MMO Glitches / Sploits


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I never played an FD class so it was always mysterious and entertaining to watch our team of high-calibre monks dick around with splitting mobs. It's one of those 'exploits' that's challenging enough that it seems like part of the game and not really cheating.


A nice asshole.
I never played an FD class so it was always mysterious and entertaining to watch our team of high-calibre monks dick around with splitting mobs. It's one of those 'exploits' that's challenging enough that it seems like part of the game and not really cheating.
Kael was most entertaining "NAME falls to the ground" LOADING!


Molten Core Raider
I never played an FD class so it was always mysterious and entertaining to watch our team of high-calibre monks dick around with splitting mobs. It's one of those 'exploits' that's challenging enough that it seems like part of the game and not really cheating.
It was the coolest god damn shit around for sure


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was an ARK in Anarchy Online and I used to charge people $ for a summon and tour of the GM zone. The zone had some neat features including a race/sex change kiosk.

I played the fuck out of that game.


Trakanon Raider
I never played an FD class so it was always mysterious and entertaining to watch our team of high-calibre monks dick around with splitting mobs. It's one of those 'exploits' that's challenging enough that it seems like part of the game and not really cheating.
Yeah I miss it that's for sure. Using Holgresh Elder Beads and then feign flopping to train Telk/Gozz into the safe spot was a highlight.


Molten Core Raider
EQ1 account transfer of a character in top tier gear+epic resulted in the character being on both accounts. Best dupe ever!

Kiting dragons in Western Wastes to the sunken ship so the dragon AEs the boat and the gnomes agro on the dragon and kill the dragons for solo kills for loot.

I bet it still works on mmos today. Use a program normally used to block ip ranges for torrenters but use it on the mmos ips. Turn it on, run past agro mobs before the forced disconnect and re-enable it. You can get to content a lot easier ie monk dragging mage body... Worked great in EQ2 for getting mass explore XP on low level characters in high level dungeons. Or just skipping the dungeon break in in general.


Trakanon Raider
In EQ: Anything to do with MQ2. The ability to track and target all named mobs across the zone was great (fuck keeping ranger alts camped all over the place!).

In Vanguard: There was this horribly broken zone that gave you a power boost which allowed you to one shot mobs. You weren't meant to get exp while in the suit but there were ways around that. This let me get to max level wayy ahead of most people.

In NWN: There was an armor set bug that would let GWFs one shot everything, including bosses. Me and some friends ended up exploting this and farming the crap out of the last dungeon. We all ended up selling our characters in the 1000-1500$ range after about a weeks worth of farming.


Trakanon Raider
EQ - In the Akanon zoo you could stand behind a tree in the corner and kill the tiger without it being able to hit you. The only exploit I can recall abusing.


UO- Not 100% sure how it was accomplished, but I showed up one day and my friends had a "flying" boat. The boats z axis was essentially higher then everything, so you could fly over other boats (and houses, thats how they got banned) jump inside and loot, then jump back to your boat. We found one boat with 27 castle deeds on it, traded a couple million gold for a level 50 cleric during vanilla EQ then sold it for 1000$.

WoW - Lots. Tons of bugs on an early Nefarian kill. Rogues could rejoin the fight from running back (gate closed but rogue call ported them back into the room.) OOC pets mitigated the mage call by soaking polymorphs. Well timed divine intervention right after a call allowed OOC ressing.

Best bug though in wow, not sure how it ever went live considering we reported it in the TBC beta. This neck, crafted from jewelcraftingCitrine Pendant of Golden Healing - Spell - World of Warcraft(pattern started dropping before TBC launch, after 2.0 patch) used your full spellpower value to heal you every 5 seconds. Didn't stack in groups, but you could equip a full set of spellpower gear on say, a warrior, click it, then put on all your regular gear minus the neck and have a huge HoT on you. Made levelling incredibly easy, was fixed without the servers even going down exactly one week after launch. I remember someone in vent saying the neck wasn't working anymore, but the one in our group's was still working. Once the buff expired, clicked it again, no dice. Makes me think someone at blizzard was in on it considering it was up for exactly one week after launch.


The vendor near the mage tower in SW sold a green pattern. Camp an alt there and log it on now and then , sell on the AH for a decent profit . Cause everyone thought it was a drop only pattern.
Fishing spot near gadgetzan that had a great rate of stone scale eels iirc. Anyways when guilds started raiding those sold for about 1 k profit a week . Screw porting ,enchanting , food/water for tips .
Being the unofficial guild enchanter , whether I sold cloth , enchant mats , or the item . I only took a very small slice for my time. As opposed too the official guild enchantrix aka guild leaders bitch wife who took everything . Then could never be bothered to enchant anyone who was not part of the "inner circle". She was quite livid when I flashed a huge amount of gold at her and laughed .

maybe not all exactly sploits good times none the less


Trakanon Raider
The Rock in daoc. Oh and the guild Conquest
I was a Bard in Conquest. I had just moved to them in EQ not too long before we rolled the second time on DAoC for some new serve they opened. I didn't want to move from EQ but the Sleeper incident has happened and they kicked 2/3's of our guild. I wasn't extremely familiar with DAoC outside of my own casual playing but they ensured me that it would be ok. Needless to say, I had never leveled so fast and still cannot believe some of the in's and out's they knew. It was fun while it lasted but we went back to EQ not too long after that.. I think for PoP.


FPS noob
the biggest exploits were in FFXIV reborn (the reboot), for the first month of the game you could pretty much do anything you could imagine with a memory editor like Cheat Engine. Buy 10 vendor trash items, convert the items in your memory to 10 tokens worth 1000s of gold each, tell the client to sync. Edit a database update string so it works off different users or auction minions or literally create gold from nothing (billions and billions). All the easy shit like edit your characters X/Y/Z so that mobs can't attack you, could solo anything in the game or teleport to ANYWHERE. Tweak your buffs so they were all 100x power and infinite timers (get every single class buff on any character). There were literally zero server side checks of anything the client did, and there was little to no server logging either so as long as someone or a GM didn't see you there was no way for them to catch you.

When they finally started fixing shit (like 5 weeks in) they did hilarious bans too, like just banning anyone with over 8m gold on the assumption that anyone who had too much gold must be a hacker. You can sort of forgive a new MMO company for getting raped on security, but this was their THIRD mmo launch (FF11, FF14 original) so just a weird funny situation.


Blackwing Lair Raider
EQ we did it all, I remember someone in Town Rebs had a plugin to swap no drop gear which we abused to the max. Same thing in Magister, I bought my clerics relic from one of Perky's alts lol.

Vanguard when we were racing for world first in APW we BARELY beat brotherhood of the spider for it by minutes. We did explioit though for world first on Kotasoth. You were able to have blood pact work in group 4 with a dead BLM so our entire Kota fight we had 30% less dmg. We still figured out all of the mechanics but did use that "little" trick. I remember the devs confirming our kill and not even noticing, even Tiraslee sent me a congrats.

Rift too many to name, we figured out the reflect thing on Greenscale that first week and used it all the way up to that 10m sand zone. After that those of us who stayed went to No Quarter who had some exploit kills by stacking potions and druid pet tanking.

@Spronk that FFXIV shit is crazy haha


on Rallos Zek, as a Dark Elf, become ally in Rivervale by doing JumJum quest
go into bank and cast damage shield on players, especially halflings
hit them once
tons of super-strong NPCs, especially Sherriff Roglio, would rain upon them and kill them fast
rinse, repeat.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Dumbest exploit was people getting banned for buying those items in gw2. Luckily I was on vacation at the time.


there were like 100 safe spots in chardok where you could go up on a cliff or house or something and snipe shit named without hitting you
there was a bug with eye of zomm/making a pet that let you cast an infinite amount of pets mid velious
pit wars in potactics was the best shit of my life. make very many AAs and thousands of dollars
