Misunderstood pro football player donates an Xbox to a cancer ward

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Tranny Chaser
<Gold Donor>
I have no desire to continue an argument with this pillock, do what you want mate.
  • 1Salty
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<Bronze Donator>
I have no desire to continue an argument with this pillock, do what you want mate.

says he doesn't want to argue with me anymore

name drops me a page later and then accuses me of dragging it out when i respond

just gshurik things. the poster with the biggest ArgumentsHad::TimeSpentOnForum ratio.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Actually, no. I dont remember.
@TheBeagle and I think that Lendarios belief that doxxing is ok for political reasons should get him removed as a mod.

I understand he doesnt have access to private info for now but im uncomfortable with having a subversive pos in any position of power.

This board runs on anonymity and he is antithetical to its culture.

Also, i hear he has a history of being a pos but i dont know much about that so ill leave it up to you whether that should be considered or not.

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FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
The original proposition that was considered by the Amod team was a lifetime, forever ban because everyone was tired of his shit. You can thank me for giving him a much shorter ban and still providing a path for redemption.

Why should I or anyone else here care what the current temporary janitors are tired of? We're at like the 4th string of Amods at this point and frankly, we have Amods who are there not because people thought they would a good job, but because people recognized their name, over others up for nomination who people didn't know. Being voted in at this point isn't exactly the endorsement of the community it was for the first crop of Amods.

To give a long running member of the community a year ban, unless due to severe forum rule breaking behaviour, is pussy shit, and I'd be saying the same thing no matter who it was. Far as I'm concerned, it's going beyond the mandate of Amods job.

The only opinion I care about is that of @a_skeleton_03 and the community at large. I would have liked to see his opinion and a vote on this matter.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I would have liked to see his opinion and a vote on this matter.

I dont want to put words in a_skeleton_03's mouth but if you didnt like what happened to Utnayan, you would have HATED the other option


Potato del Grande
Some awesome optics going on here. So every time I come to the site and sort by new posts I get to see a post entitled "I am a pathetic drunk loser - a play in 3 acts by Utnayan"

Whose genius idea was it to have a mod create a thread with a title insulting a member of the forum? What did you think would happen here? I haven't participated in the thread because I don't want to defend UT flying off the handle, but what did you think would happen here?

This bullshit, doxx yourself or be banned nonsense. Come on, you want him gone because he harasses people and never lets anything go ever and people are tired of his act. (kind of like most people here, dare I say you Araysar) Just admit the real reason he's banned. Who gives a shit about his real life besides the usual suspects in this thread? Used to be, someone would be a retard and they'd get shawed for it and then they could spam up those threads instead. Now we just move to banning for a year after a public humiliation thread, except all he did was insult you, dude never even got an xbox 360 or some percocets. Fucking rip off.

This thread isn't funny, it's just mean and stupid.

Makes me not want to visit the site. Good work mods.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
a_skeleton_03 allowing this to occur is obviously tacit acceptance, whether of the situation itself or allowing mods to do their thing. Don't pretend he's


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Some awesome optics going on here. So every time I come to the site and sort by new posts I get to see a post entitled "I am a pathetic drunk loser - a play in 3 acts by Utnayan"

Whose genius idea was it to have a mod create a thread with a title insulting a member of the forum? What did you think would happen here? I haven't participated in the thread because I don't want to defend UT flying off the handle, but what did you think would happen here?

This bullshit, doxx yourself or be banned nonsense. Come on, you want him gone because he harasses people and never lets anything go ever and people are tired of his act. (kind of like most people here, dare I say you Araysar) Just admit the real reason he's banned. Who gives a shit about his real life besides the usual suspects in this thread? Used to be, someone would be a retard and they'd get shawed for it and then they could spam up those threads instead. Now we just move to banning for a year after a public humiliation thread, except all he did was insult you, dude never even got an xbox 360 or some percocets. Fucking rip off.

This thread isn't funny, it's just mean and stupid.

Makes me not want to visit the site. Good work mods.

So, repeated harassment by ut is ok or at best rickshaw only but this thread title will make you want to leave.

And, inventor please, ut shares majority responsibility for this thread since he called out Araysar.
  • 2Picard
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Some awesome optics going on here. So every time I come to the site and sort by new posts I get to see a post entitled "I am a pathetic drunk loser - a play in 3 acts by Utnayan"

Whose genius idea was it to have a mod create a thread with a title insulting a member of the forum? What did you think would happen here? I haven't participated in the thread because I don't want to defend UT flying off the handle, but what did you think would happen here?

This bullshit, doxx yourself or be banned nonsense. Come on, you want him gone because he harasses people and never lets anything go ever and people are tired of his act. (kind of like most people here, dare I say you Araysar) Just admit the real reason he's banned. Who gives a shit about his real life besides the usual suspects in this thread? Used to be, someone would be a retard and they'd get shawed for it and then they could spam up those threads instead. Now we just move to banning for a year after a public humiliation thread, except all he did was insult you, dude never even got an xbox 360 or some percocets. Fucking rip off.

This thread isn't funny, it's just mean and stupid.

Makes me not want to visit the site. Good work mods.

It was my idea, because the pathetic loser got drunk, dragged me into his drama and started shitting up general discussion with his faggotry. I was asked to move the posts to the rickshaw and needed to create a new thread to dump them in.

Let me know what would you have preferred for it to be titled - probably something like "Misunderstood pro football player donates an Xbox to a cancer ward."

Oh shit, thats actually a great idea.
  • 3Worf
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Let's get to this important part of my message for the slower folk like Dick here.

I laughed during this thread. There are many worfs here. Demonstrably false statement.

And you are basically bitching about the title since ut hardly was a wallflower and actively contributed. How many mean things does he say? He would turn whole threads into shitting on people or groups. But he's the one being picked on? Jlawok.gif


<Silver Donator>
a_skeleton_03 allowing this to occur is obviously tacit acceptance, whether of the situation itself or allowing mods to do their thing. Don't pretend he's
a_skeleton_03 gets an abundance of slack right now for dealing with other priorities.
Araysar Araysar knows he's not separating forum member stuff from objective mod duties in this instance, and I think he's just trolling a bit with mod powers and (i hope) doesn't really plan on a 1 year suspension sticking.

You're both shit dicks, uniquely hilarious and annoying in your own ways, it's just that one is a mod right now. I like both of ya.

I don't see the point in arguing with Ara because he was the prince of trolls for half of 2016 and who fucking knows what he honestly thinks about this, but I think the rest of you that are legit supporting a year suspension are bonkers. Lock him in the retard pen.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
a_skeleton_03 gets an abundance of slack right now for dealing with other priorities.
Araysar Araysar knows he's not separating forum member stuff from objective mod duties in this instance, and I think he's just trolling a bit with mod powers and (i hope) doesn't really plan on a 1 year suspension sticking.

You're both shit dicks, uniquely hilarious and annoying in your own ways, it's just that one is a mod right now. I like both of ya.

I don't see the point in arguing with Ara because he was the prince of trolls for half of 2016 and who fucking knows what he honestly thinks about this, but I think the rest of you that are legit supporting a year suspension are bonkers. Lock him in the retard pen.

Prince? Wakandan, I was a squire at best. You give me too much credit.
  • 1Worf
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Potato del Grande
I'd like to take this moment to point out that this week alone, we've had an official government investigation into our racism, a long time member and former mod permanently banned for attempting to sabotage the site, and another longtime member and former mod(deposed) banned by another longtime member(previously banned) who is now a mod. All three of these members have been banned for extended periods of time at one point and are now or have previously been mods.

Clearly a community run by very stable geniuses.
You forgot Uber hasn't posted since Ryanz got banned.


Mr. Poopybutthole
All of what you mention happened AFTER he made the beauty of a post below, out of the blue, at 3 am while I was sound asleep. Your trolling game has gotten real weak, dawg. Step it the fuck up. Do it for those kids, man. Do it for the kids.. For the kids man.

You literally just confessed to abusing your position as a mod to get Utnayan banned you stupid fuck.
  • 2Worf
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