Anyway, but .02$. This is one of those cases where both sides are a little right. Old school economics is a very "soft" science. Mathematical Economics for agent prediction? Pretty hardcore, it's almost pure math, with values assigned to agents through statistical trends, rather than statistical trends fueling arguments themselves.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Damn Lithose you must have been bored as shit and looking for anything to comment on lol.

Good post though bro.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Keep the job, ditch the family.

Unless you mean you're returning to Korea, then return to Korea, swim in asian pussy.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The only thing Trollface will swim in, in Korea, is kimchi and noodles.
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