Military Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
It's ok, I can take your place right?

I sometimes worry if my buddy isn't making a mistake not grabbing a civ job. E-7 basically career at this point at 35. Got him busy hopping around. Done some interesting things i don't get why given what i thought he does. A month or so before that big Australian terror attack he was there with a bunch of random countries sf/special rescue doing all kinds of rock climbing/building/boat assault. But years of maxing PT and a lot of deployments starting to take a toll i think.


If it's reasonable to see him lock in 20 as active or reserve, then there's no reason not to. People knock the school houses as the retirement homes, but the highlight of my career has always been training my replacements / junior officers and watching them take organizations to the next level. So if he's starting to get obliterated physically the best thing for him would be start maneuvering into supervisory roles / training and bringing the next generation up to speed while working on the parachute for post-military life (something to seriously consider at the E-7 career point). Unless he's confident in being fast tracked for E-9 it may not be too late to set the track for getting a late-career commission as a W/CO and upping that 'sweet three' pay equation and priming the pump for a civilian career. Food for thought.

I'm fairly certain anyone with several years in and time in leadership roles would get the same offer I did. My offer was more related to the recent deployment appearing to be a good time to spear fish people looking to jump ship than it was anything special about me (at least that's been my experience with name brands and the military). So if you've got your uniform salty and have suffered having government issued "children" you could certainly take my place.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
And they always wonder why decent good Marines get the fuck out.
The eight allocated duty spots for each company per day are the duty noncommissioned officer, the assistant duty, the two sentry posts and four rovers.
Every company has 8 posts they have to man 24/7. Holy shit that is some nuclear retardation. And here I thought my units where pretty fucking retarded but that takes the cake.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Why would they do this now? I've never heard of something so fucking stupid.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
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That guy
If you make it past E-4 without a handful of ass chewings in there your enlistment wasn't worth it
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<Gold Donor>
It’s so funny how”shocked” people are at this stuff. This used to be Thursday at Benning. The stories the old hats told about the “I-bar” would ruin careers today

Having to be key master and wallet master at one of Ft Stewart’s nastier dives is a story I won’t be telling my daughter any time soon.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
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