Mist Mostly Mightily Blames Other People or MMMBOP for short.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I don't see anything that makes sense there. I see a person that complains about being unhappy and alone, then actively avoids an opportunity to socialize and connect with tangible people for strangers on the internet. You know, people that you could completely destroy on a split screen game then go joke around and have fun outside or in a different environment and actively meet even more people and actively increase her chances of a Blue is the Warmest Color moment. Instead of locking herself away with her "superiority".
Just admit that N64 was made from literal feces.
  • 1Faggotry
Reactions: 1 user


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Just admit that N64 was made from literal feces.
You are insane.

Super Mario 64
Zelda OOT
Zelda MM
Golden Eye 007
Super Mario Kart
Super Smash Brothers
Perfect Dark
Star Fox 64
Shadows of the Empire
Turok Dinosaur Hunter
Ogre Battle 64
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Paper Mario
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Pilotwings 64

Shit... That's off the top of my head.
  • 1Rustled
Reactions: 1 user


You are insane.

Super Mario 64
Zelda OOT
Zelda MM
Golden Eye 007
Super Mario Kart
Super Smash Brothers
Perfect Dark
Star Fox 64
Shadows of the Empire
Turok Dinosaur Hunter
Ogre Battle 64
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Paper Mario
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Pilotwings 64

Shit... That's off the top of my head.
Mist getting schlonged like she should have schlonged been in highschool


Just admit that N64 was made from literal feces.
I'll admit there are some trash games on Uut's list that are worse than feces, but I'm fairly certain the PSX/N64 are the only reason gaming as a hobby survived the 90s. Without that N64 gripping the heart of American suburbs I doubt you'd see gaming even remotely as strong as it is today and your "superiority" would have died out in near entirety without consoles keeping it afloat until the PC renaissance a decade later.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I think I'm literally dying. My pants actually fell off me on the way in the house after work today. I've lost basically all desire to eat.
  • 1Faggotry
Reactions: 1 user


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm going to drink some Carnation instant breakfast shakes and eat some peanut butter out of the jar just so I have protein in my body.
  • 1Faggotry
Reactions: 1 user


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I don't see anything that makes sense there. I see a person that complains about being unhappy and alone, then actively avoids an opportunity to socialize and connect with tangible people for strangers on the internet. You know, people that you could completely destroy on a split screen game then go joke around and have fun outside or in a different environment and actively meet even more people and actively increase her chances of a Blue is the Warmest Color moment. Instead of locking herself away with her "superiority".
So, you think endorsing a shitty console that played shitty games over the god-tier gaming that was qwctf at the time is good? Why, because the game is so shitty it encourages you to not play it and instead go spend time with your friends?

I mean, yea you should go spend time with your friends but when you're gaming you should be doing it at a LAN party playing a real game. Not a goddamn console.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I gotta' side with Mist and Cad on this one. I owned and enjoyed the N64, but I was also heavily into Quake CTF and Team Fortress at the time. It's not even a competition in my mind. I'm also old, so I could afford an awesome computer back then as well.


I gotta' side with Mist and Cad on this one. I owned and enjoyed the N64, but I was also heavily into Quake CTF and Team Fortress at the time. It's not even a competition in my mind. I'm also old, so I could afford an awesome computer back then as well.
no one is saying that the N64 is better than the PC. Mist said it was one of the worst systems ever. The posted list above proves otherwise, it had a large amount of groundbreaking single player games.

It's the same mentality that we laugh at when kids talk about their xboxes. I haven't touched a console in years but I can still appreciate the library of games on one.

Stop being such a close minded aids patient.
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user



At no point did I ever argue for N64 >!< Mid 90s PC.

You said it made sense for Mist to be a shut in because Quake, etc. I said otherwise. Mist said N64 was literal feces, again I said otherwise by pointing out how influential it was.


Stop being such insecure, close minded aids patients.

The Ancient_sl

Nintendo hasn't released a console that was literal feces since the Virtual Boy. Even the Gamecube gave us Metroid Prime and Wind Waker and those two games are enough to justify it's existence.