

Phank 2002
Villagers will randomly wander around the area of the village. They have no attack, but they do run from zombies and hide in their homes. A death of a villager does not affect nearby villagers' behavior, though if a player's popularity in the village is low, any natural Iron Golems nearby will attack the player.

Villagers have the ability to utilize doors and are therefore able to go in and out of houses. Villagers will hide in houses during the night, rain, or when chased by Zombies. Although it never rains in desert biomes, desert villagers will still attempt to hide from the rain; this means they are actually hiding from places which zombies can access.

Villagers decide which houses they like. They seem to favor well lit conditions over dimly lit ones, seemingly due to the lower chance of zombie spawning. Villagers favor houses over well lit areas, even if the house is completely unlit. This is probably due to the fact that zombies cannot access houses. Villagers will climb stairs and climb ladders just as a player would.

If all doors in a village are covered so that villagers may not enter and the time is night, they will carry on with their normal business as if it were day time. If all doors are covered but one at night, the villagers will avoid it, for some reason (probably a bug, or they don't want to be overcrowded)

Zombies will find villagers from up to 31 block radius to attempt to break down their doors. Villagers will run away from zombies, which can attack the villagers. Zombie Sieges can occur between these mobs, and the villager's only "natural" defense are the Iron Golems, which protect villagers from nearby mobs. Zombies have a chance of turning a villager into a zombie villager if the difficulty is on Normal or Hard, or Hardcore gamemode.(Easy or Peaceful gamemode have 0% chance of villagers being infected. Normal is 50%, and Hard or Hardcore is 100%) This can also happen with baby villagers, resulting in Baby Villager Zombies or Baby Zombies.

The villagers will "socialize" with each other and passive mobs. This involves two villagers simply facing each other. Villagers can socialize with the player as well, (which happens a lot) if they approach and stand still (they will start moving their heads in a bobbing fashion). On some occasions, villagers will gather in a large group in one point in a village, seemingly without any cause. They are also attracted to pumpkins and doors. They will sometimes appear to socialize with Snow Golems probably because of their attraction to pumpkins.

When villagers are near an Iron Golem, they will stop and stare at it. The Iron Golems sometimes give roses to the villagers, symbolizing the friendly relationship between the villagers and Iron Golems.

Villagers also will not willingly fall off high cliffs. They will not stay away from fire or lava or change their behavior around fires. They will just carry on as usual, and rarely, but possibly, walk straight into the fire and cactus. They will not flee, run, or act differently when being damaged by fire or cactus.

Villagers will mate depending on the number of valid doors. A valid door is any door (within the city radius) where the number of "outside" spaces within 5 blocks (in a straight line) on one side of the door is not the same as the number of "outside" spaces within 5 blocks on the other side of the door. A space is considered to be "outside" if it is hit by the sun during the day, i.e. it is transparent, and has nothing but transparent blocks above it all the way to the sky. (This means that starting a village deep underground, such as in a cavern or buried ravine, is not feasible.) Notice that a door is not a valid door without a roof on one side, or with equal amount of roof on both sides. Sometimes the villager AI (such as mating and housing) doesn't behave as expected until the game is restarted (as in save and quit, then reload the world).

Once housing has been established, villagers will then mate until the number of adult villagers equals 35% of the number of doors. Any remaining children will grow up as usual, resulting in a total number of adult villagers somewhere above one third of the number of nearby wooden doors. The type of villager that the child is doesn't depend on what type the parents are, e.g., two farmer villagers can have a child that is any of the occupations. Unlike other breed-able mobs, the parents and child have no personal interactions other than socializing.

The game engine periodically takes a census to determine the current population of the village. All villagers within the horizontal boundary of the village and within 5 vertical blocks of the center will be counted as part of the population to determine if continued villager mating is allowed. However, any villager within the horizontal boundary of the village and within a vertical distance of 32 blocks downwards of the center of the village will attempt to enter mating mode as long as there is at least one villager within the boundary. Therefore, it is possible to create an unlimited population by holding only two villagers within the village boundary and forcing all other villagers outside the 5 block vertical range of the census. If two villagers simultaneously enter mating mode while they are close to one another, they will mate with each other and produce a child.

Villager children will sprint about, entering and leaving houses at will. The villager children will also chase each other around the village to simulate that they are playing tag. These children will sometimes stop sprinting to stare at an Iron Golem. If the Iron Golem is holding a rose, the children will cautiously take the flower from its hands. Villager children can be infected by Zombies. Zombie children will not burn in daylight and run faster. Villager children can be spawned by right-clicking an adult villager with a villager Spawn Egg.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Look up world anchors or chunk loaders - I think buildcraft has one of those as craftable blocks. You craft it, place it somewhere, and whatever chunk it is placed it will stay loaded at all times. Otherwise chunks (64x64x64 blocks I think?) will only load around the player. Something like the player's current chunk and every chunk around it - don't quote me on the specifics. But if you have an oil rig 100000 miles away in the ocean pumping oil to your house on the Mountain of Doom way inland - it will not work unless you keep every chunk with pipes and machinery loaded at all times.
Chunk size is 16x16x256. The World Anchor (from Railcraft) loads a 3x3 chunk area, centered on the loader. Chunk Loaders from ChickenChunks are generally better, as they also load a 3x3 area by default, but you can increase the radius of the loader via the right-click GUI (no idea what the maximum is - the highest I've used was a radius of 5 chunks, giving you a total of 11x11), and they have a neat little laser ability that shows you exactly what they're loading. ChickenChunks also adds a single-chunk loader, but I forget the name off hand.

I also think that overall the Redstone mod pipes work better - if you are interested in machinery mods at all you should definitely look up the FTB (Feed the beast) modpack or Tekkit. But FTB - really.
If you're interested in playing around with mods, I'd definitely second the motion forFTB. I've been tinkering around with the Direwolf20 pack since it released in December, and I've had a blast with it. Everything is pre-configured and dead simple to install, both for single-player and server.

The big draw for the mod packs IMO is the synergies you get with the various mods - Buildcraft on it's own adds a lot of nice stuff, but mods like Thermal Expansion make it MUCH better. With TE, you have BC-powered processing machines, and new energy and liquid transport systems (Redstone Conduits and Liquiducts, respectively - not to mention teleport-pipe-like Tesseracts and mobile BC batteries in the form of Redstone Power Cells) which are VASTLY superior to the equivalent BC pipes. TE doesn't add a new item transport system yet beyond the Tesseracts, but I much prefer using Redpower tubes for the majority of my item transporting needs - whereas BC item pipes tend to be a bit dumb, Redpower tubes manage items a bit smarter.

The packs also have a huge amount of other content to dick around with, and they're updated often (though moving the packs to 1.5 or 1.6 may take some time as Redpower hasn't been updated yet). In the DW20 pack, I'm just now venturing into the Applied Energistics mod, and I still have a bevy of other facets I've not touched yet (Twilight Forest, [Extra] Bees, Tree breeding, etc.).

You could also manually add in stuff like Mo Creatures for even more content. Adding additional mods to the pack is simple, but with the caveat that you'd have to make sure everyone who plays on the server adds the same mods.


Potato del Grande
Accidentally clicked in the spawn room and now I have 64 pink wool. Can I get my $20 back? :/


Molten Core Raider
Get the technic launcher and you can have thousands of mod packs... you just choose which one you want and play it... and no need to reconfigure your .minecraft every time!


Potato del Grande
Accidentally clicked in the spawn room and now I have 64 pink wool. Can I get my $20 back? :/
Oh and if I don't then someone is going to get a Giant Dick on their lawn



Blackwing Lair Raider
Meh, just deal with it. I've lost 30 bucks to accidentally clicking. I'm sure you'll find a use for it eventually.


I'm Amod too!
...[Extra] Bees,...).
Rage!!! I'm currently trying to breed one of the thaumic bees (The one that can move Vis nodes). It has a 2% chance of successful mutation but can only be done during the half moon and must be done within 4 blocks of a node.


Molten Core Raider
Rage!!! I'm currently trying to breed one of the thaumic bees (The one that can move Vis nodes). It has a 2% chance of successful mutation but can only be done during the half moon and must be done within 4 blocks of a node.
yeah I tried to get into the bees stuff and damn it was crazy at some of the requirements you had to do to get certain types. Once I get my nuclear reactors fully setup and functioning I am going to go back and do bees, chocobos, and tree breeding.


Holy fuck that's a MASSIVE snow field. This is the latest and most complete render. 5k radius from spawn in all directions.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Anywhere in paticular you want the 64 block penis constructing?
You're more than welcome to attempt to place it anywhere near my property. Be advised, PVP is enabled.

I've got 24, I accept diamonds or cheap labor.


Molten Core Raider
Are any of the rest of you having issues connecting, disconnecting, lag, and rubber banding? I keep getting kicked and sometimes I have to mine the same block 4 to 5 times before it stops repopping.

Like right now I just got kicked and the server is offline to me.